A couple from Gwent in the UK have been awarded a £10,000 (US$15,600) settlement after contracting salmonella poisoning during a two week stay at Summer Island Village in 2008, according to reports in UK media.
According a report in the UK’s Metro newspaper, the couple, Scott and Leane Beasant, successfully sued tour operator Cosmos after complaining that “the rooms were dirty, the food undercooked and the water supply was cut off so they could not use the toilet.”
“The only time they left their room was to go to hospital for a series of tests to confirm their illness,” Metro reported.
“We were both absolutely terrified as to what was happening to us. We complained to staff and tour reps but no one seemed to listen,” Scott Beasant told the South Wales Argus.
The fabrication welder reportedly lost 9.5 kilograms in five days due to the illness, while Leane, an occupational health technician, was unable to work for three months due to diarrhoea and abdominal cramps. The couple were also informed they would be unable to proceed with planned IVF treatment, the Argus reported.
“When we returned home I was diagnosed with salmonella poisoning and we couldn’t believe it. What happened in those two weeks has had a serious negative impact on the rest of my life,” Scott Beasant told the paper.
Tour operator Cosmos Holidays confirmed to the Metro that it had reached a settlement with the couple.
Minivan News contacted Summer Island Village for comment and was awaiting a response from the resort’s lawyers at time of press.

The purpose of printing the story on Minivan is questionable. Do not think this is good publicity for Minivan.
Great news, Minivan. Keep reporting what these Maldivian report owners are REALLY doing. The Maldivians already know their real kind, but the world is yet to know. And to be told by the very customers of these power hungry and cunning people who basically 'rob' the poor and feed them with crap.
What about the other tourists who were in the resort?
I have been lucky tostay in overr 40 resorts in the Maldives whie working inte country. The food saftey i have seen is serously questionible, many times isee rare chicken whichis simly out ragous.
@Canada Pilot...Reading your comment (with some difficulty I must say)I have to wonder if you REALLY are a pilot.
@Canada pilot
Your English suggest to me that your not a Canadian or a pilot. You are possibly Indian or Sri Lankan.
Oh, new invention. now we can identify the nationalty of people by reading an english coment
This is the quality conscious of this fated country and they want tourists to eat that shit
this an important story.. do we have health and safety standards in our resorts? if we do who makes it sure that the resorts indeed follows it..
Summer island is operated by MDP patron,Moomina Haleem.
The effects of Salmonella can be devasting and in some cases fatal. Most peope blame poultry for salmonella, however, in truth there are many sources other than poultry, eggs, cheese,etc. Pets, rodent, birds are all carriers of the organism. Typhoid and Paratyphoid are caused by Salmonella typhi and Salmonella paratyphi carried by infected people. Therefore, hygiene and education are very important but in some areas of the world, neglected!
Ok, get real! This retard is in no way from Canada and you don't have to be a genius to realize that he/she is also not a pilot; unless he just made it through kindergarten and you don't need to speak english to be a pilot.
"Canada Pilot on Wed, 27th Jun 2012 10:38 AM
I have been lucky tostay in overr 40 resorts in the Maldives whie working inte country. The food saftey i have seen is serously questionible, many times isee rare chicken whichis simly out ragous."
UK tourists take travel vaccines from there general practitioner (GP) before travelling to south asian countries, and one of the vaccine they take is the typhoid one (against salmonella). So how did they get salmonella from the Maldives? There are doubts. Plus why didn't they get diagnosed from the Maldives for the disease? A simple blood culture would have easily detected the disease in its early stage. What did it have to be diagnosed back in UK? There are discrepancies in this report. UK citizens would do anything to get compensations, they are otherwise benefit dependent lazy people who use every opportunity to get a compensation. Maldives shouldn't be paying any compensation unless a proper investigation has been carried from our side too into this matter.
Hey unknown what do you mean by Srilankans or Indians? What is wrong with the English of Srilankans or Indians ?
@ Yasir-can you read?? The couple "successfully sued tour operator Cosmos after complaining that “the rooms were dirty, the food undercooked and the water supply was cut off so they could not use the toilet.” It was about more than salmonella-they probably paid thousands for a holiday and received poor service and had a REALLY BAD experience as stated above!! The tour operator will be taking it up with the resort because you can't expect people to pay good money for a crap service.
They did attend the hospital in Maldives, again the article states “The only time they left their room was to go to hospital for a series of tests to confirm their illness.” Maybe the diagnosis was made back in the UK because of the incompetent medical service in the Maldives-why do so many Maldivians travel to India and Lanka for medical treatment??
Are you a UK lawyer who specialises in compensation claims?? "UK citizens would do anything to get compensations, they are otherwise benefit dependent lazy people who use every opportunity to get a compensation". You know this for a fact do you? UK citizens work all year and save hard for a holiday, why should they put up with slack, lazy Maldivians treating them poorly?
"Maldives shouldn’t be paying any compensation unless a proper investigation has been carried from our side too into this matter" Ha ha, that's the funniest thing I heard all year-are the Maldives food hygiene standards going to come into force and investigate?
Someone from the resort will pay off the government and the matter will soon go away-that is how it works over here with everything.
They do look very greedy to be honest, just like typical Brits ! Everyday life for some, spending thousands and claiming it back from Banks or any how possible. makes me laugh !
Yasir@Typhoid fever is caused by Salmonella typhi.Salmonella food poisoning is caused by other species, such as Salmonella enterica. I don't think that typhoid vaccine protects against species other than S. typhi.