Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘N’ Roll: Br Abdurraheem Green

This is the edited transcript of a sermon by Br Abdurraheem Green entitled ‘Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘N’ Roll’, presented during the Jamiyyathul Salaf-organised event, ‘The Call 2010’.

Today we gonna speak about Sex, Drugs and Rock N Roll. Does that sound interesting? I think so.

So maybe you will be thinking how come you are talking about sex and drugs and rock and rock and roll, what sort of thing is that to talk about as a Muslim. I remember once in the UK, while giving this talk and and we were advertising it, and some of the masjids (mosques), they wouldn’t put the poster up. They said “no no no – no sex in the Masjid.”

Alhamdhulillahi (Praise be to Allah), I’ll tell you what today’s topic is not going to be about.

Today’s topic is not going to be about the fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) of music – is it halal, is it haram, is it ‘makroom’? It’s not going to be about that.

Sex outside of marriage – is it halal, is it haram – what is the ruling in Islam? Today’s topic is not about that. What is the ruling in Islam on drugs? I’m not going to talk about that.

I will be talking about something much more fundamental, something much more basic than even that. Today’s topic is a little bit in a sense about philosophy. It’s about why, the purpose of life, why are we here, what is the reason for our existence.

And on this world – in fact, we don’t even need to talk about the world, we can just talk about capital Male’.

We can see two competing ideas, right here, because you my brothers and sisters, masha Allah, you have come here or maybe sitting watching this on TV.

I really wish you were here, it’s much more fun if you are here. You will enjoy the atmosphere more. It’s a bit hot here. We do not have AC [air conditioner]. Well, I know some of you are watching this on the islands, Masha Allah. Just I don’t know where… you hear that music? (Pointing to the direction of music outside the carnival stage). Can you hear the music?

Well, you see this is it, brothers and sisters. There are some of us sitting here, finding out something about Allah, about his religion, and there are some other people there, they have a different idea of what life is about. They think life is about something else. And someone has showed them a philosophy. Someone has showed them a religion. A way of thinking.

Because you know, this is the heart of my lecture brothers and sisters. The very idea of religion itself. The very idea of religion. What does it mean in the Quran when Allah says (recites a verse of Quran) verily, certainly, definitely the dheen (religion) with Allah is Islam.

What is this mean? What is this word “Dheen” mean? Does it just mean religion? And what do we understand, when we say this word “religion”? What is that mean to us?

You know half of the challenges we always face, when we talk about anything, is that words have a meaning. But the meaning of certain words can change throughout time and circumstances.

Now for example, if 50 or 60 years ago I went around saying “I’m feeling gay today”, you know, no one… no people would understand one thing if I say that “I’m feeling gay today”. Today people will understand something different –  the language changes, the meaning changes.

When we say the word religion, often especially in the west, this word religion produces an idea that it is connected with an idea in the minds of people. And because the west is a secularised society, because the west, and in fact this is true, most of the world has made a division between religion and life.

Religion and life. Dheen (religion) and Dhunya (world), they think the two things are separate. So when you say religion in the west, people think going to the church once a week, they think of some things people do in their life, so it is very easy for them to think of religion as something separate from their ordinary life.

But this is not what Dheen means. When we say “Dheen” when we talk about religion, when Allah subhanahu wata’ala talks Dheen, Allah is talking about the way you live your life. And so think about that – when Allah says (recites a verse of Quran) that verily, the way of life, the way you live, that is acceptable for Allah is the way of submitting and surrendering and obeying Allah. This it what it means (repeats the same verse) the way you live your life.

How did you live your life? What is it that you put your faith and your trust in? What is it that you believe is going to make you happy and give you success in life?

It would be very interesting, even here in the Maldives, to go around and do an opinion poll. Let’s take the word ‘’success’’ and ask people, what is your definition.

In fact brothers and sisters, ask yourself now, right now, I want you to ask yourself what is your definition of success. Is your definition of success that you have a good education, you having good job, with a good salary, with a nice house, with a nice motorbike or a nice car, even a beautiful wife, a rich husband?

What is your definition of success? Because for many people in the world that would be the definition of success. They would define success and they say a successful person is one who makes money, who has a nice house, who has a nice car, who has a beautiful partner – this what most people in the world would define as success.

And if that is your definition of success, then you must truly ask yourself, what does it mean to be a Muslim? What is your dheen, because when we talk about sex, drugs and rock and roll, what you are talking about really is about lifestyle.

This is a talk about lifestyle, this is a talk about how you live your life. And there is a whole way of life, the way of life of sex, drugs and rock and roll. It’s attached phrase. It’s attached phrase that describes a way of thinking. A way of living.

And what does it say? There are no gods. There’s no paradise, there’s no day of judgment, there’s no hell fire, there’s no pie-in-the sky waiting for me when I die. If you wanna have fun, if you wanna enjoy yourself, if you want paradise you need to find it right here, right now, on this earth. So you enjoy your life, enjoy your life and live it to the max. Sex, drugs, rock and roll. That’s the message – that’s the message.

It’s the message of the consumer society. The materialistic culture, the idea that in the world and the things in this world, and the pleasures of this world, you will find happiness.

The word they have for it is ‘hedonism’. That’s the idea, that by sex and music and drink and drugs and money and entertainment, this is how you would be happy. This is how you will enjoy your life.

This is the religion of the world today. This is the religion of most people, even most of the people who call themselves Muslims – their true dheen, is this one. The way they truly think of success is the materialistic one. They don’t think of success as being jannah, they don’t think of success as praying five times a day.

The fast in Ramadan, of memorizing the Quran, most people think of success, as a person who is a scholar who has knowledge, who is studying the knowledge of the religion they don’t think of this one in the successful one, no, no, no, no, no.

So this is it. The materialistic society, and we are surrounded everywhere by the preaching of materialistic culture: the hedonism, the sex, drugs, rock and roll society.

We turn on the TV, we sit and we hear it. We open the newspapers and the magazines and we see it and we hear it. We turn on the radio we hear it. It’s everywhere – you walk on the street and you see it. The billboards, the advertisements, 24 hours a day, 365 days in a year, we are being exposed to this message. The message that if you buy this and if you buy that and if you have this and if you have that you will be happy. Your life will be better. You will have more fun.

Look at it – let’s look at some of those advertisements.

I remember back in the United Kingdom. They have an advertisement for an alcoholic drink called Bacardi. Bacardi is a rum, a type of strong alcoholic drink. And the advertisement might have been a picture of an island here in the Maldives.

There was a beautiful, beautiful white beach, palm trees hanging down, blue seas and blue skies and you could see two bikini-clad girls walking down the beach. You will look at that, and say ah… I wanna be there, that’s where I wanna be.

And the advertisement said, this is what the caption was: ‘’a rainy Sunday night in Peckham if you’re drinking Bacardi’’ (NB: Peckham is a borough in South London notable for its high crime rate).

I need to tell you something about British culture. Our weekend is Saturday and Sunday. Well, your weekend is Friday and Saturday, our weekend is Saturday and Sunday. So the worst day in the weekend is Sunday night.

Because Sunday night means the next day I have to go back to work. I have to go back to my boring job, in that boring office with those stupid people.

Most of them hate their work. They just work so that they can make enough money to have fun to buy these things. So you could imagine it’s Sunday night. And the rain… I don’t know, in the Maldives you’ll probably like the rain.

In England we hate the rain. Rain… all we get is rain. That’s why the most tourists come to the Maldives from the UK – the biggest percentage. Because we have so much rain.

So it’s Sunday night and it’s raining that means it’s miserable, it’s Sunday night and oh… it’s the worst. Tomorrow is Monday, and even worse, it’s in Peckham. Peckham. I really can’t describe to you what a horrible place it is. It’s a really horrible place. We don’t have horrible places like this in the Maldives – Peckham is horrible.

So you can imagine, here’s the advert. You’re on the worst day of the week, the weather is horrible, and you’re living in this dump of a place called Peckham, but… but, if, you are drinking Bacardi, it would seem as if you are in paradise.

That’s the message. You know this is what we are being brainwashed with. Oh… alcohol paradise, I could be in the worst condition, I’ll drink Bacardi.

Look at the adverts for Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola, ‘It’s the real thing’, ‘Coke is life’, ‘Coke is it’. And you see the advertisements: Coca-Cola, the sun is shining, the young girls looks so gorgeous. They’re brown, not brown like you. White brown you know, when white people get brown it’s so sexy.

And there the girls smiling and the boys have six-packs, drinking the Coca-Cola. And looking to that you say, huh… I want some of that. You know the women are looking, saying “Oh I want some of that man, he’s nice.” And we’re looking at the girl and we’re saying “Oh, I want some of that.”

So what do you think? In your mind – you don’t even realize it that in your brain –  that the people who make the advertisement, they know how to manipulate your minds. Because they spend billions of dollars studying how to brainwash you into buy that product.

So you’ll say ‘I want some of that’, and in your brain you connect it with drinking Coca-Cola. So you think if I drink Coca-Cola I will be young and beautiful and have a nice time like them. So what you do, you go out and you buy some Coca-Cola.

You know what Coca-Cola does to you – Coca-Cola doesn’t give you shiny white teeth. It makes you fat, and you get cancer. That’s what Coca-Cola does to you. It doesn’t make you young and happy… no. It’s the opposite.

Whether the ad is for a washing machine, or even washing up liquid, look at them. They are not just trying to sell you a product. They don’t just say, you know this product, this product will wash your clothes and this and that, and it’s gonna be this ingredient, no no no. They want you to feel that if you buy this product your whole life will change. Your whole life will change – because they want us to be consumers. They want us to buy,  buy, buy, spend, spend, spend.

So they make us think that if I have this and if I have that my life will be so much better.

I have my mobile phone here [takes out his mobile phone] my HTC, but you know what, one of the brothers is driving me around, he has the HTC HD2.

That’s the newer model of mine – keep looking at it jealously. He’s got the HTC HD2, how come I only have the HTC HD? I want what he’s got. Now what’s the difference, between my phone and his phone? The screen is a little bit bigger, it has a slightly faster operating system, but there is one really cool feature. HTC HD2 in your hotel, it acts as a wireless router. So I can log in to the internet through my HTC HD2 if only I have it.

Oh I want it… oh yes I do… I’m not happy anymore with this mobile phone. I need the latest. I need the latest gadget. I need… so I’m never happy. I want the latest and I need the next thing.

My life is gonna be different, my life will not be the same if I don’t have the latest phone. This is what they want you to believe. How did I ever live without it? This is what they want you to believe. So what… we will consume and consume and consume… buy this, buy that, have this, have that. The consumer society. The consumer culture.

Now just like every religion, the materialistic religion has its theologies. It has to have some attempt at a rational basis to explain it.

So for the materialistic culture the most important idea is the idea of evolution. Evolution is essential to the whole materialistic philosophy. Evolution says that you and me, and all the human beings and everything in this universe evolved through a series of random events.

There’s no God, we don’t need gods [because] evolution has explained everything. Evolution has explained how we came here, without the need of believing in God. This is the heart of what evolution is saying. This is the heart of their philosophy. You don’t need to resort to God to explain how we came here. You and me and everybody, we are descended from apes.

Actually no, that’s not quite true… they don’t say that. They say that we and apes are descended from a common ancestor. Yeah.. that’s what they say. We come from the same branch of the tree. But basically we human beings are sophisticated monkeys. That’s it, think about it, we are just animals. We are a little bit more complex, a little bit more sophisticated.

Now, how do you make a monkey happy? Very easy. Give monkey banana [makes monkey sounds], give him some fruit, happy monkey.

Number two, keep the monkey safe. Meaning you give the monkey some shelter keep him safe, happy monkey… hoohoo… and of course give man monkey woman monkey, woman monkey man monkey, very happy monkey [makes monkey sounds].

We gotta really happy monkey. So you give the monkey some food, you give the monkey some shelter, and you give the monkey some sex. And don’t worry, if man monkey doesn’t like woman monkey, man monkey can go with man monkey. And women monkey with women monkey. Because it doesn’t matter anyway, it’s natural right. It’s just your feelings. If you’re homosexual, if you’re gay according to this idea of course that’s just nature. It’s natural, that’s what they claim. So just do it.

As that Nike slogan tells you, just go do it, just do it man, don’t think about it. Just go do it, get out there and have some fun. Fulfill your desires, because you are just an advanced monkey. That’s what they say. So that’s why our governments concentrate on that – most of them live by laws.

Whose laws are they? They are monkey laws. They are sophisticated monkey laws. Laws made by monkeys for other monkeys. That’s it. A bunch of monkeys in parliament making some rules for other monkeys. It’s more of a monkey business. The most of them live by laws of the jungle, really. The law of the jungle because we are just monkeys, right.

So what do they do, the governments, they concentrate on more and more people who have the chance to vote. What do they vote for? What do they look for in their governments masha’Allah, is he a pious person, does he fear Allah, does he want to judge by the book of Allah? Does he implement Islam?

We look at: ‘Is this man gonna make me richer, is he gonna make my economy stronger, is he gonna give me more health care, is he gonna make things cheaper for us? Are we gonna have s more comfortable life?

That’s what we look for, and with most democratic governments, the ones who get into power get into power because they can persuade the people that they are gonna make you richer.

Bill Clinton.  You know how he won? He won his election with one phrase: “It’s the economy, stupid.”

That’s it. It’s economy. It’s all about money. It’s all about wealth. I mean these people say they are Christians. Our politicians, they claim these things but how many of them stand up and say, how many times you hear Bush or Blair or anyone of those so called Christian leaders of so called Christian countries say you know how to be happy? If you wanna be happy believe in Jesus. Is that what they say. Vote for me because of Jesus. I’m gonna bring Jesus into your life. Is that what they say, no they don’t say that.

They say vote for me because I’ll make you more money. I’ll make you more happy. With materialistic things, we will improve your economy. We will give you health care, we will improve your social security.

The same with our Muslim leaders. The same things. That’s what they are claiming. They don’t say: “My brothers and sisters, you know what, I’m afraid our economy will go down, we know we will not have so much money but you know what, we will live by the lord of Allah.”

Who says that? We are Muslim by name, but we don’t know what Dheen means. Because we just want the money.

Maybe it’s true. Maybe we are just sophisticated monkeys. We just like the banana, the shelter and the sex. Huh… that’s how we keep us happy.

No brothers, no sisters.

So this is the philosophy, evolution. So we brought the philosophy of evolution. No we’ve got just like a religion has to have Ibadha, muslims we have salat, we have zakat, we have Ramadan, sure the materialistic culture have it.

That’s what it is, music. Music is the worship of materialistic culture, the Quran of Shaithan [satan]. That is why the shaithan calls the people to his guidance, to his materialism with music. That’s what it’s all about.

Yeah… and you see that, you listen to that, you see how they behave [very loud music sounds coming from outside of the carnival stage]. It’s very strange, why they need to fill their lives with this music. Think about it. What’s it all for, why do they need this music? Because their lives are so empty.

They have nothing in their lives. They have no understanding, they have no guidance, they have no comprehension, so they need to fill their emptiness with this noise.

It’s a substitute. That’s what it is. There’s no understanding, music, and you see them dancing. Dancing the music [makes drumming sound] like that – hours and hours of dancing dancing dancing. For hours and hours and hours.

I remember watching a documentary, when they went and filmed these people… they will put up these big speakers and they would start the music. They were dancing dancing dancing and there was this one guy, it was 7:00am in the morning, 7:00am in the morning, and these guys have been dancing all night.

I remember back in the days when I used to do that stuff. We used to go to discos. And you are to finish at like 3:00am or 4:00am in the morning. But these guys were still going on at 7:00am in the morning.

Subhanallahi (Glory be to Allah). The cameramen was interviewing this guy and was asking “Why do you come here, why do you dance, what’s it all for?”

You what he says? “Because I have this boring job, I have this boring life, but I come here and I dance and I dance and I dance till I forget myself. Until I forget myself.”

That’s what it’s all about: forgetting yourself, getting lost, living in a world of fantasy and escapism. That’s what it’s all about. Drugs and alcohol. What it’s all about. Why people take heroin, why people drink alcohol, why the people smoke marijuana, because they want to escape.

And look at the words they use: “I got stoned. I was wasted. I was got high. I was out of it.”

What does that describes? They describe, my brothers and sisters, self-annihilation: “I destroy myself.”

“I was like a stone.” What feeling does a stone have? None. “I was wasted. Out of it.” Out of what?

You see these people, they go drinking drinking drinking and they come home, in the morning, and you know what, they come home and they get sick. Blurrr… and they fall asleep, yeah really.

We have a problem in England, because police on Saturday night are so busy looking after people who are drunk and drowned in their own vomit.

That’s alcohol. That’s what happens. They are so drunk and then they wake-up in the morning and say ooh.. I had such a good time last night. You had a good time? What did you do? “Say, I don’t remember. That’s why I had a good time.”

The more they forget the more of the good time they had. And that’s what it’s all about: music makes you forget. Lost in music, I’m lost in music. I forget, I’m drunk, I forget. I watch the TV, I watch the movies, I’m in the fantasy world.”


66 thoughts on “Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘N’ Roll: Br Abdurraheem Green”

  1. This is Minivan News way of providing a forum or platform for the anti-Islam elements to bash Islam. That is why, we, the Maldivians who love Islam & Nation, say that MN is an a radical anti-Islam online newspaper being published for the purpose of mocking Islam & insulting devout Muslims.

    Why has MN translated the first speech of 'The Call 2010' by Dr. Bilal Philips? Is it because many allegations against Dr. Philips by the Rehendhi, an LGBT movement under the MN, is addressed in that speech?

    I call upon the govt. of Maldives to deport the foreign Islamophobes in MN team who trying to create tension, disorder & unrest in the Maldives under the guise of freedom of speech.

  2. This is Minivan News way of providing a forum or platform for the anti-Islam elements to bash Islam. That is why, we, the Maldivians who love Islam & Nation, say that MN is an a radical anti-Islam online newspaper being published for the purpose of mocking Islam & insulting devout Muslims.

    Why has MN NOT translated the first speech of ‘The Call 2010′ by Dr. Bilal Philips? Is it because many allegations against Dr. Philips by the Rehendhi, an LGBT movement under the MN, is addressed in that speech?

    And when editing the speech of Brother Abdhurraheem Green, did you guys translate it out of context? Yes, I question your journalism because MN lacks professionalism. That is something you guys have no clue about. Anyone who follows this extremist newspaper with no bias can see through.

    I call upon the govt. of Maldives to deport the foreign Islamophobes in MN team who trying to create tension, disorder & unrest in the Maldives under the guise of freedom of speech.

    May Allah (swt) protect our nation from wicked people like MN team. Ameen

  3. In Maldives we don't look need weekend like in England. Everyday is weekend.

    No need to drink, dance and to ecape. We have escaped.

    There is always the mosque and it is free!

    Was it Karl Marx who said religion is the opium of the masses?

  4. Wow, that was the most meaningless rant ever.

    He'd say the same if there was some other preacher.

    So the message is, youth of Maldives, stop being creative, find a way to watch Peace TV, turn on, tune in, drop out.

    He's linking things which aren't necessarily linked at all.

    You can play and listen to music without being inebriated. There are many Muslim musicians out there who testify to this fact. There are many Musicians from a wide variety of backgrounds too.

    He makes it sound as if evolution was come up with by a bunch of drug addled rock stars trying to justify their existence.

    Evolution is a scientific theory backed by volumes of actual evidence. Even if you don't believe the human evolution part of it; the rest of it is incredibly hard to deny. It's just so obvious. From the notochord to the development of the heart; as seen from the changes it went through from fish to amphibian to reptile to mammal. The idea that there is some huge disagreement among scientists is fabricated.

    I see no absolutely no reason to believe that the science of evolution somehow promotes hedonistic behavior.

    People were being hedonists LONG BEFORE that theory even existed.

    I love how science is always made out to be subtly "evil" while using all sorts of inventions of science.

    I agree with the sentiments that being wasted all the time is indeed a waste of a life. But the reasons he gives is utter BS.

  5. I don't understand why the Islamic Ministry is allowing people to speak who are completely against democracy and claiming that this is God's will.

    I do not like this man at all.

  6. I wonder if there were any civilization without music and dance in the history of this planet. I also wonder if music was haram in other religions in ancient time and now. I wonder why music is so pleasant and good to all living things. Even birds sing. I wonder if it is harm for them too.

  7. Wow!!! Minivannews is doing a really great job in presenting its readers with the transcripts of sermons by religious scholars. thanx guys. thumbs up!

  8. this is a rant. i can give a rant like this for free. you dont need any qualification for this. waste all our money to here this guy rant?

    evolution was a discovery, not an invented dogma.morality and even spirituality can exist without religion. that being said, i am a muslim.

  9. this guy is a raving mentalist. someone give him a banana and tell him to put it in his mouth to shut him up.

  10. and how much was paid for these preachers to propagate their version of islam?

  11. i agree i don t no why radical minds like this guy and bilal who is a banned person to enter Australia for terrorist ties is allowed freely to radicalize in Maldivians. this is a big threat to tourists who come here. i don t think at this rate tourists will be safe in Maldives given the extremists views been shared by soon majority Maldivians.

  12. this dude who from da sound of it seems to have partied a fair bit...mayb he was one of those anxious paranoid kids who cudnt make da best out of the special magic fruits/fungus/leaves/flowers/ergots god put on earth. all i gotta say is poor him....leave us alone!!..v come in peace n harm no one...
    from dis shout all im able to understand is he n ppl like him claiming to be gods messengers are the annihilators of our society, spreading crap.
    why is it so important for them to mobilize masses in to their belief?? sounds like bill clinton sayin da word economy ,tryin to win da election or coca cola tryin to sell more cokes.more sales da better. more ppl to islam da better for them?? uhum it me or is their a resemblance in him to da brainwashing tactics he was describing?
    n dude!!! dancing is good excersise..dont tell me exercising is part of da evolution theory n their believers?
    "They have nothing in their lives. They have no understanding, they have no guidance, they have no comprehension, so they need to fill their emptiness with this noise."
    well..Quran for us have been a noise since v were school in edhuruge at home even da gaaree who swing side to side on TV everyday..v jus recite n listen da words not knowing da quran had been a musical lyrical noise for many of us for a long time till v bcame sane enough to go thru da translation n b enlightened.
    my mom listens to quran but she wudnt know da meaning..n sometimes shed say " haadha reechey e gaaree kiyavaaleh"
    stop making a song and dance for no good! v brown not-so-sexy maldivians are not so naive.
    u moron!!! go get a life n leave us alone...

  13. With such preachers maldives will become a second afghanistan in a near future! People who speak against this are labelled as anti islamic nowadays. We want moderate islam here. we have been moderate muslims from the very begining and want to remain like that. Some people need to raise there voices on this!

  14. I call Jeffrey Salim to stop spreading his anti-islamic propaganda on the internet. Jeffrey's views are harming his father's 2013 presidential campaign.

    Vote for Waheed!

  15. yepp..the army of minivan will come here ..comment...there will b an aaniyaa..and a muneera..a hilath and a simon and the people around them..they wil come ...comment in different names..multiple times..tell you what!! maldivians will turn to true islam...and that day minivan and its people will not be able to operate...after this term of presidency, the next ruler will not be from MDP or its allies..and then something will happen!!

  16. I'm all for having different people talking about Islam. And I am all for civil society organising such events - not the government. I think it is good that Salaf brought in more than one person this time. Personally I would like to have more diverse opinions and speakers coming in, so that we get to hear different perspectives, from learned Muslim scholars and speakers, and it would make us seriously think about what Islam means to us individually and collectively. Salaf, can we please have Farid Esack next time?

  17. What??? Is this man giving a religous lecture or is it an anti consumerism, communist rant... With a bit of knowledge of how ad's work. He forgot to mention that, that is how the veil is sold to women too (now adays)... Saying veil will make u beautiful, make u safe... U won't get raped...bla bla bla... Forked tongue, Mr Green...

    I thought Sony sports was a sponsor for these so called religious preachers... Why is the sponsor selling the "evil" NIKE shoes that say "just do it" So guess Mr Green is saying Sony is evil... Or did Sony not sponsor them after all
    And COKE is evil too.... hahahahaha

    what a lame attempt to use the psycology of advertising to make it sound that the "west" that he lives in is evil and corrupt.
    Sex, drugs and rock & roll.... Is a catchy way to get the interest of the people (like how advertisements work) ...

    Mr Green, lives in a secular country... Wonder if he has ever tried to get citizenship in a non secular country?

  18. There is no compulsion in religion. As long as there is no forcing, I do not see anything wrong with people preaching religion.

  19. Hani: Can you explain how human being evolved from monkeys. We see monkeys. We see human as well. But what happened to those in between. Was it a monkey simply transformed to become a man. Why we cannot see monkeys becoming human now. We see monkeys in circus; they learn many tricks. But why are they not able to teach or pass on the same tricks to their offspring

  20. Abdurraheem don't like it. Rocking the Casbah. We are rocking the Casbah.

  21. Wow what a nice and insightful speech Mr.Green, I really love it. Hello Minivan news,hope u like it too,billion times better than the way you guys promote democracy,lesbianism,homosexual and music.Once again thanx Mr.Green. Hope our President too will read or listen the full lecture. Have a great day Maldivians and pray Allah(SWT) to grant us a sucessfull life in this world and in the hereafter.

  22. is it just me, or do others also think the good Mr Green should buy himself a man-bra?

  23. "when white people get brown it’s so sexy" - Br Abdurraheem Green. THE MORON

  24. How can Minivannews be promoting one side if all sides are allowed to comment here? That argument that Minivannews is somehow unislamic is ridiculous. If anything they're promoting Islam by posting these here. I bet plenty of people loved reading it and believed every word.

    It's also ridiculous to call people criticizing this unislamic as well.

    This "we're only able to criticize something if it's less extreme" has to stop.

    Hameed: If you think evolution involves animals transforming into one another, you need to go back and learn what it's about.

    What does the passing on of skill have to do with it? There are many animals which do that exact same thing. What are you even going on about? What's your point?

  25. the problem with Wahhabis is that they become intolerant if any body practice any thing other than what they preach. We are becoming so intolerant that we cannot even practice Islam as per our holy book Quran. If you allow these kind of preachers we will end up being more intolerant and soon you will see another Afghanistan here..ppl with long beard and robes, sporting AK47s and lead by Adhalath of Salaf...perhaps?

  26. I support more of these types of posting on minivan news. Good work.

  27. Why do we need democracy in Maldives? Democracy is freedom, the people of Maldives want to be slaves of an ideology and live with fear of ranting God. Anni can revert Maldives back to Stone Age. Live like savages the same way Mullahs of Adalath wants Maldives to become and probably the majority of Maldivian wants life of oppression, fear, and slavery while hallucinating the paradise with 70 virgins.

  28. This punk doesn’t seem to be able to shake off his Christian upbringing. He wears, Naoozu-billah (we seek refuge in Allah against such blasphemy), what looks like a crucifix over his chest. His road show is called Call 2010 and he refers to 24 hours a day and 365 days in the year. Masha Allah (whatever Allah wills), let me tell Brother Adhurey Green that the current Islamic year is not 2010 and it is approximately 354, not 365 days long. The Islamic day begins at sunset and ends at sunset the following day and so it is not always 24 hours long. Brother Adhurey needs to go back to madharusaa (indoctrination centre) and Insha Allah (if Allah wills) he will learn a bit more of the Dheen (cult). Alhamdulillah (praise be to Allah)

  29. Minivan news secularists has done it again!!! They think that they can fool us muslims into thinking that these ulamas and daees are here to talk rubbish. Who do you think we are?? some monkeys who fell from the tree like your so secular ideologies beleive so?? What you are doing is translating some parts of the Sheikhs lecture and commenting by your anti islamist gangs as if this lecture is an illogical , baselees lecture. The last time you translated Sheikh Ilyas's lecture you were afraid to add the questions which were taking place between the christian missionary and the muslim student why??? You know that if you had added it most of your the non muslims readers would have understood that islam is the the religion of truth. Whether you want it or not islam will prevail on this Earth.

  30. We evolved not from monkeys but from Apes and those who want to see how it happened better get good books on evolution and read before commenting. How about starting from Charles Darwin?

  31. Dr.Nair, Dr. Bilal and Br. Green are respected scholars with a misconception about life and islam in Maldives. If our brothers at religious affairs had highlighted the truth, I am certain either the scholars wouldn't have come, or if they did, they would have spent more time directly talking to the youth rather than use our free media to start revolution, misunderstandings and an attack to the west and Americans. Maldives has everything the west has: incest, adultery, homosexual ism, child abuse (by priests), murder, theft,corruption and worse alcohol and drugs in abundance. Gentlemen help us help our children, dont confuse them, dont make them feel that marrying a 9 year old girl is fine, dont encourage women to be sex slaves and servants by keeping them indoors, dont make our youth revolt against the constitution by refusing music as part of life....

  32. Is there is a difference between monkeys and apes? You bet there are many!

  33. No one talks bad about his own motherland, however bad it may be. Its a sheer shame for Br. Green to refer to his bros and sis as 'those people' living in countries without wasting money and time to come to Maldives. He says we shouldn't be like them.
    Br. Green, Maldivians are not monkeys or illiterate as you may think. We may be limited in understanding islam, but we are a good bunch of humans confused only by politicians and religious fanatics (wahabi) and of course the world development. We were denied basic education before thats the older generation would run behind people like Br.Green who first, was the biggest sinner and now the best angel after converting to Islam. What a joke! colonialism days are over!

  34. Our Maldivian brown is much sexier, I invite Mr. Green to have a closer look. Or all these queen Elizabeth's kids are rcist. Didn't South Africa teach you white to leave colours alone. By the way I find the British pale Pinnk skin very sexy, without any tan. Or should my taste of colour with Mr. Green in order for me to be a Muslim.
    Maldivian Green is a more beautiful green than her majesty's green.
    Looks like this peace TV is raiding the Maldives wave after wave. - Ibrahim Navy Blue

  35. Hey baaree and those who want the so called "Moderate Islam". DO u guys even know what moderate islam is?. U guys think u are the one's who decide what is moderate and what is extreme?. Muhammed(pbuh) had a beard of the length of a fist. He taught us to spread the message of islam. He told that music is haram. and dancing with it is far worse. And speaking of practicing islam by the book, what makes u think u know better than the ulamas about religion. Dont make such groundless and senseless statements. By allegating what the preachers say are extreme is unknowingly blaming our prophet(pbuh) an extremist. Wake up u guys.

  36. Hani: Alcohol in moderate amounts have benefits, but as u continue u cannot stick to that moderate amount and u get drunk. Same with music. U unknowingly get addicted.
    So its always safer to be safe.

  37. Imagine there's no heaven
    It's easy if you try
    No hell below us
    Above us only sky
    Imagine all the people
    Living for today...

    Imagine there's no countries
    It isn't hard to do
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion too
    Imagine all the people
    Living life in peace...

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will be as one

    Imagine no possessions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man
    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world...

    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will live as one

  38. @hani
    Read carefully what i have written. Or is it your monkey brain not helping u to understand anything. "DARWINISM IS SIMPLY A DEVIANT IDEOLOGY, WITH NOTHING SCIENTIFIC ABOUT IT. IT IS NOT SUPPORTED BY EVEN A SINGLE PIECE OF SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE," Harun Yahya.

  39. We should all blame the Tsumani...a natural disaster that gave us an opportunity to grow and prosper as good muslims, but we messed up. We were good muslims then...human greed, for a quick buck was the devil. Its us individuals to take the blame. Not the governments nor religion, just us.

  40. to Uncle on Mon, 7th Jun 2010 6:45 PM
    than you great word.just have God in heart and you will be free from any ideology and religion.

  41. if i was salafi,and from the west.
    if i was a da'ee,i could've come.
    to this land of dumb;
    a third world slum ruled by scum.
    rant at them - the ugly west;
    and earned some easy bucks.

    just like bilal, and brother green,
    or like yousuf estes.
    maybe like that brown-skinned preacher,
    the english speaking indian doctor.
    his pets, children or the banana riding wife.

    the hell is calling, dont be sad.
    the paradise filled with lazzath,araam.
    the call which expalins halaal haraam.
    the time of death and a great inzaar.

  42. Okay here's the thing. Listen carefully. There are people in Maldives right now, who want to spread the idea that Wahhabism is the "true" and "only" version of Islam which can take you to heaven. They consider all others, even other Sunnis, Shites and Sufis as "kaafir" and reject them. Mohamed Bin Abdul Wahhab was a guy who came way after the prophet. He created his own ideology. Saudi Arabia was formed on this basis, and have the power to spread this ideology in terms on oil money.

    The last country to suffer the disease of Wahhabism was Afghanistan in a more popular way. The taliban radicals were wahhabi followers, who implemented one of the most extreme versions of Islam in their land, and destroyed the livelihood of their people. They were anti-west, armed and dangerous. They were so anti-west, they destroyed the World Trade Centres in 2001.

    This is exactly what the Wahhabis in Maldives want to do. Adhaalath party, Salaf, IF, and may it even be Sheikh Nasrullah and Dotcom, they are all the same wahhabi radicals, trying to implement a Taliban style ruling system in the Maldives. They are playing their game very well. They are convincing everybody that wahhabism is the only way. The scholars they bring in are all from this ideology. And they will stop at nothing, especially since they run the Islamic Ministry.

    Maldivians have fallen for this. Wahhabis are slowly taking over. Nowadays, if you are not a wahhabi, then you are immediately labeled a
    "kaafir" or to make the word kaafir a bit nicer, now they use the term atheist. If you are an artist, you are atheist. If you are a musician, you are atheist. If you have pictures of your family members in your house, you are atheist. If you shave, you are atheist. If you don't wear 1/4th of pants, you are atheist. If women don't wear veil or hijab, they are atheist. This list goes on.

    Maldivians, don't be blinded by the illusion the wahhabis are creating. Find out what's happening around you, and be aware of the changes they are bringing to our country.

  43. i ask the government to close this minivannews before it's too late as they know we are 100%muslim country constitutionally, so anything which criticizes Islam would not be tolerated by masses or the MPs, or else give them the guide lines which they should in accordance to our laws and constitution.. there various articles published by either munira or aania which goes clearly against islam and it's sharia, this really is stupidity, try something else but not the faith of majority Maldivians


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