Comment: Maldives’ tale of withering democracy

The island archipelago that once produced a champion of democracy today sadly heads towards a dark doom.

A police mutiny, sponsored by the surviving elements of the past dictatorship that the country had rid itself through the ballot box just washed off everything. Darkness looms within the country, and the network of instilling fear amongst the ordinary by the elites is back on operation. Brutality and tear gas has now seemed to have become the motto of the police that once were entrusted to protect and serve.

It was frustrating to see how poorly the international community reacted to the mutiny that deposed a democratically elected president, who once they admired as a champion of democracy. Their skills of judgment were far lower than what was expected. They had not grasped what had really been going on even when almost every foreign journalist who worked their way into the capital had grasped themselves that it was coup after their investigations.

The international community had made it very clear on the fact that they don’t give a damn about the democracy of this country as long as their foreign investment remains safe and secure. The US Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia, Robert Blake, was one of the first followed by the India and others. Nevertheless, It is always useless to cry over spilt milk and democracy will never come by relying ourselves for what the international community would say. They’ve said it loud and clear, “We don’t give a damn.”

Nasheed, the deposed president, wasted no time when he announced that he had been forced out of office the following day. Supporters of Nasheed and pro democracy movement came out loud, holding a peaceful demonstration that eventually turned out to be one of the most brutal and damaging confrontations that this country has ever seen.

The police in riot gear beat the hell out of the protesters who stood up against the coup, showing not even an ounce of mercy. Their anger and frustration towards Nasheed blinded them from limits of torture which saw one of the largest and most brutal human rights violations that has taken place in the country. Not only were the protesters beaten up, but Nasheed and with senior officials of his government and several parliamentarians were not spared.

Until today, these events remained unspoken, uninvestigated and unseen in the eyes of the country’s legal system. Dr Waheed, who came into power after the events of February 7, formed a commission to impartially investigate the issue but then again, nominated Gayyoom regime’s Defense Minister Ismail Shafeeu, the minister who remained silent when two custodial deaths took place during his tenure as the minister to chair the three member commission.

Questions of credibility and impartiality of this commission remains in doubt and more over becoming an exact replica of what has become of the Sri Lanka’s ‘Lessons learnt and Reconciliation Commission’.

Backed by thousands, Nasheed remains determined on his course for justice but the course of his success still remains undetermined. Of course, Nasheed has made blunders during his time of presidency, controversial and questionable decisions were made. But if unwise policy decisions and controversies of a president mean the police and the military can force him out of office, what is the purpose of carrying the burden to hold elections to elect a president every five years. What is the purpose of a constitution or a civilised system of governance here?

Where were the mouths of those that barked to uphold the constitution for 22 nights consecutively, when the police and the military brutally beat down several protesters? Or was it constitutional to hijack the state broadcasting service and force the staff to patch through the feed of a private TV channel to the State TV? When did that ever become constitutional to advertise a private entity on the state TV in such a fashion?

The answer is clear enough. This was nothing but a dirty political game that was played down in the name of patriotism and religion. Of course, Dr Hassan Saeed, the Special Adviser of the current President Waheed, is right: this is a new kind of coup. This opens a whole new area of study in the subject political science, a fair Maldivian contribution indeed.

But our ‘fair contribution’ has taken the country back to square one. The regime of Gayyoom is almost back to being at the height of its power. Freedom of assembly is in question. Police brutality that once remained curbed and halted is back. Human rights violations are being ignored. The network of threatening those that speak and stand up against the government is slowly picking up its pace.

Elements that belonged to the three decade-long Gayoom’s dictatorship are slowly making their way to the top seats of the government. Latest edition was his son and his daughter. A government that was elected by the people for the manifesto and the policy plans of Nasheed’s MDP is today taken over by these rogue elements bringing back the dark Gayoom days.

Those that are lavishly enjoying the sweet nectar of the presidency and the public finance of this state always knew it; they would never make their way to where they are right now through the ballot box.

Waheed, the successor of Nasheed, remains in the country’s top office living his lifelong dream of becoming the president while Nasheed continues to fight his war of legitimacy, calling for an early election. The future of where we are headed remains under question.

All comment pieces are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy of Minivan News. If you would like to write an opinion piece, please send proposals to


38 thoughts on “Comment: Maldives’ tale of withering democracy”

  1. Agree with every single word 100%! Very well written Mohamed Naahee!

  2. Democracy in Maldives is ONLY about Gayoom and his family, Nasheed and his family and cronies of both these people such as Ilyas Ibrahim, Rekko Moosa, Mariya Didi..etc. It was never and will never be of ordinary citizens! Both Nasheed and Gayoom wants power to fullfil the desires of these cronies! And the story is the same for other leaders such Thasmeen, follow. Ordinary citizens get attacked and hunger and poorer...while these rich elitist and their cronies such as Ibrahim Hussain Zaki, Abdulla Shahid and their "call girls" like Prepaid Shiuna and other get resorts and money!! Man ...or Man! This one hell of a DEMOcrazY!! This nation is a nation of Demons worshipers and greedy youngster like Alhan, Ali Waheed, Mahloof..etc. Watch this video!!!



  5. Great article Mohamed Naahee. What you have written truly reflects what everyone knows already, but you have eloquently put it into words

  6. Democratic movement in the Maldives is just beginning, there are many flaws in the system and people are standing up, from a grass roots level, and that's important. The spirit of democracy is slowly being instilled. Admittedly way too slow, before the multiparty system was introduced there was an assessment report, apart from the legal framework needed a very important human capacity building was identified. One of the suggestion was that democratic process, institutions and the rights instilled be taught either at public (through media) or school level. Some good public programming to disseminate information educate is important. Currently you get politicians acting out there version on TV.

  7. Democracy in the Maldives?.....that will be the day!!
    Of 50 muslim majority countries in the world, there is only democracy.....Turkey.....and Turkey is a secular country without the stupid discriminatory religious laws of the Maldives. So you have a long, long, long, long way to go to achieve any semblance of democracy.
    You are also one of only two countries in the world that bans freedom of religion.....a shameful statistic.
    The sad truth is that islam and democracy are totally incompatible. Witness the chaos in Somalia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Pakistan and now Northern Nigeria.

  8. Maumoon and Nasheed are equally responsible for what is happening in the country today. They both are like minded people who will compromise anything for power and corruption.

  9. "Of course, Nasheed has made blunders during his time of presidency, controversial and questionable decisions were made."

    This is the heart of the matter. Nasheed's blunders were getting bigger in magnitude each time. He gave ammunition to his opponents and the last straw was the gathering of Islamists against him.

    If Nasheed or other wannabee leaders do not learn valuable lessons from the last 3 years, we will not have the democracy we desire.

  10. multiparty system does not work and this will ruin us all. It fails and all this chaos is because of the so called party system. There is no real party system here it is just in the name. This society is too small for party system and yet we have 18 parties registered.

    I argue that true democracy can work here than party system, power to the citizen and we don't need party system to represent this small society - give direct power to the people as in real democracy- we are not a big society to be represented like in other countries with huge population. We can reach everyone here and we know each other. Here the party system is acting as dictatorship in Maldives like power to only few people thus minority is ruling majority - I say abolish party system and give power to the citizens. we dont need fragmentation to rule us it will ruin us instead.

  11. correction: we have 15 parties registered here and not 18 yet our population is around 300,000 only

  12. intact it's absolutely true, but democracy was instituted to public, not military!! they don't know democracy. they know"yes, sir"... back to Nasheed! he is a good hearted simple man, gets angry, a human who can n do commit mistakes!!!!
    it's his domocracy n advocacy of human rights that let people demonstrate, even if against him!!
    those imams could stand n say a word on a podium regarding religion not scared of Mamoon anymore only in Nasheed time!! but his human mistakes are not acceptable in this democracy!!
    so"" coup"", bring back the old man who knows who to run it!!!
    all of us say it's going to crack soon,, I mean a date for elections, but that even scares me if JSC is still as corrupt n bias to supreme, high , criminal n civil courts n magistrates ,,,,,!!!
    any one knows the answer to this pls:
    Nazim n Fayaz came to HQ, by who's orders?
    n when they addressed the president, as who did they represent or as who??????7?????????????

  13. the author of this article is one sided guy who only sees Nasheed his masters and Minivan is medium that Nasheed is using to promote his agenda.

    Both Nasheed and Maumoon are dictators and Nasheed is worst of all.

    His corruption is unbelievable high compared to any other Maldivian.

  14. The author sees that 8th Feb. as a "peaceful demonstration " which even a blind person would have known that it was not.

    MDP thugs were put on the front and then dictator was behind them and Anni thought he will be able to come back showing his muscle.

  15. The biggest mistake Nasheed did was to 'outsource' the government to un-accountable British advisers. This was such a shameful act. Even today his adviser is a white English man, his energy adviser, his environmental adviser are all white colonialists. You can disagree with our neighbours, Sri Lanka and India, but they have self-respect - they will never appoint a bunch of neo-colonial Europeans to run our country. Anni, you have some great qualities - but please learn from these mistakes.

  16. To be a champion of demo-crazy is to be a champion for harlotry, goat-fornication, alcoholism, drug abuse and overpopulation; all of which we have witnessed a flourishing of ever since our political regime supposedly transformed into this insane form of government.

    Turkey can have their democracy and gay parades, though I will pray for their destruction. Demo-crazy has no place in the Maldives. The forces of Demo-crazy must be garrotted on the spot!

  17. Just to note, I am a great scholar, (I humbly thank Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala for my immense store of knowledge and wisdom) and I have studied the history of demo-crazy in great depth.

    I can state with great confidence that the only place where demo-crazy has ever worked to an effective degree was ancient Athens; mostly because they did not allow the participation of women, who would have emaciated their polity, and corrupted policy-making with their emotional whims and irrationality.

    If such a system were implemented in the Maldives, in which proper Islamic restrictions would be observed and not subject to contention, I would consider throwing in my lot with such a system.

    For let it be known that I am no fanatic, opposed to reasonable compromise.

  18. it's sad to see lot of people either blinded, or blindfolded by their own hands!!!

  19. Judging from the international communities reactions such as India, US and most of all UN I am beginning the believe that they back Waheed because they would like a puppet they can control heading any government. Nasheed was just too controversial. Climate change was one issue that Nasheed must has raised the hackles of the Indians and US. The UN would certainly like one of theirs with a 3 members of cabinet who also worked for them ruling this country rather than someone who raises his voice too loud, like Nasheed. The solution can only come from us, from within the Maldives.

  20. Lets get the whole thing in perspective. Nasheed did a lot to get rid of Gayoom in 2008. Did he also do a lot to bring democracy? I would say he contributed to it as did so many others.

    If he really was only after democracy, he would not have put himself as the only candidate for the Presidency now. He would have stood aside and let another candidate from MDP be the person.

    He did not and he really wanted POWER. That is the only reason why he wants to become the President so strongly. He certainly is no Mandela. Mandela never wanted to destroy South Africa to become President. Nasheed now wants a reign of terror and internal war just to gain power.

    He is no different from Gayoom and to me is worse as he is breaking laws openly all the time now.

  21. Are you guys being dense on purpose? Especially the author, who I highly doubt has even seen what's happening with his own eyes. If he has, he's highly delusional and may need to to visit a psychiatrist, because most sane people who stood on the sidelines watching the events did NOT see a humble, peaceful protest shuffling down the streets of Male'. In fact, I don't think any impartial bystander in Maldives have actually seen such a protest, except for two or three in total.

    MDP protesters provoke police officers by screaming obscenities, 'accidentally' on purpose breaking into clearly restricted areas (which, dear author, ought to be like that, unless what you want is anarchy, not democracy), and also inciting frenzy among their so called 'peaceful oh-so pious and humble' protests which cause all those extra's in the crowd (the drug junkies who jump into any kind of commotion for the heck of it (and sometimes the money), NOT to show their support for the politician/political party involved) to get an additional high on adrenalin and thus leading to destructive attacks on police, civilians, office buildings, vehicles, business properties...

    The country has been buckled more by MDP's petty protests (ALL fueled by one retarded man-child's tantrums) than by any dictatorship.

    If Dr. Waheed resigns now, The Speaker of the People's Majlis must be sworn in as president according to the constitution. But why do you think nobody wants to do that? Because even the Speaker himself wouldn't want to become the NEW target for these yellow-spotted vermin. Because MDP would once again bawl 'dictatorship' and take to the streets and wreak havoc until they fill all the seats of the government again as one great, big block of yellow, ostracizing all other parties. Once thrown head first into the mud by their own foolishness, they are now refusing to acknowledge the constitution, gathering armies of idiots.

    So you know, the international community is like one of those innocent bystanders I was talking about earlier. They see a civilization overrun by monkeys. Why would they even WANT to talk to the monkeys? If MDP thinks their mission in life is so holy and for the greater good, then buck up and begin presenting yourself like a respectable bunch. Purchase some quality common sense and logic, and learn to actually speak in a respectful manner instead of screaming till your jugular pops out. Maybe then more civilized people may be willing to be associated with them.

    Wearing a suit and jabbering a few words like a broken record doesn't make you human. Having a fat wallet, wearing crisp branded suits and dancing in the parliament doesn't make you human. You see, it's the sanity that counts. If MDP knew the importance of negotiations and talking, everything would be heading in a better direction, and the entire world knows this.

    MDP has some brilliant minds keeping it alive, and the party had a noble vision. However, in recent times, the number of idiots have far exceeded the number of actual humans and the party is now comparable to a particularly filthy cesspool.

  22. Another article supporting former lopsided dictator Nasheed....
    "Brutality and tear gas has now seemed to have become the motto of the police that once were entrusted to protect and serve'...correction tear gas and brutality was used in Nasheeds time..Now the police uses harmless salt water and give the protesters a bath and good time...We are thankful that brutal and corrupt presidnet Nasheed is no longer running things....Thank god.

  23. Although Nasheed is the only one who wants to contest in the MDP primary, the members till has a say. There will be a yes or no vote.

    If he's not good, then why aren't anyone coming forth. I'm not talking about MDP but the general public.

  24. it took us 30 years to replace a dictatorship. We have to work hard and let the world take notice and soon they will hear and respond

  25. Democracy for the people of banana republic is not the same as its definition is applied to the rest of the world. The Republics all political hoo-ha’s silent now once the democracy is put back in the bottle. The democracy in the Maldives means, do anything but never compromise the idea of shackling the minds with fear, and open-mindedness to address the issues of myths, and nationhood based on universal values cannot be on any bargaining table. Once the democracy is fallen apart, it seems now all political opponents to the democratically elected government Is quite happy with any policy of a government who has no democratic right, we don’t see any opposition from any political party with the new illegal government, this proves that the culture of this Banana Republic is never allow a government to function if people have elected them with a mandate to respect democratic values. We will see the opposition will be alive again once the people elect a government and they will leave no room for such a government to work if such a government is liberal and has universal value for the freedom of conscience and individual liberty.

  26. gentelmen,,,!,
    every coin has two sides, good n bad, but you cant just take matters into your own hand, n tople the the process in the name of Allah n be tough on people who say no!! everyone has a say! n that goes to everyone, so if demonstrators are provocative, it's not with using power you should shut them!! its with the same mechanism of civilised societies that governments work to win people's hearts!, what Mr Waheed is donig will make him pay with his police for it later!!!

    no to violence!!!

  27. Excuse me ... but the Emperor has no cloths on ....Rationale Jr.

  28. Maldives deserves anarchy and chaos, a country based on religious extremism and intolerance. Unless the country adopts secular constitution there will be no true democracy. There are no intellectual leaders in Maldives only religious bigots, there is no difference between Gayoom, Nasheed or Waheed!

  29. 1. We are all agreed on this - President Nasheed played one of the pivotal roles in our road to “democracy”. There is no doubt about it that he was the tip of the ice-berg of effort that by Allah’s Grace got us there. Alhamdulilahi!

    2. It’s also conceivable that ultimately Police action, their refusal to obey unconstitutional commands (according to the police)) coupled with possibly the fact that at that moment of time the MDP leadership had literally abandoned their leader lead to the hopeless situation that the President found himself in; leading to President Nasheed resigning from his post. President Nasheed himself is reportedly on record saying that he does not recall the exact circumstances surrounding his writing his letter of resignation. We are thus faced with an unusual situation in our history open to seemingly different interpretations. Dr. Saeed’s tongue in cheek response in London regarding the alleged coup is revealing. About that later!

    The only way we can ascertain the facts are that we appoint an independent inquiry. Many in this country I’m sure subscribe to sentiments that we are an Independent and Sovereign nation, with enough capable sons and daughters in our midst capable of fixing the problems we create without running to neighbouring friendly countries and International fora. Mr Shafeeu to investigate? Why not? I for one am voting for his integrity. what about u?

    It’s impossible to find a person who hasn’t got strong opinions and affiliations to this problem both in Maldives and even abroad. That does not mean a person cannot be unbiased and impartial. It’s my view that Mr Shafeeu with his pedigree, education and training is amply suited to the task.

    If he works in an impartial and transparent manner then we should all say Alhamdulilahi. If He doesn’t THEN we should put it right. What we cannot and SHOULD not do is delay, hinder or PREJUDGE the process. That would smack of bad faith and go to make us PART OF THE PROBLEM. Today we should strive to be part of the solution.

    3. May I respectfully point out that we must stop a bit, check our frustrations and ask ourselves WHY “the international community reacted to the mutiny that deposed a democratically elected president, who once they admired as a champion of democracy” WHY?

    The short answer is that the international community looked at the ground facts and decided that there wasn’t a prima facie case to classify what occurred in Maldives as a coup.

    Further they saw that our President Nasheed was stubbornly on the route of authoritarian rule showing utter contempt to the constitution, interfering with the judiciary, resorting to bribery, corruption and cohesion to deal with Members of parliament.

    As if that was not enough, there were more and extra judicial arrests and holding people without due process and to everybody’s discomfort amongst them was a sitting judge –all without due process.

    Party cronyism, and loss of transparency in Government and ultimately break down of RULE OF LAW were clear pointers that President Nasheed was being pushed by his advisors down the road to authoritarianism.

    Thus in this instance the International community’s - “skills of judgment” were happily for Maldivians spot on. All indications are that the international community were extremely well informed to what was happening. India the biggest democracy lead the way cautiously based on their intelligence on the ground and one can conclude that it’s in the Interests of India that she be on the side of the vast majority of Maldivians for the right reasons rather than the minority for the wrong reasons.

    Put bluntly President Nasheed for unknown reasons failed to live up to the high standards he had set himself, when he bid for the presidency. He failed to practice what he preached and he abused and ignored his electorate. Most tellingly President Nasheed forgot the “numbers story” that got him the Presidency in the first place.

    Hence the corruption, the clear abuse of power and utter contempt for the Constitution, the rule of law and the story in the numbers probably prompted the International Community to act as they did.

    The International Community also probably saw that President Nasheed came to power in a coalition where his undisputed poll base was 25% votes, and that of his coalition partners 30% giving the coalition a base of 55% of the votes to trounce President Gayoom with his 45%. Further it also looks like that the International community took note of the huge but little appreciated role that Dr. Waheed played in that coalition that bid for the presidency. (Seen Later)

    We find the International Community’s reaction was measured, well informed and incredibly swift - a pointer as to how closely they had been following events unfolding in Maldives.

    As for the reports of journalists you mention – Most of us, the international community included know enough about Journalists and journalism to read what’s read critically. There are good journalists and bad journalists. There are journalists who cannot be influenced no matter what and those that can be bought.

    What I am suggesting is that we are NOT dealing with angels in all white. When you read an article like a finger print tells its story, the article tells you how biased or unbiased the journalist is. Further there are countless examples from the experience of International Community itself to appreciate the limitations of journalists and journalism. Only when in the correct hands the pen of the journalist is sublime.

    To be continued if time permits & if allowed.

  30. @Ahmad,
    Your narration of the poor Nasheed's story is around 75% true! Specially he misrably failed to stand up as a hero President which many young Maldivians wanted to see. Primary reasons?
    1. His close associates such as Mariya Didi, Moosa who suddenly saw President Nasheed as an opportunity to become rich and they thorned his honesty and dedication to their corrupt world. (remember both Mariya & Moosa were famous in Gayoom regime ripping the system then)
    2. Buying MP Alhan, MP Ali Waheed, MP Abdul Raheem and many others indirectly from the black market of Majlis to do job that was shown impossible by close cronies (such as Sarangu Adam, I.H.Zaki, Jesus Afeef..etc) but later it opened the door to huge thirst among MDP MP's who were thirsty for Money for their "spoiled life style with maids and boys"!
    3. Highlevel corruption that was taking place Internationally or regionally, specially by Ibrahim Hussain Zaki and others hidden.
    4. Lazy, playboy and incompetent Ministers such Youth & Labor Minister Hassan Latheef, Housing Minister Aslam, Defence Ministers like Ameen and Tholath and later to add into this Tourism playgirl Madam Zulfa who are far from public sentiments and policy decisions. Rather these characters were enjoying on public money and fame.
    6. Open drinking and breaking consitution in broad day light by seniors!
    7. Unable to communicate to business community the confidence while pursing tax policy as Nasheed wanted to play the defender, goalkeeper, striker..etc. Nasheed is not a teamleader. But he likes to follow Mariya. Which costed him today.
    8. Always looked at things negatively like Jesus Afeef, Naseem does. And negativism was on the rise.

  31. This country will learn a lesson only when there will be no one to fund and no country comes to the rescue

  32. 786
    @ N.B
    Peace be with you.

    I think we all regret that things degenerated so quickly the way you describe. Maldivians of all colours yellow included despaired of that.

    It’s not conducive to a strong healthy MDP and this country is badly in need of a vibrant, strong, dynamic MDP - embracing whole heartedly Islam, the Constitution, the rule of law & transparency BECAUSE MDP represents a huge chunk of the electorate - no less than 25% a full quarter of the electorate.

    It’s our loss – the country as a whole, that President Nasheed’s' Advisors did not allow him the chance to consolidate the laudable transition from authoritarianism to pluralism.

    We cannot stress enough the humongous amount of work that must have gone into preparing the country in such short time – i.e.; putting in place a new constitution and the necessary workable and acceptable framework with the supporting mechanisms and checks that come as a whole socio-legal package to enable this country to function as a democratic state with a separate and independent executive, independent legislature and independent judiciary. It speaks volumes as to the calibre and capability of the team that did it.

    That tells us something very important; and that is that for the good of the country our leaders have to rise above narrow selfish party considerations, and tap the pool of expertise in this country.

    For me the greatest contribution of President Gayoom to this country wasn’t where he took Maldives economically, In education, health or development but that he knew how to use our young PhD’s and our other educated young brains – all sweet fruits of this nation – TO BUILD A FOUNDATION ON WHICH TO BUILD IN THE FUTURE - FOR OUR KIDS AND OUR AGING PARENTS.

    Perhaps his greatest failing was that he misjudged and misjudged miserably the worth of using the equally dynamic and competent PhD’s and other eager educated young brains in the field of ISLAM. For this President Gayoom paid the price yesterday just as President Nasheed paid the price on both counts not very long ago. Herein are clear lessons for President Waheed and any other person who aspires to the office of President of this country.

    Thus it’s our prayer that President Waheed and all our leaders’ acts on the knowledge that this country has an excellent pool of young, dynamic, eager and perhaps even a little head-strong highly educated young professionals. It would be down-right stupid and criminal waste of scarce resources not to use them and motivate them just because “Ahmed” , “Hawwa”,” Aamina”or “ Ibrahim” was Blue party, Yellow party, red party or VIBGYOR party or that the most suitable man for the job was not used because he was President Gayoom man or President Nasheed man or President Waheed’s man!

    It’s absolutely heartening to note that these sentiments are already beginning to go out of vogue in the present reality - Alhamdulilahi.

    WE HAVE TO WAKE UP TO THE FACT those times have changed & it no longer should matter which personality A, B or Z has a greater affinity for. Rather what matters are not anymore notions of colour codes & personalities BUT ….. ISLAM & COUNTRY; so the best man for the job irrespective of party etc. IS THE NEED OF THE HOUR.

    This IS part and parcel of transparency in Govt. The obvious assumption is that those educated elite too live up to their education and put Islam & country before self and party.

    In Conclusion I like to take some ideas from President Nasheed, and give it my own individuality – I’m sure President Nasheed wouldn’t mind me borrowing his ideas 🙂 ….. That is ….

    Yes! Maldives is constitutionally a 100% Muslim land, and we preceded the great Arab awakening and demonstrated that plurality and rule of law can be given birth to with minimal birth pangs and with minimal blood flow Insha Allah.

    As President Nasheed dreamed, MALDIVES TO BE a beacon for all Islamic Countries to follow.

    A MALDIVES AS A living working example where respect of men and women, and the dignity of women and the dignity of men, and opportunity of women and opportunity of men is the currency of the day, not as a favour but as an obligatory right. Where plurality of thought and opportunity for all irrespective of sex thrives, where a caring Government sees the daily needs and welfare of its sons and daughters as it’s very reason to exist, a country where the President and all his people answerable to the same law. A country which is caring to its guests – workers or others as a duty. A country in which a person’s person, property and Reputation is sacrosanct. A nation that promotes universal good, forbids universal bad and each member - man or woman standing equal before His/Her Creator.

    Not some Utopian haze in the mind but JUST AS UMAR BIN ABDUL AZEEZ administered the Islamic nation at that point of History following diligently the instructions of His Creator and His Prophet – May Peace and Blessings be on Him!

    Please do not be in a hurry. Give what I have just written a chance to be thought of, hashed, dissected, and gutted, whatever it may be. Just give yourself a chance to consider- For the sake of this beautiful land of ours.

    Deliberately I have used “GIVEN BIRTH TO” rather than “WIN” because the former implies that everything is within – I believe that these ideas of freedom, plurality of thought, respect of women, respect of men, due process & rule of law is within what we have, what we always had –IN ISLAM.

    To win implies coming from outside. The need to borrow from outside when you already have it and more does not arise. Certainly we always need to keep in mind the advice to go out even to China in search of Knowledge. This is no paradox. Consider it! - That imparts a beautiful flexibility that makes ISLAM fit for any country at any age- 2012 or 3012 or beyond. Amazing! But true!

    Last but not least it’s with a deep sigh of relief and thankfulness to Allah that I note that President Waheed's stated aims for our beautiful little country as per his speeches are 1. Islam. 2. Constitution & 3. Rule of law. Alhamdulilahi! in that order!

    Brothers and sisters! For the good of the here & hereafter let’s all together hand in hand irrespective of our differences help him achieve these goals. For Islam & Country!

    Let’s pray that President Nasheed too subscribes to these sentiments and throws his considerable weight and means in realising these stated objectives.

    If President Nasheed does so, then with his use of the MOST capable sons and daughters FOR THE SAID JOB in his party in all transparency then I’m sure that the political parasites and limpets whose only claim to their usefulness is their long waging tongue, their powerful shrieky vocal cords and oversized biceps – so much in evidence in the puerile and shameful parliamentary opening debacle; (witnessed by a horrified nation and world), would find no haven in a reformed, strong, dynamic and confident MDP – something we absolutely need and a need already identified by President Waheed for obvious reasons.

    When writing it’s a good habit I think to state ones interests. I do not belong to any party and have no liens to any party. I reserve the right to express what I think and criticize those holding office so long as I don’t defame them,as so beautifully demonstrated in Sd. Umar bin Khatabs rule - mbp. That’s my right as a Muslim. If I have hurt anybody, please forgive me. If I err please correct me. May Allah’s Peace and Blessing be with you my brothers & sisters!

    I have difficulty writing. My son is still trying to teach me how to shorten what I want to write. Until I master the art please forgive the pain in the neck that I’m.

    @Ahmed from Aha mad

    We can be 100% sure Insha Allah that this country would not be penalised for holding on to its constitution and subscribing to the rule of law. Ultimately these mechanisms lead to good will amongst the peoples of a nation and instils harmony & creates the ambience for each individual to realise his/her potential.

  33. Good article, tells it like it is.
    Some of the commentary is highfaluting,most of it very civil, so will attempt to keep it simple.
    1. However you look at it we had a democratically elected government that was overthrown. Those who were not happy with it should have waited for the ballot box.
    2. This was a coup and not a popular uprising. The brutality of Feb 8th has no justification. End of story.
    3. Therefore no one can blame the protesters that are being so courageous in coming out.They are right to protest. Calling them yellow vermin and monkeys reflects very poorly on the person calling names. It shows a total lack of humanity - that is how we get the kind of behaviour we saw on Feb 8th
    4. Praising Dr Waheed for putting Islam top of the agenda - that's the oldest trick in the Maldivian political book. True Muslims don't need a political agenda, they believe, they pray, they are kind to their fellow humans, there are many of them still, thanks to Allah, practising their faith, instead of being show offs and aggressive, giving our religion a bad name. So thanks but no thanks Dr Waheed and the rest.
    5.Never forget why we came to voting out that 30 year old government. It was responsible for the worst human rights crimes in our long long history. Young boys of 18/19 were tortured and killed. Never forget that. That could have been your child, you can never say never.The same guys are back and have just abolished the previous governments' Second chance programme for young inmates. What are these boys to do? Join the police I guess. The same names, faces and tactics are back,only the front men are different.
    And they started as they mean to go on - violently, with "an unusual kind of coup".
    6. Fear is out of fashion. Hope this lot wake up to that fast
    7. Early elections are the only way forward. And that is just the start

  34. In international relation '& politics, the word " REFERENDUM " means a lot!!!!
    the issue of having a political stalemate is continuously hurting tourism n economy,,!!!
    The White Silent Movement, has mad a huge impact among NGOs & being colour,party, politics and even gender blind in this respect!!
    A Referendum for the ppl by the ppl ,,, it's not impossible if you think right...
    if everyone wants power to control us"ppl", then first we have to have the say in whether we need an election or not??
    A White Referendum can give us that !!!!
    and it has a clear and definitive results!!, not a poll on tv and SMS Y or N!,,
    A Colourless Democratic Process by which we choose our fate, not leave it in the hands of untamed wild dogs who only wish to rip us apart of our beautiful winder of the world!!!!

    more to come!!!!

  35. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم وصلواته علا خير العالمين
    و بعد

    thank Allah for his blessing of Islam, thank Allah for all what happened, happens n will happen, cox he knows how n for what everything turns!!!

    coming back to democracy, republic, nation, n country,,, always Islam has n will ever be first n foremost, so what was in Waheed's speech is not the thing to look forward to, it's his actions which are telling everyone, n the whole world that he just"DON'T GIVE A DAMN IF IT'S A COUP OR NO!! HE HAS THE COUP MEMBERS SURROUNDING HIM SO IT'S OK!!!
    his actions of the recent appointments in the cabinet,the ministries, deputies!!!! ohhh my!!
    R U PPL watching all this??????
    so, the question goes again back to" what now??"
    no sign election will come using the current political foundation!!! cox no majlis, n no way Waheed will resign himself after appointing his new gang in gov.
    the answer is "REFERENDUM"

    The constitution says it, under the powers & responsibilities of the president: 115/p
    (p) to hold public referendums on issues of national importance......
    Term of office:
    (a) The President shall hold office for a term of five years and no person elected as President pursuant to this Constitution shall serve for more than two terms in office, whether consecutive or otherwise.
    (b) A vacancy in the office of President leading to the Vice President succeeding to the presidency shall only be considered as a term in office within the meaning of article (a) if there are at least two years remaining in that term of office.

    so according to article 107/a&b and in accordance to article115/p A REFERENDUM SHALL BE UPHELD BY THE PRESIDENT TO DECIDE ON ELECTION DATE BY THE PEOLPLE.....

    that's the right way to get a democratic process back on its feet to this lovely pure land,,,

    love u all for ur patient reading n will wish to see a comment on this,,,

    والسلام عليكم ورحمه الله


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