Rival demonstrations over Nasheed’s trial in Malé

Demonstrations in support for and against the state’s prosecution of former President Mohamed Nasheed took place in Malé today.

The opposition Maldivian Democratic Party’s (MDP) women’s committee members staged a protest in front of the President’s Office at noon after they were denied a meeting with President Abdulla Yameen. The group of 30 women were carrying letters asking Yameen to release Nasheed.

However, Specialist Operations Officers in riot gear pushed the women away from the President Office within an hour. Dozens of MDP supporters on motorbikes also drove through the city this afternoon calling for Nasheed’s release.

Meanwhile, dozens of ruling Progressive Party of the Maldives (PPM) supporters marched to the Prosecutor General Muhthaz Muhsin’s residence this afternoon, calling on the state to “prosecute Nasheed immediately.”
