Maldives invites royal wedding couple to honeymoon in the sun

Tourism authorities in the Maldives have sent an official invitation to Britain’s Prince William and his future wife Kate Middleton to travel to the Maldives for their honeymoon following the royal wedding, scheduled for April 29.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Naseem confirmed a formal invitation had been sent to British authorities, and that the Ministry was awaiting a response to the offer.

State Tourism Minister Thoyyib Waheed told Minivan News that the invite was sent through diplomatic channels in the hopes that the high-profile royal couple would opt to honeymoon in the country,  an offer he claimed  would be “a great honour for the Maldives” and its international reputation if accepted.

“It is a dream for any destination to be considered as a venue [for the royal honeymoon],” he said.  “With this invite, we hope there is a possibility it may happen.”

Bookkeepers in the UK are offering odds of 14:1 that the couple will choose the Maldives as their honeymoon destination, with other contenders including Sicily, The Seychelles, Kenya, Bermuda, and even Australia.

The wedding of Prince William, who is second in line to the British throne, has drawn massive levels of press coverage since the forthcoming nuptials of the country’s potential future king and his girlfriend were announced in November 2010.

Since that announcement, a wealth of companies, organisations and media outlets have moved to associate themselves with the huge international interest in what may become one of the year’s most viewed events.  From speculation over final designs for the wedding cake and bridal dress to the quality of commemorative crockery, all have become major headlines in the run up to event in the UK press.

The ceremony itself will take place at London’s Westminster Abbey on April 29. The UK government has declared the day a public holiday in honour of the royal couple.


30 thoughts on “Maldives invites royal wedding couple to honeymoon in the sun”

  1. at this age, while 20mil children die every year out of poverty and preventable deseases, the whole mainstream media focused on an effing wedding of some prince guy..isnt both of these ideas an obsolete one? royal family + wedding.
    i wonder how news like this will go down our histroy books.
    i wonder how our future generation would judge us for lavishing on a f**ing wedding and spending all attention and time for it while real issues are kept aside? i really wonder.

    as to maldives inviting them a state paid honeymoon, its good marketing, but does does not mean anything..

  2. The royal couple coming to mate in a Maldives resort would be a great honour for the maldivian government, what sissy mind these government heads have!!! the government has done huge amounts of cuts making the already poor locals cripped with obtaining daily basic necessities of life. And this is what the cuts are going to spend on. The public money of Maldivians for honeymoon of british royal, who already enjoy a lavish life from the british tax payers. Some people are born with money, arent they? And some governments are so substandard, like ours :((

  3. its gonna be agreat honour plus this will boom our tourist floe, as the couple is gonna be followed by alot definitely lot of English

  4. like them so much? You are welcome to them! They do not live in the real world, and many people in the UK have no interest in their life of luxury.

  5. It would have been more sensible had the invitation been sent by a resort in Maldives. It would have been more natural for them to opt Maldives, instead of through a diplomatic channel. They would want privacy, their natural way of doing things, rather than to be involved in diplomats even in their wedding and honey moon. Are you guys planning to host a state dinner and have a photo shoot with them. I wouldn't be surprised to hear that Naseem and Thoyyib are hosting a state dinner for the couple. Hey, guys be little more sensible!!!

  6. Need some volunteer to explain in a Spanish blog (more than 100 visits per day) the current situation in Maldives. I personnally will translate your words and I'll diffuse them across the blogosphere. I'm concerned about some people said in this post.

    My blog and my mail: thanks!

  7. for them perfect Island would be zitahli resorts & spa kuda-funafaru, maldives.Kate take him there and show him what you got.

  8. I am not pleased about this, they are still colonial leaders, who colonize south Asia for over decades and deprived every right of us and stolen all the wealth of our nations. Let them go Australia don't come to Maldives.

  9. @Derek Postance

    Whats your problem, I dont know I have to follow "like many UK people". Come to your sense, I made my own decision.

    Soon you and me will see many people dont like their luxury life style, lets wait and see.

    Seems you are not only blind but you are deaf too. You dont seem to know how much revenue they generate, more than government spend on them. People come all over the world to see them and spend so much. Just think abt it.

    You dumb head dont envy, thats not good for your health.LOL

    There is big difference between you and me. You are an atheist who believe we evolve from monkeys and no one ever has proved that we are and more than 85% does not believe theory of evolution.

    How come you end up believing a guys theory when he used his imagination to form one big fat lie.

  10. They have already confirmed for Club Med Kani. Willy will be starting the congo train, whilst princess does tequila latbacks at the bar. (but keep it quiet ok!)

    ps pork is delicious

  11. @musician..I am not sure how you got off the subject of this pampered couple's honeymoon (not needed as they have been living together for some years) and on to evolution, but anyway..

    "You are an atheist who believe we evolve from monkeys and no one ever has proved that we are and more than 85% does not believe theory of evolution.How come you end up believing a guys theory when he used his imagination to form one big fat lie".

    It is not an unproven theory. It is fact, get over it, unless your religion prevents you accepting scientific facts. Are you just another fundamentalist like Sarah Palin who believes the earth and all life was created 7,000 years ago and man co-existed with dinosaurs?

    Amazingly, many in UK have more important things to worry about than a Royal honeymoon. Feel free to cheer and wave your little Union Jack for them.

  12. What a spiffing idea. William can then partake of the Maldivian custom of insulting non muslims (Vilu Reef) and screwing goats (Makunudhoo). I can think of a zillion other places to go on ones honeymoon...............

  13. @ Derek Postance

    The theory is not scientifically proven. in fact people like you seem to believe it. Even today atheist scientist trying to prove the theory but still unable to do it.

    Can you answer me why we stop evolving? evolution is a continuous things but so far we never heard any human evolve to perhaps to a Gorilla or perhaps something else.. Or I fear you might change to a Gorrilla by next morning LALALA

    Ok I know, many more people in UK has to worry next country to attack after Libya, what else they have to worry LOL. I can make it easy for them. I can name just few, go to Iran theres plenty of Oil and Gas.

    Or Uzbekistan, Tajikistan

    Or Russia!!!scared right POOOOH

  14. @ Derek Postance

    Its not my religion prevents me from believing the theory of evolution. Its laughable just to imagine that we evolve from apes or monkeys.

    up until today I thought original would be much much better than fake but it seems otherwise. Our original species (apes) still living that old life style and the fake (human) is way ahead. Do you have answer for that?

    If you need more pls go to :

    before its not too late. LALALALA

  15. @ Derek Postance
    @ musician

    No one cares! You both need to get a life!

  16. This is a positive story in a world of negative press. Fantastic for our industry and economy. Let's hope they come if not on this occasion but in the future. This is good for business!

  17. @ Aheed khali

    Don't need ur advise, keep it tight u may need it someday!!!:P

  18. @musician, "The theory is not scientifically proven. in fact people like you seem to believe it."

    You will find that a person's educational level has direct relevance to his acceptance (or otherwise) of evolution. You are proof of that relationship. Oh, and humans did not evolve "from monkeys" as you state. Check your facts.

    "Can you answer me why we stop evolving?"

    We have not not stopped survival of the fittest is no longer a factor, and population growth is out of control, you will see humanity start to regress especially in the third world.

    I see you are not on the "Royal couple's" wedding guest list! Try not to be too disappointed.

  19. @Derek Postance

    "You will find that a person’s educational level has direct relevance to his acceptance (or otherwise) of evolution" Wow what a brilliant way of expressing yourself and an atheist. I am sure lately you haven't read any scientific journals or any worthy website like in that matter BBC or CNN.

    Very recently they have published a journal stating that we have been kept in dark and goes onto to say that evolution is a fake theory. Do you know who wrote these journal, scientifically more advanced people. I hope you know how to compare then and now.

    "you will see humanity start to regress especially in the third world".
    Get your facts right, third world countries are now much much better than before. Now they are more open to the world and at this age you are talking about going back.HUh!! Are you still teaching to a third grade dumb head. Get over it.

    Monkeys apes whatever it is nobody has ever proved that. Perhaps you can say apples evolve to mango and mango to grapes and list goes on...what a brilliant way of evolution.

    You failed to answer my questions caz you dont have one right?

    "I see you are not on the “Royal couple’s” wedding guest list! Try not to be too disappointed".

    Excuse me dumbo, I am not a not a freak like you, I like them, thats all not mad about them, even if they come I wont go to dance around them like a freak. Wake up man how many times I have told you there is big difference between you and me. LALALA


  21. great news...its the way to go.we are seeing some creative stuff in the marketing of maldives now... Although they decide not to come its diplomacy...well done guys...lets hope they will choose Maldives.

  22. What honeymoon are you talking about? Do they have any pleasure of Matrimony. They married for the sake of the institution of marriage. Honeymoon was over long, long ago. There is nothing left within them.

  23. I love Derek Postance's comment! HAHAHAH and that of royal servant's as well.


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