Comment & Analysis: Corruption, your ‘no’ counts

Corruption has a devastating effect on democratic governance and economic development all over the world.

The problem is global and no country in the world could possibly claim to be immune against any of the various forms in which corruption manifests itself. Yet, it is of particular concern in the developing world, as huge amounts of money and resources are diverted through corruption away from what it should serve: socio-economic development, justice and security.

And it is a particular concern to South Asia, which is home to one-fifth of the world population and where countries face enormous challenges of sustainably alleviating poverty for millions of people and of meeting the universally agreed upon Millennium Development Goals in less than six years from now.

Corruption, not culture

Often, people believe that they are at the mercy of corruption or even that paying a bribe just belongs to a way of life or a culture in a given society and that this cannot be changed. Although corruption is mostly unanimously considered as ethically unacceptable, it seems that only few are able to visualize and understand the long term harmful consequences of corruption for development and the society. It is perhaps, therefore, that skepticism with regard to the benefits of a zero tolerance approach, have remained for a long time.

This is now gradually changing. In 2003, the world community marked a historic milestone by adopting the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the first ever universal instrument against corruption.

Two years later, it entered into force and today, we can report that 142 countries have ratified the Convention. Through this Convention, Governments have now universally agreed upon and accepted comprehensive standards and measures to criminalise and prevent a variety of forms of corrupt practices, such as bribery of public officials, both national and international, embezzlement of funds, trading in influence, abuse of functions, illicit enrichment, laundering of the proceeds of crime and obstruction of justice.

Equally important, State Parties to the Convention have committed themselves to implement appropriate measures for asset recovery, also across borders, and international cooperation in view of the transnational character of organized criminal activities, such as drug and arms trafficking.

UN-logoWhereas the Convention has been signed and ratified by Governments, it does not limit itself to entrusting measures for the public sphere. It also proposes concrete measures to be taken both by the private sector and the civil society. For example, the Convention specifically mandates the private sector to establish a code of conduct for the prevention of conflicts of interest, internal auditing controls as well as proper commercial practices.

Equally, the civil society is called upon to create awareness and undertake public information and education programmes to promote transparency, integrity and non-tolerance of corruption.

Since entering into force, the State Parties to the United Nations Convention have met regularly to discuss progress in the implementation of the Convention. In the last meeting held in Doha in early November, States have made a breakthrough by agreeing to a new mechanism, under which they will monitor every five years to see how they are living up to their obligations under the Convention.

The strength of the monitoring mechanism is that it is based on self-assessments and peer reviews and that information will be made public.

Time has come to be judged by action taken and not by promises made. The “your no counts” campaign which was brought to live to harness people’s support for anti-corruption in the spirit of the Convention, also calls on you to stand up for integrity and take action against corruption.

Cristina Albertin is the UN representative for the Office on Drugs and Crime in South Asia.

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