British comedian Russell Brand and pop star wife Katy Perry were last night rumoured to be hopping around resorts in the Maldives trying to evade paparazzi disguised as hotel guests.
The celebrity couple arrived at Male’ International Airport late Monday night on a private jet, according to Minivan News sources. Senior Airport staff are reported to have met the couple on their arrival.
Minivan News understands the couple first transferred to Four Seasons Kuda Hura in North Male’ Atoll, before surreptitiously transferring to Four Seasons Landagiraavaru after supposed media intrusion. The couple have now reportedly departed for yet another resort.
An Indian entertainment website meanwhile reported today that the Brands’ honeymoon might soon be over as the prospect of a major lawsuit arising from their wedding looms on the horizon.
An Indian activist, Akhshay Sharma, according to OneIndia, has filed a criminal complaint against the couple and two others for allegedly violating the green laws during their Hindu wedding ceremony on October 23 in India’s Ranthambore National Park, which involved a man-eating tiger.

Well I hope they're not planning on renewing their wedding vows here 🙂
Sorry, but with the unsavoury reputation Brand has, the Maldives will be a much better place when they have moved on (to Mauritius I believe). They live by the media, so should not be surprised when they attract attention in their resorts.
crossequatordotcomOn: 28 Oct 2010 12:38 amits not the couple fault. its the fault of the management of the hotel they stayed since they fail to inform in advance the couple about the actual tradition,culture & beliefs of the people of that area. the hotel should provide the couple a complimentary stay for 1 year as compensation for the bad publicity they faced due to the hotel management failing to keep them well informed in advance and not directing them with responsibility
Which one's Katy??
i hope these guys survive unscathed from degrading disparagement.
Oops spoke too soon it has has already started, AVatar just blessed them.
congratulations, Media! there goes Russel and Katy's privacy. we should not assault media but media have all the right to butcher someone's privacy into pieces. yup, thats reality...
what's "man eating tiger" supposed to mean? has the tiger eaten a man or are you referring to all tigers?
tiger in question only eats men?
AVatar, Katy is the one on the left, she also has no beard..this is what comes of marrying someone who looks very much like you! Their "marriage" ceremony and festivities justifiably provided great ammunition for the UK media. Here's hoping the legal action by Akhshay is successful.
I Fully Agree with 'Haama'. What is Minivan News trying to achieve by reporting this? Are you trying to inform the world that Maldivian media also does not care about the Privacy of celebrities. If you do not know listen, 'One reason why famous people choose Maldives as a holiday destination is because they feel their privacy will not be invaded by Paparazzi and media". So there is no reason why the media try to destroy this goodwill we have gained over many years.
what superficial news that people read.
They'll leave after they see the video
minivannews star struck... f*** off..
they will have fun, the weather in UK is miserable