Indian Council for Cultural Relations to co-sponsor Islamic Fair

The Islamic Ministry and the Indian High Commission in the Maldives will hold a joint Islamic Fair next month in Malé and two other atolls, Haveeru reports.

The Indian Council for Cultural Relations will be co-sponsoring the fair, to be held from September 3 to 18. Addu City has been selected as one site, but no island in the city has been chosen yet, the report states.

The fair, scheduled for Raa atoll earlier this year, was originally postponed due to bad weather.


President inaugurates Islamic Fair 2010

President Nasheed inaugurated the 2010 Islamic Fair yesterday afternoon. The fair has been organised by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs and is being held at the Islamic Centre in Malé.

This is the first-ever Islamic Fair held in Maldives. President Nasheed told Miadhu that such fairs would be held across the country in the future. He also said the fair shows the Islamic Ministry is fulfilling its purpose by showcasing the country’s Islamic faith.

There are different stalls which provide the public with books, CDs and information on Islam, democracy and the country. The President visited the stalls after the inauguration.

The fair will continue until 15 February.
