Hussain Humam, a suspect arrested in connection to the murder of Ungoofaaru Constituency MP Dr Afrasheem Ali, today denied the charges against him during the first hearing of his case at the Criminal Court.
During today’s hearing, the state attorney read out the charges against Humam, who pleaded not guilty and requested the court to grant him the opportunity to appoint a lawyer for his defence.
Attorneys representing the state told the Criminal Court that on 1 October 2012, Humam and a group of people had attacked and murdered Dr Afrasheem Ali.
According to the local media, during the hearing the judge asked Humam how soon he could appoint a lawyer. Humam replied that he would have to speak to his family. He was given one week by the presiding judge.
Ali Shan, of Hikost House in Henveiru, was also arrested as a suspect in the murder case. The police have now concluded the investigation and have sent the case to the Prosecutor General.
Commissioner of Police Abdulla Riyaz has previously alleged that the murder of the MP for Ungoofaaru constituency was a well planned murder worth MVR 4 million (US$260,000).
In a presentation shown during a press conference last year, Riyaz claimed that 11 suspects were initially arrested, however three had now been released. He added that about 200 items had been analysed as evidence, including forensic and digital evidence, which he claimed were enough to prosecute the prime suspects.
“Over 500 hours of CCTV footage have been analysed, more than a hundred people have been interviewed and about 13,000 phone call recordings have been analysed out of which 12,000 were from one single tower,” Riyaz said.
The commissioner claimed Afrasheem was last seen alive inside the premises of the state broadcaster, Television Maldives (TVM). The presentation suggested that Afrasheem was seen leaving the premises in his car around 11:04pm, according to the nearby CCTV camera footage.
Afrasheem left the station after participating in a religious TV program called “Islamee Dhiriulhun” (Islamic Life), with Deputy Minister of Islamic Affairs Mohamed Qubad Aboobakuru.
In his last words, aired on the show, Afrasheem said that he was deeply saddened and asked for forgiveness from citizens if he had created a misconception in their minds due to his inability to express himself in the right manner.
Minister of Islamic Affairs Sheikh Shaheem Ali Saeed was quoted in local media as saying that the Islamic Ministry had not forced Afrasheem to offer a public apology for anything during his last television appearance and disputed that there was any religious motivation in the death of the moderate scholar.

Shouldn't suspects already have a lawyer to represent them by the time the case reaches court?
It's only natural that most of them would ask for one. All this did was drag out the matter even longer.
This is the exact same thing that happened in the court hearing of the 16 year old who was stabbed.
recently in India the girl who was raped and got killed, no lawyer was willing to go as defense lawyer to defend the case on behalf of the those who did.
In Maldives, I am surprised that these murderers find the lawyers as much as they want.
@mody: I can see why no one would want to defend the piece of s***s who raped that girl.
Though my point here, relating to the Afraseem case is that they should have gotten asked for whether they want a lawyer BEFORE the hearing.
What suspect, whether they committed the crime or not, wouldn't ask for a lawyer?
Dat guy is suitable to play the role of the Ape in planet of the apes 3.
They are apes. They are usually high on drugs, have no education or any money. That's why these inbred apes are employed to kill people.
What kind of country and justice is this ? Where somebody who so far is only accuesed, and that by a rogue police force too, would be denied a lawyer ?
Next to the fact that somebody is innocent as lomg as the contrary is not proven beyond any doubt.
At the same time, the benches of the courts are filled with criminals, on the wrong bench that is.
In this country, everything is up for sale!
Be it, your integrity, common sense or even a fair opinion or judgement!
Not surprising at all!
This is just another step for prolonging the case, and the signs for dumping it!
not guilty then..release
@Patriot: Agreed. Everyone's thinking is outsourced elsewhere towards money, religion and internet.
And wasn't Riyaz talking about how the crooks were paid in millions to murder Afrasheem? What happened to that? Why haven't we heard anything of this shadowy figure that ordered the assassination?
Or did they make a generous donation into Riyza's bank account?