The Deputy Commissioner of police Mohamed Rishwan has been reportedly suspended for allegedly disobeying an order from Home Minister Hassan Afeef concerning the Thulusdhoo atoll office, reports SunFM.
SunFM reported that the Home Minister ordered police to take over the Atoll Office in Thulusdhoo and that the Deputy Commissioner had refused to do so without a court order.
Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said he did not want to comment on the issue, and could not confirm whether the report was true.
Afeef told Miniban News that the position of Deputy Commissioner “is not given by me and [the matter] is not related to me.”
Press Secretary for the President Mohamed Zuhair told Minivan News that he had not yet received the information.
”The police are an independent body,” Zuhair said. ”They work under the law.”
Zuhair recommended Minivan News contact Commissioner of Police for comment, however Ahmed Faseeh was not responding to calls at time of press.
He said that if something like this had occurred, the press office would be informed. “I have not received such information yet,” he said.
Zuhair said the government had decided to file a case in the court to solve the issue in Thulusdhoo, in which the local population have clashed with police over whether Kaafu councilors are permitted to relocate the atoll office to Thulusdhoo. The government has disputed that the councilors have the authority to do so.

If the government does not agree that the councilors can make such decisions, the government should go to court. Not use force.
The problem lies in the way the government is handling this case.
I salute Rishwan for not doing anything unconstitutional. And, I think he is right in asking for a court order.
If the Police rank and file begin independently to demand court orders, without following the hierarchal line of command, then it is an attempt to demoralize the force. a senior official such Rishwan should realize that and should be disciplined in line with Police traditions and professionalizm. We cannot have loose canons guilty of insubordination amidst the security forces. Tks.
Ask afeef how he got Madoogali Share.Quite an interesting story.
This afeef is Hiyaleel's long term business partner , hiyalee is the man who did all spin during madoogali court case
Obey the law,follow it apply it in any ans all situations.Think twice before taking any steps.This shows how civilized those ministers.They need to go back to school to get some education.
Home minister Afeef should resign.No one has to obey him against the law.Does he know what is right and what is wrong.Is this the way of democracy that we are looking for?
This suspension is totally wrong and against the law,rules and regulation.
@ ayya
"We cannot have loose canons guilty of insubordination amidst the security forces."
But can we have loose cannons who will obey their seniors despite what the constitution says or despite what the law says?
According to your logic, the police should obey their seniors despite anything and everything else. If his senior asks him to kill an innocent person, he should go and kill.
Each police officer has taken an oath to serve the country and its people. Not individuals.
4th paragraph ,first sentence(Afeef told Miniban News)???
You guys even spell your own name wrong..
This home minister thinks he is Qaddafi. Trying to use force on anyone who goes against him, even if the person is obeying the law.
home minister you please stay in your home .. where on earth president nasheed gets these idiots ..
The circus continues
We have been closely watching this Home Minister and so far he has shown absolutely zero capability!
The Home Minister needs to be a charismatic person who can reach to ordinary people at all levels and get their trust especially in a country dispersed as ours.
We have an interesting situation developing here. Instead of parties clashing over big national issues, we are now going to have hundres of disturbances in every corner of the country between the local councils and people of the opposite political colour. We surely have laid the final nails in the coffin of this country. May God help us all.
Afeef wanted the videos relating to DRP to be issued just like the audio 'i need some cash', anonymously.
Rishwan wanted all videos, including the video on maria, to be let out into the open.
This is what happens when there is disagreement.
@ ayya,
i agree with you.
No one or institution is above the law. They have to work within the boundaries created by the Constitution of the country and the Laws. Any command that is given outside of this boundary cannot be obeyed whether it is the Police or the Army.
If not another dark day like the 2003 Maafushi shooting incident is bound to happen sooner rather than later.
The police officers pledge to uphold the constitution. I think Rishwan is upholding this pledge. Our homeland will be such a beautiful place if only everyone... from the President to Politicians to parliamentarians to judiciary to general public uphold the constitution.
Afeef is acting stupid and not fit to be the home minster. his tv interviews are appalling and does not speak sense. he even visits where street protest just to show off that he is there and police has to give him extra protection. this does not happen anywhere else in the world but only in maldives. afeef needs to be replaced asap.. rishwan is doing a good job and we all are very proud of him.
@n.didi on Mon, 28th Feb 2011 8:28 PM
i cant ask afeef how he got shares of Madoogali. i dunno him. can you tell me and other readers. also if afeef's long-term business partner is former STO deputy managing director hiyalee ahmed rasheed then you should give details of that business deal. what spin did hiyalee make during madoogali court case. we deserve to know. spill the beans.
Oh! come on why do we have to stop these communities from doing this. It is a decision by the elected councilors, who are now representatives of the people. If they decided on this let them go and work on it. President can only influence the Province office which he established in Maafushi and Funadhoo. Let the councilors work anywhere they like. If they chose to work in "Fodehaadaa" (Gifili In Huvadhoo Dialect) why bother. Well educated and open minded councilors will have only the interest of serving their people, rather than being hungry to test their power against the government. We also should condemn political party's which abuse councils for their political gains. Local Councils should not be a political platform for the political parties. It is just for serving the communities from a decentralized angle.