Man sentenced to six months imprisonment for skinny dipping in Artificial Beach

The Criminal Court has sentenced a man to six months imprisonment after he was found guilty of ‘skinny dipping’ (swimming naked) in the Artificial Beach in Male’.

The Court said that Ali Niushad, of Henveiru Saarokuge’, had confessed to the crime and found him guilty of “objecting to order”.

In the Court, Niushad confessed that on February 26 he removed all of his clothes and went skinny dipping at 5:30am that morning.

The Criminal Court said his action violated article 88[a] of the Penal Code.

In February this year, the religious Adhaalath Party complained that tourists had been wearing improper clothing and consuming alcohol on Hulhumale’ beach in public, and that the area was becoming “a place where Maldivian families cannot visit.”

“People who own beach front houses have developed guest houses in the area, and as a result tourists coming to the guest houses have started to use the Hulhumale’ beach they would aresort beach,’’ said the Adhaalath Party in statement. “They have been in the beach wearing clothes that do not properly cover their body, and are swimming likewise.’’

The Adhaalath Party then cited “a reliable source” as claiming that tourists have been “putting up umbrellas and consuming alcohol under them on Hulhumale’ beach.”

Signs warning visitors not to wear bikinis have since been erected.


NGO to promote Maldivian culture to be launched this Friday

‘Thirees Nuvaeh’ (‘thirty nine’), a new NGO dedicated to promoting Maldivian culture, will be launched this Friday night at the Artificial Beach in Malé.

The NGO claims it will work towards “strengthening and consolidating democratic principles, human rights, gender equality and social justice; and, to lobby the government, the parliament, the judiciary, political parties, independent commissions, private agencies and individuals.”

The name ’39’ is a reference to Article 39 of the Constitution, which states that all citizens will “participate in the cultural life of the nation.”

The launch will be at 8:45pm on Friday at the Artificial Beach, and attendees are encouraged to wear traditional diguhedhun, dhivehilibaas (women), mundu, gamees (men), or smart casual.

Addendum: This event has been postponed until next week due to inclement weather. Minivan News will update when we receive more information.


Reports of a baby at Artificial Beach have police laughing

Reports of a bundle that looked like a baby sent police to the Artificial Beach yesterday.

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam said police took the reports very seriously and went to the Artificial Beach, near the Tsunami Memorial to look at the bundle.

They unwrapped it to find it was a frozen fish.


Sheikh Fareed claims judges are bribed

Sheikh Ibrahim Fareed has called upon judges to be fair when issuing sentences, reports Miadhu.

During a lecture entitled ‘To Whom Hellfire is Calling’, held on Friday night at the artificial beach, Sheikh Fareed alleged some judges were being bribed and ruling against their conscience despite overwhelming evidence.

Sheikh Fareed said that without a fair judiciary many social illnesses would be inflicted on society, which would result in punishment from God.

Sheikh Fareed also said talking about politics and ‘wasting time’ were useless, and that the time should be used for productive causes.


NGO coalition joins forces with Adhaalath Party in protest against new alcohol regulations

The Adhaalath Party has held a joint press conference with a coalition of NGOs against the sale or use of alcohol on inhabited islands.

State Minister for Islamic Affairs Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed, speaking on behalf of the Adhaalath Party, said the message for the government was that ”the consumption and sale of alcohol in a place where Muslims live is unacceptable”, and that the protest would continue until the president invalidated the new regulation.

He suggested that everyone taking part in the protest, which will start at the artificial beach following Asru prayers, should dress in white.

”We will not be violent and we will not call for the resignation of anybody,” he said.

Sheik Adam Naseem said the Prophet (PBUH) had advised all Muslims to stay away from alcohol as it was ”the mother of all the sins”, and said the new regulations made afraid that the country’s teenagers would be led down the wrong path.

The Vice President of Islamic NGO Jamiyyath-al-Salaf, Hassan Moosa Fikree, called on “all the people who love Islam” to take part in the protest.

He said the government had given “a deaf ear” to the organisation’s words and had not responded to any of their letters.

”We cannot be stopped until we achieve what we want,” he said. “In Islam [alcohol] is haram.”

He questioned why the government was trying to “find a loophole” to allow the sale of alcohol on inhabited islands. “Everybody is against it; each and every person,” he said.

Fikree distinguished between inhabited islands and resorts.

“There’s definitely a distinction because resort have regulations,” he said. “Civilians can’t visit resorts regularly any time they want, and there are special rules such as areas of resorts that Maldivians can’t visit. There is a big difference between inhabited islands and resort islands because resorts have regulations and these resorts are especially designed and invented for tourism.”

Permanent Secretary for the Islamic Ministry Mohammed Didi said that while there might “technically” be a problem with resorts profiting from the sale of alcohol, the ministry was not saying anything about the resort businesses.

“For the last 30 years the Maldives has sold alcohol in resort islands. The ministry is not saying anything about the resort businesses, only inhabited islands and the new regulations,” he said.
