Religious NGO Jamiyyathul Salaf has today said that the NGO had received information that Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) and Jumhoory Party (JP) coalition was using the recent lecture delivered by Salaf’s lecturer Sheikh Adam Shameem, against the purpose of the lecture.
The NGO said that the lecture and the name of the NGO was not to be used for anything other than its actual purpose, which was to remind the people to be careful of those trying to destroy the independence and Islam in the country, and to remind the people not to let those people achieve their goal.
Salaf said the NGO appeals to the members and leadership of PPM and Jumhoory Party and the coalition of parties aligned with JP not to use the NGO’s sermons and name for any other purpose.
Jamiyyathul Salaf also stated that the NGO is not affiliated with any political party and that the NGO is an independent civil NGO.
The NGO said that it could not stop the way people feel about a sermon delivered and also that sermons being an advantage or disadvantage for political parties was not an excuse to stop the NGO from fulfilling its responsibilities.
Salaf said that the NGO does not consider the timing when holding their religious events.
Meanwhile, yesterday Salaf issued a statement accusing Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) of misleading the public over the purpose of the sermon ‘Andalus’, as the sermon was “receiving huge support from the public”.
On September 18, The Maldives Broadcasting Corporation chairman along with members of the Maldives Broadcasting Commission were summoned before the Independent Institutions Committee’s sub-committee following complaints by MDP MPs that the sermon by religious NGO Jamiyyathul Salaf preacher Sheikh Adam Shameem Ibrahim infringed the rights of the party’s presidential candidate.
Maldives Broadcasting Corporation Chairman Ibrahim Umar Manik told the Independent Commmission’s sub-committee that the live feed of the sermon was cut off around 11:35pm that night after the editorial team noticed that the sermon was heading to a direction which was not its original objective.
The sub-committee decided to forward the issue to the Independent Institutions Committee.
In December 2010, Salaf called on the then-government to “provide military training to all Muslim Maldivians and familiarise citizens with the use of modern weaponry” before “Jews take over the country”, days before a controversial visit by a team of Isreali surgeons to offer free-of-charge eye camps in Male’, Gaaf Dhaal Thinadhoo and Addu Atoll Hithadhoo.