Special needs patient still missing from Guraidhoo

The Ministry of Law and Gender says that a patient remains missing from the Specials Needs Home in Kaafu Guraidhoo.

After a 28-year-old patient went missing on Friday evening, search efforts now include security services, the island council and the coast guard, Deputy Minister Mohamed Zahid told media.

Guraidhoo Island Council member Ali Shameem said it was unlikely the man had gone through the main entrance, which is normally closed and watched. He speculated that the patient may have climbed one of the trees within the compound to get over the high fence.

The ministry announced earlier this year that the government had plans to turn the home into a mental health institute, with centre’s elderly and mentally ill residents provided with separate facilities.

Employees at the facility – which currently homes around 167 patients – have described the facility as under-resourced, with too few staff to provide proper care, and psychiatric patients not allowed the opportunity for rehabilitation.

“The people are suffering here,” one staff member told Minivan News last month, “the management is not good”.

Source: Haveeru


Donations made from Zakat fund to children’s home, centre for persons with special needs

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs has donated MVR100,000 (US$6,485) to the children’s home in Vilimalé and MVR140,000 (US$9,079) to the centre for persons with special needs in the island of Guraidhoo in Kaafu atoll from the Zakat fund, reports newspaper Haveeru.

Zakat is the obligatory alms tax collected from the accumulated wealth of all able Muslims.

Speaking at a ceremony to hand over the donations today, Islamic Minister Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed noted that this was the first time donations to the children’s home and the disability centre were made out of the Zakat fund.

The children at the Vilimalé home and persons with special needs were among the most deserving groups for financial assistance from Zakat proceeds, Shaheem reportedly said.

He added that details of expenditure would have to be submitted to the ministry.

Deputy Gender Minister Sidhatha Shareef meanwhile noted that the Islamic ministry has previously provided financial assistance to the children’s home and disability centre.

According to the local daily, MVR3.4 million (US$220,493) was collected as Zakat this year.
