US Ambassador to the Maldives Patricia Butenis has said that because the current government is open to listening to the international community the country is improving, reports Miadhu.
Butenis said she understands the challenges the government is facing. She added that the previous government had not showed as much commitment as the current government in addressing major issues.
The ambassador said however the current government needs to address some issues urgently, specifically copyright laws, labour rights, and standarising current laws and regulations with international practices.
Vice President Dr Mohamed Waheed also met with Butenis yesterday morning at the President’s Office.
They spoke about strengthening bilateral relations between the US and Maldives, and discussed the upcoming Donor Conference (Maldives Partnership Forum) which is to be held at the end of March.
Dr Waheed thanked the ambassador for facilitating the Investment Incentive Agreement (IIA) signed yesterday by Ambassador Butenis and Minister for Economic Development Mohamed Rasheed.
The IIA will allow preferential investment opportunities for US firms wanting to finance projects in the Maldives.
Ambassador Butenis expressed interest in expanding the American Corner at the National Library.