President reconstitutes six company boards

President Mohamed Waheed Hassan has this week reconstituted the boards of six national companies.

The president yesterday announced that the respective boards of Maldives Post Ltd, Felivaru Fisheries Maldives Ltd, and Maldives Road Development Corporation Ltd were being reappointed.

For the Maldives Post Ltd Board of Directors, Badhurunaseer Naseem was appointed as managing director, with Mohamed Nizam taking up the chairman role.

Mohamed Imthiyaz was appointed as Chair of the Board of Directors of Felivaru Fisheries Maldives Ltd. Ali Ahmed was appointed as managing director for the same company.

For the Maldives Road Development Corporation, Aslam Rasheed will take the chairman role, while Ibrahim Nazeem will serve as managing director.

The appointments were announced a day after the president reconstituted the Boards of Directors for Island Aviation Services Ltd, Maldives Ports Ltd and the Housing Development Corporation.

Bandhu Ibrahim Saleem will take up the Chair of the Island Aviation Services Board of Directors. Abdul Haaris will become Managing Director on the same body.

For Maldives Ports Ltd, Abdul Matheen Ahmed will take up the chairman role of the board.

Ali Shareef and Suhail Ahmed will take up the respective roles of Chairman and Managing Director of the Housing Development Corporation’s Board of Directors.


Bank of Maldives to introduce community banking

The Bank of Maldives Plc (BML) signed an agreement with the Maldives Post Ltd this week to provide community banking in islands without BML branches.

Speaking to press after the signing ceremony, Maldives Post Ltd Managing Director Shazly Shafeeq explained that community banking services, such as depositing and withdrawing cash through post, shall be provided to islands without bank branches.

“This is something new, and we shall implement it gradually, step by step, in a number of phases. We hope that, God Willing, the work shall begin the next year, and the first service would be an ATM,” Shazly was quoted as saying in Sun Online.

In the first phase, ATMs are to be set up at Noonu Atoll Velidhoo and Haa Dhaal Atoll Hanimaadhoo. A new ATM has meanwhile been opened at the Maldives Post Ltd building in Male’.
