Majlis approves president’s nominees for Police Integrity Commission

President Abdulla Yameen’s nominees to replace three members of the Police Integrity Commission (PIC) at the expiration of their five-year terms were approved at today’s sitting of parliament.

The three new members of the police watchdog body are Fathmath Sareera Ali Shareef, of special registry number 1320, Mohamed Farhad, of Seenu Meedhoo Hasankaarige, and Ali Nadheem, of Henveiru Gloriosa.

While Sareera and Nadheem were approved with 73 votes in favour and none against, Farhad was approved with 56 votes in favour and 18 against.

The president’s nominee to replace a fourth member on the PIC – who had resigned – was meanwhile rejected today. Adam Zahir, of Maafanu Kurolhi, was rejected with 61 against, five votes in favour, and three abstentions.

The People’s Majlis also passed government-sponsored amendments to the Lagan, Derelict, Flotsam and Jetsam Ownership Act of 1998 with 74 votes in favour and none against.

Amendments to the Police Act of 2008 was meanwhile accepted and sent to committee for further review with 74 votes in favour.

Both amendments were proposed by the government to make minor revisions to remove inconsistencies with the new constitution adopted in August 2008.
