Lale Youth International School has expelled a 14 year-old student after he allegedly attacked a 13 year old student with a knife on Thursday.
A member of staff told Minivan News that the 13 year old victim required hospital treatment after suffering the injury to his arm, following a dispute over a girl.
“The parents of the cut student were very upset and contacted police,” the staff member said, noting that the implement used resembled a Stanley knife and had “left quite a scar”.
The student was expelled following a meeting of executive staff at the school. A source noted that the offending student had a history of “violence and behavioral problems” at the school.
“He failed the entrance exams at several other schools, came here and failed our entrance exam, but was still enrolled,” the source claimed, suggesting the matter highlighted “the lack of facilities available [to rehabilitate] juvenile [offenders].”
The source reported that police had fined the offending student Rf 50 (US$3.80) “as they said he was under age and it was the heaviest penalty available.”
However Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said police had no information concerning the issuing of an Rf50 fine, and noted that as the incident was a criminal act it would be investigated and the case sent to the Prosecutor General’s office.
“[The student] used a cutter to cut four inches on the other student’s skin,” Shiyam stated. “The injury was not so serious, but still the parents were concerned about the issue.”
Lale Youth International currently lacks a school counsellor after he returned to Turkey in mid-July, together with four other Turkish members of staff.
“The absence of a recognised counsellor has cost us, but other staff attempted to fill the gap without success,” the staff source told Minivan News.
“This incident underlines the fragility of the Maldivian juvenile system, as well as schools not properly screening students, and not giving them adequate care and education.”
Last month the school’s former principal, Turkish national Serkan Akar, was found guilty of assaulting children and sentenced by the Criminal Court to pay a Rf200 (US$14) fine.
Serkan had denied the charges against him, which included strangling and whipping a child with a belt.
Deputy Prosectutor General Hussain Shameem noted at the time that the Rf200 sentence was legitimate under the current penal code, which was drafted in 1968 and apparently not reflective of inflation.
In July the school’s Deputy Principal Suleiman Atayev, also a Turkish national, fled the country along with the computer studies teacher Yunus Yildiz.
Both staff members left seperately and did not inform the school they were leaving.

While it is important to report on any violent acts around the Maldives, I hope that the general public does not assume that Lale is having any of the problems that they were having during the past administration. This was an isolated incident. Even if a counselor was on staff it would not have prevented this attack short of him being at the right place at the right time. Personally I am glad that the counselor and the others fled. Lale now has a clean house and is being run by good people and great teachers. I hope the boy that was attacked is ok and I am glad that the attacker has been expelled.
I fail to understand what the parents see in this Lale school.what do u mean what happend in school is not happening now? where are the improved school curriculums? the means to have them delivered to students, the lab equipmnets? the library? oh yeah, they have recently been begging people to donate books to the school where exobitant fees are extracted from parents. ofcourse, now everything is verymuch showcased.showcased to generate an activity filled freport for ministry of education. recently we had a sportsmeet which was a joke, and a quran reciting competition, and now a talentshow...where in all these events the schools only role is to give the stage or space, and parents think up great ideas and train their children to do whatever....i dont understand why the min of education are helping them. inside connections?
It seems some reporters a really interested in making sure bad news about Laale School is given to the general public. As I understand very influential people (some may be related to a private school in Male) are behind this campaign of making sure public get all these negative news about Laale school. Regardless what is in the media we, parents, like the new management and the school is doing great compared to any other schools in Maldives.
I wonder why some people are getting so jealous about Lale, i don;t think nothing is new happening there compared to other private schools or government schools in the Maldives. Oh, may be the great environment the school is in (Hulhumale') And for those comments about Sportsmeet and Quran competition, what is wrong with you??? didn't u see your kids enjoying it and having a great time there (if you have a kid there/probably u were just faking about being a parent) My both the kids enjoyed the two sportsmeet and they love Lale and their teachers. Keep up the good work of Lale management and board and do consider about these negative and positive comments too. Insha Allah things will be alright soon.The Family "S"
HEHEH....same old story...Everytime there is criticism about anything happening at lale, its all about trying to get the school...
In this regard i notice the following atrocities commited by include:
- commiting torture on students(including use of belt)
- employing inexperienced teachers without qualifications
- an equipment free lab
- good money laundering enviorenment
- no curriculum (or stuff that keep changing at the drop of a hat)
-employ bogus persons
- have clean shelfs in the library
etc. etc.
I hail the patience of biz atoll for keeping the place together inspite of all this
This is so Lale.....
they will never accept the truth.....maybe it is required of them to always blame everyone else, especially outsiders when something happens at Lale. If something happen at a school, the senior management of the school should take responsibility and not blame others. If this so called student was that violent, it should be the responsibility of the school to give him the proper counseling and treatment. Don't blame the children. Biz Atoll Jameel and the people who are running the school on a day-to-day basis should keep track of what is happening here......Tho people outside may believe their holier-than-thou attitude, we who are inside the school know the truth....and the truth is that they don't know what the hell they are doing here.....
I have seen the whole thing with my own eyes and this is not how it went..
The dispute over a girl was something happened in the second week of 1st term. this "stabbing" thing is not even related to that. that day some children were cutting their hands for fun and the boy who reported this also agreed to do this. So We cant say that he was attacked. and if the boy who did this seriously wanted to attack him, Why would he just simply leave a little scar on the victim's hand?
So the boy didnt do it on purpose. And this is something that happens very often in maldives. But this is not an acceptable punishment for a 14 year old who did this for the first time.
this guy gets off with MRf 50 fine for what could be an attempt to murder and haisham gets 10 years in jail for possession of a joint??
the justice system in the Maldves seriously needs to be looked at.
there are several questions that the reporter did not answer. which hospital treated the child. what was the treatment given. usally in stabbibg cases the child does not come out of ICU alive. i wonder wheather the reporter has any real news or just gossip. report the real truth not gossip. visit and see for ur self what is happening in Lale. meet the teachers, students, parents n write a proper report. don't report gossip given over the phone....
There has been more violence than this and there has been more torture given to students than this.Bullies dump children's head into the toilet and they make them drink the mud after the rain still they were giving only simple warnings and not taken proper action, but they expelled him just for this case? lale should improve this things otherwise they are not giving fair judgement to the students and the students who are being bullied. and i would like to mention that the reporter has lots of mistakes in this report i advise minivan news o investigate this matter more and to post a better report!and of course lale is the only school they see, everyday there's a fight in Ghazee they smoke, in the toilet , why arent these cases brought upon the news? and the case about serkan i openly admit that he clutched my shoulder until it bruised! and the part where it is mentioned that Yunus Yildiz fled is also a very big mistake apparently his dad became very ill and that was the reason for him to leave lale otherwise i dont see why there is any reason for the best teacher in lale to leave all of a sudden
this is so fake
! i didnt get a cut over a girl he did it because he wanted to not with any reason
!!!!! damn u guys i hate u ! leave me alone with such awkward news which r lies!
Just Stupid Gossip ! ahhhhh
First of all, the boy was not attacked and he was not stabbed and he definently did NOT need hospitalization for a small scar on his hand such as that. The bleeding had stopped quickly, and no rights were harmed as the "Attacker" asked the victim on whether he should cut or not. I cannot say anything else however, i can also state the Media's lack of attention in this. DO SOME PROPER RESEARCH BEFORE PUBLISHING THESE BULLSH*T.
And one more thing. The school is practically in Maldivian hands now, even though it is being funded by a Turkish company and a few Turkish teachers but that's it. It is almost a new Staff now, better teachers and better management. Simply put: Problems are in the past with different characters, none of which are present in Lale' right now. That is all.
if your news is called Minivan news and if u think your reporters r minivan do some gud research before you publish a report ! ! ! if u dont and just publish reports u cant be called minivan !!!
it seems like the reporter is really good at making stories....this is an unfair decision made by the school's board members. he did it because the student wanted to do....There has been more violence than this and there has been more torture given to students than this.Bullies dump children’s head into the toilet and they make them drink the mud after the rain still they were giving only simple warnings and not taken proper action, but they expelled him just for this case? lale should improve this things otherwise they are not giving fair judgement to the students and the students who are being bullied. and i would like to mention that the reporter has lots of mistakes in this report. and also this is a bad decision for his career.
i would like to say all the readers that dont make your children as reporters...
finally someone has written a proper report after talking to real Haveeru news if u want some real truth. it seems the child is only suspended "Not expelled". who is going to take action against "JJ Robinson"................ Tell me, when u reported this incident, did u think of the feelings and rights of the rest of the students. as a reporter do u have any ethics or morals. Minivan news editorial should take action against hims. also apologize to students and school
Whoever who gave information to Haveeru news doesn't have the guts to say that the child was expelled.......Be honest! Why not say that the child was expelled for using a cutter on the other student? And for your information the child who got cut is not an angel....He too has his negative points.....Just because his parents can make a big fuss he is shown as an angel who was unjustly hurt! What bullshit!
most of this is bs.. it wasnt serious at all.... it sure as heck was not over a girl, and the one who got cut is simply an over-reacting snitch... i know for a fact that he was holding a grudge over the "stabber" which is a exaderated word and wanted him expeled and even dead as he told me.... and the dude above me is right, the cut guy is NOT an angel at all!!!
i am even a class mate... i know wat im talking abt!!!
Bullshit -.- fake ! they both agreed to do it for fun! and there wasnt even much of a scar!
the one who did it was sofwan. he studied in arabiya and went to lale' and stabbed that guy. we all know he's a criminal.
now he is in billabong. dont know what he's doing there.
This is all bullcrap and shamis stop lyin!
shaamis ey kiyaigen thihliyanee koancheh eyn ma sofwan ey kiyaigen manuliyan ekacheh ves vaaahakah hadhaigen maey namun nuliachey ehchis
What I know about this incidence is that, the student who got stabbed had a grudge on the student who stabbed .. well it wasn't a stab more like a cut .. so the student who's name is sofwan..he cut the skin of the other student and that student went to the health room to put a bandage on the scar , the student who got cut lied to the health teacher that it was a cut while he was running , but the health teacher recognized the cut at once n the heath teacher manipulated the student to tell the truth .... After about several of periods the student finally told the truth that he was cut .. he said he did get cut by someone but he didn't tell the name to the health teacher .. so the health teacher contacted the assistant principle and the student finally gave up and said it was Sofwan .. I'm a teacher at Lale' I'm a friend of the health teacher .. she told me the whole story .. 🙂 this is the true story ..
Lale is the worst school in Maldives!!!!! THE END!!!!!!! PAKAAS