Two dead in fatal house fire next door to Sala Thai

Police have confirmed the deaths of two people in a fire that broke out in the Orchid building next door to the Sala Thai restaurant in Male’ just after 9:00am this morning.

Police spokesperson, Sub-Inspector Ahmed Ali, said police were currently unable to identify the victims because the bodies were severely burned.

Howver Haveeru reported the identities of the victims as Iuthisham Adam and Dhon Sitthi of Haaji Edhuru, the mother of both Deputy Health Minister Fathimath Afiya and Permanent Representative of the Maldives to the UN in Geneva, Iruthisham Adam.

President later Mohamed Nasheed later visited the scene.

“We don’t know how the fire was caused and police are investigating the incident,” said Sub-Inspector Ali. Minivan News observed police forensic officers on the scene.

Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) firefighters quickly extinguished the initial blaze and took two hours to completely contain the blaze, successfully preventing it from taking hold in adjoining buildings. Minivan News understands that firefighters searching building for the women were obstructed by the weakened second floor and large amounts of smoke.

Large crowds of civil servants from the nearby Velaanage office building gathered behind police tape to watch as successive rescue attempts were made.

The owner of Sala Thai, who was present at the scene, said the restaurant would have to “close for some time” as the fire had damaged the kitchen and destroyed an upstairs storeroom.


52 thoughts on “Two dead in fatal house fire next door to Sala Thai”

  1. This is a wrath from Allah. I convey sympathy to the victims, but call to behave the way instructed by Almighty Allah.

  2. Haveeru reported the deceased as Haaji Edhuru Dhon Siththi and her daughter Luthisham Adam, mother and sister of Deputer Health Minister, Fathimath Afiya and Permanant Representative UN in Geneva, Iruthisham Adam.

  3. @John: Are you claiming to be a messenger of Allah?! If not how do you know this was a wrath from Allah? It's disgusting how zealots like you don't even know when you are committing Shirk in your haste to exploit a tragic situation to condemn others!

    My sincere condolences to the family of the victims.

  4. Haveeru was very irresponsibly. The immediate family of the deceased weren't even informed when they published their names. I informed Haveeru and tried to take out the names but they were too keen to break the news. I hope that MJA look into this matter.

  5. Does Allah instruct how to behave to avoid fires, messenger John???

    Oh an I thought it was an accident...

  6. @ john...
    Just zip it!!!! you and your thoughtless words.
    May god bless their souls

  7. @ john- mr.know-it-all, you dnt hav to jump in to tht type of conclusions >.<
    if tht had happnd to ur family i'm sure u wud say it was a coincidence.

    condolences to the family of the deceased..

  8. John: Allah says you are next on the list. Now STFU and go do something good while you still can.

  9. Why you all are so scared when a Muslim says that its a wrath from Allah?

    Allah punishes human beings for a reason. Don't you know that? I wonder what you have learned all these years.

    You people didn't even get a message from the Japan Tsunami as well. It's wrath from Allah.

    Insha Allah, I will fight the infidels and secularists for the sake of Allah.

    Allah will protect the religion Islam.

  10. @John If incidents like these are punishments from a supernatural, vengeful god, don't you think the dreadful incidents in Japan should have kept him quiet for a while? You have no idea how childish you sound or how hurtful your naive, immature comments might be to the family and friends of these innocent victims to whom we should all simply convey our condolences.

  11. @MN- can you not exercise your editorial rights? You've already published one insensitive comment from this John. Now a second one is published. Please don't publish any more. Please think of the family concerned.

    @John - just shut up!

    Sincere condolences to the family of the deceased.

  12. @john oh pray tell what is the punishment for taking the life of a 70 year old women and her handicapped daughter. you and your flea beards are disgusting excuse for human being. do us a favor go back to your hell holes in Pakistani desert and blow you self and your brothers up. Idiots...

  13. May they rest in peace. my condolences to the family. John, if u were a good muslim,as you claim you would pray for those who lost their lives and pay your respects to the familyinstead of spewing hatred and trying to discredit islam in here. It is not allah's wrath when two innocent lives are lost in a tragic accident. Allah, unlike you is compassionate and merciful.

  14. John. I don't think Allah will like you for your ridiculous attitude.

    Dude. Seriously .. Internet is Haraam .. it's American made .. get rid of it and find a camel ...


  15. Finally we all must now believe that Male' is very congested and that we urgently require to conduct a Fire Safety Inspection of Male' City and other areas so that we know the status of Male' in case of fire....

    Looking into the status, we would know the steps to be taken or what precautionary or safety measure we could take. No doubt, anything could happen at anytime but we must not forget to do what we can do before it's too late.

    Now the question is who shall do this inspection? Majlis? Executive? Judiciary?

  16. @ jhon pls clam down.. this is not the good time to argue with this matter.
    the person who died are all muslims... we must pray & sincerly ask from the almighty Allh for forgivness & goodness for the deseased & for all of us. I hope most of the coment writers also muslims so muslims know the right guidance from the messanger of Allah... try to be live on those standards...
    This is not how the messanger of Allah dealth with incedents like this..
    May Allah protect us from Shythan & show us the right path.

  17. condolences to the family. I have personally met both of them and am glad to say they are very kind and nice.May ALLAH grant them Paradise.
    @John,u are not a Muslim according to Islam as what u said is words of Shirk, and so you should give up your citizenship as a Maldivian and flee to Torabora.

  18. @John.

    Can you please shut up... and be human enough to pay respect to the departed.

    You are everything that is wrong with this society.. trying to put a religious spin on every single thing..

    My condolence to the family.. and may Allah bless their souls..

  19. Details in Haveeru new's were even scary. The victims were a disabled girl and an old lady in a small 10 ft 7 ft room. It paints a gory image. Now what kind of people are they who leave their old mother alone in such a place and rent the house as a restaurant for money..

  20. The most thoughtless words heard after reading this news on "haveeru" by a reader: "oh no! my favorite restaurant got burnt!now where will i eat?" true maldivian mind and body comment that think only about stuffing their guts all the time!!take a bow john!

  21. @sad story
    that's the maldivian way of caring for the elderly and the disabled..not many tears will be shed for this..male' is getting congested and buildings are being built and rented so that some can go abroad and live happily with the rent that keep flowing in while the poor island takes the burden of the congestion...some will suffer and die while the affluent will pack up and settle down abroad..this incident will be forgotten even by those concerned..compassion is not a part of maldivian culture!!

  22. @John. Could you please leave this country, and go to Afghanistan where you can live with your brothers and then blow yourselves up? Please, do that.

    May Allah grant the unfortunate people in this incident paradise. And also, I agree with some comments made about fire safety in Male'. From some Haveeru comments, it seems that the firefighters arrived very late.

  23. This is such a tragic loss. May Allah grant bless them both with eternity in paradise.
    Some of the comments here are way out of line; as a person who know the family well, they cared for their mother and their sister unconditionally as much as any one could care for them. People should at least check the facts when commenting. Hope they know the role this family had in founding the Care Society, and that most family members are in public service.
    Minivannews should moderate such comments.

  24. I know for a fact that a practicing muslim will not use a non-muslim name like "john" to comment. So, this John person is just a fake. Its very likely that people in minivan news wrote the comment and published it in top just to play with peoples emotions. So far in the 24 comments, everyone is commenting against this "john" and some of the comments are offensive and degrade islam & its God.
    Why do i think that this website wrote that comment? its because this website has a history of involving islam and muslims in each and every topic they cover. like when they cover the sacking of police commisioner they will cover it like, "religious party says this about the issue" as the heading. when they cover an art festival, they will say "this religious NGO has this view abt it" when they cover libya for example they will say "religious party thinks this abt the issue" its always islam, islam & muslims, nothing else.. and this undue attention on religion drives the secularists on a comment frenzy, with absurd degrading comments on religion... Thats how things are done in this website.
    oh, by the way, my condolences to that tragedy struck family.

  25. @John: How frustrating for Allah to have you around!

    My sincerest condolences to the family. Losing people we love is never ever easy. But sometimes, no reasons will ever justify the loss of human life.

  26. @john you got what you wanted...attention..No human being or God would get any solace in seeing a crippled girl and an old woman burnt to ashes and die in is an unfortunate incident caused by unfortunate living conditions...And they have died a martyr's death john,u may get jealous but in that tortured death their souls have achieved heaven..May they rest in peace in heaven!!!

  27. Could Minivan news pls explain why it published the irresponsible comment by this "JOhn" character when it is clearly a time of tragedy and mourning for the bereaved family?

    What is the editorial policy of Minivan news for letting this go on, on the site.

  28. to minivan news:
    can you please clarify the comment guideline in this website. I have seen some very degrading remarks against God and religion.
    If you dont have such a guideline, how much of the Maldivian law do you follow?

    Minivan News' commenting guidelines can be read here.

  29. "Finally we all must now believe that Male’ is very congested and that we urgently require to conduct a Fire Safety Inspection of Male’ City and other areas so that we know the status of Male’ in case of fire…."

    Commendable idea. However, I have bad news for you. Male in its current state is a disaster waiting to happen in more than one dimension. How can it not be?

    Male cannot pass a fire safety inspection of ANY kind when there are more than 150,000 people jammed into this tiny hell hole of less than 2 sq. miles!

  30. John, there are two tragedies, the horrible accident this morning where two innocent people died and your mis interpretation of the situation to gain a cheap point. John, you are distasteful, vulgar and uneducated.

  31. John is trying his best to get you to hate Islam. Please be aware of that..

  32. What a tragic incident. The daughter, Iruthisham who is Maldivian Ambassador in Geneva is a very close friend, and I cannot imagine receiving any worse news than this. This is so very tragic!

  33. Has anyone ever wondered or pondered about the act of arson?

    Just a couple of months earlier I read that a house in which the house of the wife (or maybe ex-wife - can't recall fully now) of Special Envoy to the President, Ibrahim Hussein Zaki was on fire. But luckily, that time the fire was put off.

    Just a couple of weeks ago I can remember when a commoner's place was completely burnt down. And I was near the place prior to the incident. Everybody always was blaming the electricity.

    I was skeptical about all this. Because, just a about three minutes ago I was in the adjacent building's terrace with my friend to collect some plants to be taken to my place. And while I came down with the plants the house next to the one I came down was on fire. And with my past fire training and other knowledge put together, I cannot think of an electrical fault. This is just logic I was using.

    I mingled with the crowds on the road and was listening to what people were saying. After about five minutes more than one reliable and responsible-type neighbors said something about some young strangers (most probably addicts) were seen to go in place which burnt down.

    After sometime, and still from the crow, someone said something about a 'vengeance'.

    I've observed the dramatic fight patterns on the streets since the night when the current president returned from the UK to register a political party. Not only I, but most of the people in Male' would've seen this (if not go back through the Haveeru or other news media of those dates). Also I've seen one night an a guy with a with samurai sword in the same period (i.e. before any political party was ever legalized).

    So my questions are:-

    (1) Dose someone or people (i.e. dark forces) want to show the common people that with democracy and party system it's not SAFE?

    (NB.: The first time when a petition was sent to Maumoon it was not allowed stating that the nation is 'unfamiliar'/'unfriendly' to such a system.)

    (2) Can this be the opposition gang-style political leaders manipulating the addicts to burn up or disorient the lives of the current political figures in power?

    (NB.: Arson is very common in the history of Maldivian politics. Usually, there have been major places set on fire in Male' by the opposition gang-style political leaders who've always craved for power.)

    (3) Can a whole place/house be burnt down just with a simple electrical fault or just the burning of a frying pan?

    (4) Wont petrol, or some other vigorously combustible with a higher flash and fire point, spread the fire to many objects all at the same time in just seconds?

    (5) Also, could it be that if these dark forces want to create a public hatred towards the current government by igniting randomly in the city so that eventually in one incident there will be people who've burnt down with the place?

    (NB.: So far there have been few cases of such if the fire incident was on land.)

    (6) Last but not the least. Have you ever counted the fire incidents relating to boat yards, vehicles and business premises?

    (NB. It was just last week when a manager from an atoll hospital told me at a coffee that the cable TV provider's business premises was completely burnt down.)

    My advice is not only to keep your mouths OPEN; but your brain together with the eyes and ears too. Use your God given faculties to find out the truth about the happenings around you - around us all.
    Keep the vengeance away. Be honest in what you think, see, hear and say or write.

  34. @john.. get off your high horse. who the hell do u think u are making a comment like that! did u know these people personally to claim its god's wrath! for all you know they might be good god loving people
    and if god's gonna be sending any wrath it should be on mindless people like u!

  35. My heart goes out to the family in Male and especially to Iru in Geneva.
    A lovely close friend to us Pacific Islanders. We love you Iru, be strong and Allah will be with you and your family in this tragic moment and always.

  36. I bet this John guy is from Minivannews, taking every opportunity to make people hate the religion of Islam.

    May Allah bless those souls who died in the fire. I've no relation with them nor are friends with any of their family, but the news was saddening. Warmest condolences to the family.

  37. Assalaamu-alaikum,

    This is not the time to respond John. This is the time to convey our condolences to the family and pray for the souls.

    Who knows what is the intention of John? He may be one of the haters of Islam to fuel hate against Muslims during a time of grief.

    Please stop this debate and pray for the family and the victims.

    Jazaakallah Khyran.


    How could you give your comment moderation guideliness as an excuse when such filth is written about Allaah and then accusing the mourning family of cruelty to their mother and sister!

    This is beyound comprehension and it certainly is NOT ETHICAL by any stretch!

    In the name of journalism, Minivannews spews filth to create division and hatred among the society!

  39. Ahmed Bin Addu Bin Suvadheeb, you are right my dear....but i thought i wud suggest it since i was concerned hearing the two dead in fatal house fire news...

    I totally agree with u

  40. How much to do you know about the family when you point fingers at them. Yes haveeru reported that they were found in a small room. How do you know that was the room they used to live.They might have gone there to escape from upstairs since the only entrance was blocked. so please ..don't try to play the game and shame game here..I know that they love and take care of their sister and mom..

  41. I also have my suspicions that "John" is a troll, put by minivan, we all know that one of the main objectives of minivan is to potray maldivians as uncouth, fanatic and stupid, and to make people hate islam and mulsims of this country and get international pressure to divide up this country

  42. in the name of my beloved Late Mum and Late Sister people like John should stop making crass remarks without checking facts .

    my Mum and Sister do not sleep upstairs, my brother took mum and carried my sister to the only escape route towards the roof top as fire was blazing and whole place was in smoke downstairs . mum would not let her be separated from sister and it is impossible for anyone to carry both of them through the roof . this room upstairs had no smoke or fire then and was safe until my brother could call for help . As everwhere fire was catching fast downstairs my brother walked throught it callung the police to come upstairs and save people . If anyone saw the tv shown on incident tat day on news they wud have seen my brother on the stairs . The room was 15 x 9, a big room and u can climb to roof . .my mum was sitting in prayers with my sister .beside her even when they were found . It is a .helpless situation SO DO NOT MAKE ANY .Disrespective comments to my grieving family . Let the poor souls rest in peace and heaven .

  43. John You are not a Muslim and you don't believe in Allah (swt) or Allah's decree.

    Minivan news: seriously??? You have to provoke people against Islam IN THIS ARTICLE AS WELL??? HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR THE DEAD or just write articles by the "cool" "atheist" islamophobes in Maldives about your stupid ideologies and don't report local news and name it the "Murthad news" instead.

    May Allah (swt) grant Jannathul Firdhaus to the two precious Muslim souls who passed away and may his CURSE be upon those who do not respect the dead and try to defame the name of Islam and Muslims.

  44. kanthah thah maa machchah thiya dhanee. aaila eh ge 2 memberaku hithaama veri gothakah nimi dhiyaamaa, comment kuraameehun dhen hithah erigothakah comment kuraanee akee noon. e 2 maruhoomaa ah suwarugey ge heyo rahmaiy fulhu levvumah edhi comment kuraanee. mi othee vaa kameh.

  45. Guys calm down all of you. Can't you see that this John guy wants to be famous and highlighted by everyone. Leave him for Allah to decided. All of you continue writing here your condolenses for the family. Just ignore him. We know the family who died are martyres and we don't need some john or pope to accept that. And MN will publish anything here except which does not tarnich their own names. That is the goal of MN: create atheism and anti islamism. Just ignore all these useless people and remember the deads for right now.

  46. It is a well known fact that most the ludicrous comments in the minivan news come from Nazim and his freaky dumb staff of which John the Baptist sure to be the most lousy.Hi John! have you come with the Elija message from the church of christ?


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