Seenu Hithadhoo regional hospital is missing its gynaecologist, physician and x-ray machine, leading to many complaints from patients.
The hospital’s head, Ahmed Mohamed, said the hospital’s only gynaecologist had not shown up for work for a week, while the X-ray machine was damaged and the only physician had departed after completing his contract.
”We have informed the health ministry and they said they will fix all the problems as soon as possible.”
He said there were a lot of patients waiting for the gynaecologist and a lot of complaints from patients due to the broken X-ray machine and missing physician.
He said the nurses and senior medical officers at the hospital were taking care of the women waiting for gynecologist.
”There is a private hospital in this island where they can take X-rays,” he said, ”and people who need to X-ray have to use the machine in that hospital.”
He said that more than 15,000 people lived on the island and more than 150 patients came to Hithadhoo Regional Hospital every day.
Deputy director general of ministry of health Abdul Samad Abdul Rahman said the ministry had received information about all the issues.
”The gynaecologist has told us that she will come out for work tomorrow,” Rahman said, ”and we have been trying with the ADK hospital to fix the X-ray machine.”
He said the ministry was trying to hire a physician and a doctor from abroad, both of whom have been scheduled to arrive next month.

What a joke this government has turned out to be!
all health system collapsed.foreign doctors dont want to work in Maldives because heavy crime situation,no respect and humiliation and no protection from police too because heavy corruption in 100%muslim country it is paradox. doctors cannot provide a good quality of medical medical equipment governmant will buy only in Judgment Day when Messiah will be no hope but many sweet promices:-we bla bla bla 100000 flats from China hehehe but in fact real situation only getting worse and wors.but it is very comfortable position for present ruling party to blame opponents for dictatorship etc.but what you are create for 1,4years of new era of democracy in Maldives?any new hospitals?nothing only increasing price for treatment and decreasing quality.even if MDP open some construction, 90% of work was complete during previous government very easy doing nothing and blaming people who was real do many good things for Maldives.Before during "dictatorship"Maldives was have high level of medical services or you not remember what was before?many foreign specialist from even Europe.all construction that people and officials using at present time was build during like you say dictatorship.bu during holy democracy only bloody hell aproach to the nation.drugs,crime,child abuse ,terrible medical services and high price for treatments and half doctor looking like they first time hearing about medicine .so it is democracy?do you think x-ray mashine and many expert- level doctors will appear from nowhere?no my friend /in history all the time when politics in parlament only thinks about dollars and they never care about country ,normal peoples are suffering and swimming in blood.same happening now and it is very sad because it is all most impossible to is like cancer step by step destroing body.
how about project Moon Bay Marina from previos gouvernmant?because of present democracy game Maldives are missing a super project that can be attract billions and many investors and many new job place for locals.i am sure that if today mr,Gayoom continue his presidency all project was started even one year back.
missing? disappeared? where are the good fandithamen when we need em!?
i was waiting to see what mr. salim waheed has to say about this but seems like this isnt important enough for him.
but it is for me. this little news worth nothing is changing my entire life for good. im dumping all my plans for the future of my family. because my wife is pregnant and she is in hithadhoo and the pregnancy is expected to be complicated. so im moving my family to male'. my wife will resign from her job. my 7 yrs old son will leave his addu school and move to male'. i will spend all the money i have saved so far to build our dream house, to rent a cage in male. on the other hand talk of the town is, if a house isnt built on any land by june this year the government will take that land away from you. so basically we're gonna be homeless forever. its all because our country cant afford a gynecologist for its second most populated town.
you guys are pathetic. former or present its the same shit just different smell. i had faith in the present one until i came to know,
some guy named sobree who dont even have primary education but was delivering minivan daily to houses in hithahdoo and the keeper of MDP hithadhoo office keys, is in the southern regional hospital's director's board. and that's the hospital youre talking about in this article.
islam blah blah blah... fundamentalists blah blah blah.. extrimists blah blah blah
Why do doctors come to Maldives and complain?