The Maldives Police Service has confirmed it is looking into allegations of sexual misconduct and consumption of alcohol made against local celebrities by news website “mvyouth”.
In a report recently published on the website, Mvyouth accused seven local celebrities – actors, dancers, a singer, a fashion designer and a film director – of engaging in illegal activity at a Sri Lankan nightclub.
According to the website, four of their reporters traveled to Sri Lanka to confirm rumors about movie stars who frequently go to “party” there. The report says they followed the celebrities into a night club where they witnessed them getting drunk, dancing and being intimate, and kissing each other and other people at the club.
The Maldives penal code allows prosecution of crimes Maldivian citizens commit abroad. Kissing and sexual intimacy out of wedlock are considered as sexual offenses while consumption of alcohol is a hadd crime in shariah law, which guides the legal system in the country’s inhabited islands.
It also stated that some of the Maldivian group got into a fight, something the report described as “common among Maldivians who frequent nightclubs in Lanka”. While it mentioned several other Maldivians who were at the club, the celebrities remained the focus of the report.
Confirming that they are looking into the matter, police noted that they have not launched an investigation into the matter but will do so if it is required. Speaking to Minivan News, a police media official said that no one had lodged a complaint concerning the issue yet. However, since it has come to their attention they will now be looking in to the matter.
According to the report, mvyouth has evidence to back all its allegations. Confirming this, the website’s editor Musharraf Hassan said Mvyouth is fully prepared to defend themselves in court if they are to face defamation charges.
He said that a lot of Maldivians engage in such activity in Sri Lanka and mvyouth’s intention was to bring this to the attention of public.
“We want to inform the public on what Maldivians are up to when they are abroad. It is not specific to celebrities, a lot of Maldivians do such things”. Musharraf said.

So, what happened to the other guy who "enjoyed" himself in Sri Lanka? I mean the fat guy who is on the supreme court bench. If he is clean, then there is not enough evidence against these film stars either. Video, voice and other media can be produced and "faked" quit easily these days, right? Burumaa Gasim said so.
Live and Let Live, Get a life MVYOUTH!
This is matter of Sri Lankan government and Maldives has no authority to see what is happening in Sri Lanka
Musharraf, you better save your time to do something more constructive and beneficial to the community then reporting about what Maldivian are doing abroad. Why not reporting why Maldivian do in Thailand and Malaysia. Do a survey of how many Maldivian has and still in Malaysia prison for drug offend. Minivan, stop publishing such stupid article!
Now do you believe being a Maldivian is a nightmare!!
If you are born as a Maldivian, you damn deprived of life on this beautiful world. The world they live itself is a hell and the people of that hell won’t let you go free and will haunt on you where ever you go. What a crazy people….
DARK AGES or what...dont they have better things to report than this...
First clean up the capital..we have got almost 20% of our youth getting into substance abuse...let us rescue t hem rather than running after some rich brats...
Hey, our Maldivian friends, come over and let your steam out in Colombo. Let the Islamists go and hang themselves...
If you lived in an uber boring Islamic country where everything that uplifts the human spirit is deemed to be contrary to the teachings of Islam.....wouldn't you go haywire in Sri Lanka too?
Thank Krishna I was born an idol worshipper......if I lived in Maldives I'd probably be on drugs the rest of you true believers practising the only true religion in the whole friggin universe.
Hey Friends, Dont forget what happens in lanka stays in Lanka. I believe Maldivian has the right to enjoy themselves at least out of this country. Pls dont take that away.. I'm asking Minivan People, what else they are suppose to do in here for Fun? Drugs?? Let them Live Plssss....
Once Islam vanishes from earth, world will be a nice place. Killing is the motto of it. There is something wrong with islam, a kind of premedival, like ancient christianity used to govern by the sword. Miss India, true religion? No, thank you.
There is no truth that religious people are morally good. Religious belief is psychological phenomenon some people are addicted to such belief and this is part of evolution of human brain. Those who are poor, vulnerable and psychotically weak are the victims of this mental illness. We know that Maldives is poor and very vulnerable country and very least developed, therefore the Maldivian are psychologically weak and the majorities are victims of religious virus and hopefully one day they will evolve to get rid of religious gene.