MNDF unable to recover dead diver’s body

Maldives National Defense Force (MNDF) Coast Guard Commander Colonel Mohamed Ibrahim has said that the coastguard faces huge challenges in retrieving the body of a dead diver from 100 meters underwater.

Mohamed Jameel was reported missing on February 3 while diving near Villingili Island last week.

Speaking on Maldives Broadcasting Corporation’s Raaje Miadhu, Mohamed said MNDF divers had discovered Jameel’s fishing net at 70 meters on the third day of the search. The MNDF sighted Jameel’s body at 100 meters the next day.

The MNDF held discussions with expert divers in the Maldives and provided them technical assistance to recover the body however, after diving in the area, divers told MNDF that they were not able to retrieve the body due to the depth.

The MNDF spoke to technical officials of a local ‘Whale Submarine,’ but were unable to recover the body because the currents were too strong for the submarine in the area. Mohamed said there were hanging rocks in the area and it requires a strong hydraulic arm.

According to MNDF, the search team also had foreign diving instructors dive in the area and during the two days they tried visibility was low in the area and currents were too strong.


Lost diver found dead at 100 meters

A diver reported lost on February 4 has been sighted at 100 meters off the coast of Kaafu Atoll Villingili Island.

The Maldives National Defense Forces (MNDF) said it is currently holding discussions with expert foreign and local divers on retrieving Mohamed Jameel’s body.

Mohamed Waseem was among the last to see Jameel alive. Waseem told local newspaper Haveeru that he had noticed Waseem diving to an unsafe depth and had cautioned him not to do so.

Jameel, Waseem and a third man had been diving to catch live fish at the time.
