Application for state electricity subsidies opens today

The National Social Protection Agency (NSPA) has announced the commencement of the two month application period for renewed electricity subsidies.

In an announcement made on February 9, the NSPA stated that the period for submission of forms will run from February 10 to April 9.

The forms are to be submitted to the NSPA desk in Faashana Maalam of Dharubaaruge in Malé and island council offices in other regions.

The NSPA recently revealed that the criteria for state provided electricity subsidies is under review to ensure subsidies are granted in a proportional and fair manner, as “the wealthy and the poor are now being the same subsidies”.


Maldives included in World Cup qualifying stage

The Maldives has been included in the World Cup qualifying stage in the Asian zone for the 2018 World Cup finals to be held in Russia.

The country was included in qualifying as one of the top 34 Asian national teams, reported Vaguthu, with Afghanistan and Bangladesh the only other South Asian countries to appear in the qualifying round.

The Maldives is currently ranked 131st in the FIFA world rankings. The highest ever ranking attained by the country was in 2006 at 126, while lowest was 183, in 1997.

The qualifying matches – which are to be played as home and away fixtures – are due to start on June 11, while the group draw is to be decided in April.

The top team in each group will qualify for the third round in the World Cup qualifications, while also automatically qualifying for the 2019 Asian Cup – the biggest footballing event in Asia.

Source: Vaguthu


MDP and JP announce representatives to Inter Party Commission

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and Jumhooree Party have announced their representatives in the Inter Party Commission to be formed under the new agreement signed in defence of the Constitution.

MDP representatives in the commission will be party leader and former President Mohamed Nasheed, Chairperson Ali Waheed, Parliamentary Group leader Ibrahim Mohamed Solih, MP for Machchangoalhi Uthuru Mariya Ahmed Didi, MP for Henveiru Uthuru Abdulla Shahid, MP for Hithadhoo Uthuru Mohamed Aslam, and Malé City Mayor Mohamed Shihab.

Meanwhile, reported that the JP will be represented by party leader MP Gasim Ibrahim, Vice President Ameen Ibrahim, Abdulla Kamaludeen, MP Ilham Ahmed, MP Abdulla Riyaz, MP Hussain Mohamed, and MP Ali Hussain.

According to the agreement, the Inter Party Commission, to be formed with the Inter Party Parliamentary Group within 10 days of the signing of the agreement, must consist of each party’s leader.

The commission has the authority to formulate the rules under which the Inter Party Parliamentary group will function and is mandated primarily “to oversee and decide on the course of action required to accomplish the purpose of the agreement”.


Brigadier General Ahmed Shahid appointed new Vice Chief of Defence Force

President Abdulla Yameen has removed Brigadier General Ahmed Mohamed from the post of vice chief of the defence force and replaced him with Brigadier General Ahmed Shahid.

Late last month Brigadier General Zakariyya Mansoor, who also serves as the director general of counter terrorism at the Ministry of Defence, was appointed as the commander of the Aviation Security Command.

The defence ministry had earlier denied media reports that Zakariyya had also replaced the Chief of Defence Force Brigadier General Ahmed Shiyam, who was said to have retired from active duty.

A reshuffling of senior positions within the military has followed the dismissal of defence minister Colonel (retired) Mohamed Nazim last month in relation to dangerous weapons charges.


Man arrested for keeping disabled son in chains

A 50-year-old man has been arrested for keeping his disabled son bound in chains at Baa Atoll Eydhafushi.

Haveeru reported that the case of the 23-year-old was brought to the attention of the relevant authorities by the Baa Atoll hospital after he was treated for a head injury, with police finding him bound in chains upon arriving at his house.

Meanwhile, the gender ministry and police have started investigating a case in Kaafu Atoll Guraidhoo involving the alleged abuse of 12 children.

According to information obtained by Haveeru, a gender ministry team has been deployed to the island to investigate the case, which was first brought to the attention of Guraidhoo School by a concerned parent.

“This involves children between grade 1 and 7. Some of the children have admitted to being abused. We have found out that these kids are being abused by the same group of people,” an unnamed source told the paper.

Last week, local child protection NGO Advocating the Rights of Children (ARC) said that the recent increase in reports of child abuse cases following the death of Rakeedhoo toddler Mohamed Ibthihaal was only the “tip of the iceberg”.

The high profile case of Ibthihaal resulted in a spike in reports of child abuse to the police and gender ministry as the public and media campaigned to raise awareness on the issue.

Source: Haveeru


New deputy minister appointed to the Home Ministry and the Economic Ministry

President Abdulla Yameen has appointed deputy ministers to the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Development.

According to a tweet from the President’s Office Spokesman Ibrahim Muaz, Ahmed Saleem was appointed to the post of deputy home minister and Abdulla Mohamed to the post of deputy economic minister.

Mohamed, who previously served as a state minister at the home ministry and the registrar of NGOs, was also vice president of the Civil Alliance Coalition of NGOs – Madhanee Iththihad – a group at the forefront of protests that led to the ousting of former President Mohamed Nasheed in 2012.

Saleem, who joined the Jumhooree Party during the 2013 presidential elections after previously serving as a council member of the Progressive Party of Maldives, has left the JP after the party signed an agreement with Maldivian Democratic Party to defend the Constitution last week.


Malé City says Police and Housing Ministry impersonating council staff

Malé City Council (MCC) has alleged that police officers and some housing ministry staff are impersonating city council supervisors and unlawfully trying to confiscate items at the local market.

According to an MCC press statement released today (February 8), the local market falls under the jurisdiction of the city council as part of the Decentralisation Act.

However, the council said it had been receiving complaints from market traders saying that police and housing ministry staff are pretending to be council supervisors and attempting to confiscate items.

Repeated removals of the council’s powers by central authorities has led to suggestions that the government is trying to “destroy decentralisation”.

The removal of lands formerly under the council’s jurisdiction in December last year saw the city mayor admit that his council now oversaw only construction, issuing death and birth certificates, and cleaning mosques.

Later the same month, the housing ministry transferred over one third of the council’s employees to its own offices.

The council today condemned the acts of the officials accused, saying that this activity was being carried out without consulting the council in order to defame it.


Public urged not to try catching crocodiles as sightings increase

The Maldives National Defense Force has urged the public to refrain from trying to catch crocodiles without assistance as sightings around the country continue to rise.

MNDF information officer Major Adnan told Avas that as crocodiles are listed as dangerous animals, it is inadvisable to try and catch them without proper assistance, and that such attempts could end in disaster.

“It is important to call the authorities as soon as you see the crocodile. Sometimes, MNDF have been contacted after the crocodile flees an unsuccessful attempt to capture it. It is then very hard to track and find the animal,” said Major Adnan.

Crocodile sightings have been on the rise after a 10 foot specimen was captured in Laamu Kalhaidhoo last month, with Avas reporting that seven crocodile sightings have subsequently been received by authorities – mostly in the north of the country.

While crocodiles are not native to the Maldives, it is believed that the increased crocodile sightings coincide with the beginning of the Iruvai (North Eastern) monsoon.

Source: Avas


New additional secretary appointed to the foreign ministry

Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hassan Shifau has been appointed to the post of additional secretary at the level of deputy minister, reports CNM.

Shifau, who has served as the permanent secretary at the foreign ministry from February, 2012, had previously held the post of foreign ministry’s deputy director general, heading the regional cooperation department.

Aishath Liusha Zahir and Dr Shehenaz Adam also currently serve as additional secretaries at the foreign ministry.

Meanwhile, the Civil Services Commission last Tuesday (February 3) called for interested parties to submit their applications for the vacant permanent secretary post before 2pm on February 26.

Source: CNM
