Weekly state expenditure to be made public

The government will publicise details of weekly state expenditure starting from next month, President Mohamed Nasheed announced Monday night at the launching of the government’s “Fiscal and Economic Reform Programme.”

In his speech at the ceremony, President Nasheed stressed that “every single coin we get is the property of the Maldivian people and wealth created by Maldivian businessmen.”

“Along with a tax system, what we need the most is a transparent mechanism for expenditures,” he said. “For that mechanism to be perfect is essential for us to successfully implement the [taxation] system.”

At Monday night’s ceremony, captains of the tourism industry unreservedly endorsed the economic reform agenda, consisting of 18 pieces of legislation to introduce direct taxation, excise import duties, encourage private ownership of land and facilitate ease of doing business.

President Nasheed went on to say that details of government revenue and expenses should be clear to the public through independent institutions, such as the Auditor General, the Anti-Corruption Commission and parliament.

“It might be difficult for this government to instill this habit among us,” he continued. “However, it is absolutely necessary for governments to come and future generations. No ruler should consider anymore that assets of the Maldivian state belongs to him.”

On how proceeds from the new taxes are to be utilised, Nasheed reiterated the core pledges of the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), which include providing affordable housing, lowering cost of living, establishing transport networks, ensuring universal health insurance and combating drug abuse and trafficking.

President Nasheed observed that taxation was introduced in other countries after “serious unrest, conflict between the public and businessmen and with some countries plunging into civil war.”
