Public awareness rising on child abuse, says VP

The increasing number of events organised to raise public awareness of child abuse is testament to the growing concern in Maldivian society to safeguard the well-being of children, Vice President Dr Mohamed Waheed said yesterday at a children’s festival to mark the “World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse: Every Neglect is an Abuse.”

Yesterday’s event at the artificial beach was organised by the Faculty of Hospitality and Tourism Studies in affiliation with Child Abuse Prevention Society (CAPS).

In his remarks, Dr Waheed noted that child abuse encompasses physical, sexual and emotional abuse as well as neglect, urging parents not to be overly-critical of their children.

On Friday, the Vice President attended a similar children’s festival at Sultan Parkorganised by the Human Rights Commission of the Maldives (HRCM) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Department of Gender and Family, Maldives Police Service, Care Society, ARC, CAPS, Maldives Autism Association, Maldives Red Crescent and Tiny Hearts.

Speaking at the event, Dr Waheed said he was encouraged by the initiative taken by the HRCM and local NGOs to mark the ‘World Day for Prevention of Child Abuse.’

The Vice President noted that the Maldives is signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and encouraged government agencies and communities to work together to increase public awareness.


Child sex offenders should not be accepted by society: VP

Child sex offenders should not be accepted as members of society, Vice President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik has said.

Speaking at a ceremony at Bandos Island Resort last night to mark the second anniversary of NGO Child Abuse Prevention Society (CAPS), the VP noted that in other countries convicted paedophiles were separated from society and not allowed near children even after completion of sentences.

Dr Waheed praised the efforts of CAPS in the past two years and expressed hope that more people would volunteer or join civil society organisations in the future.

At last night’s ceremony, the VP presented plaques of appreciation and recognition to individuals who had provided assistance to CAPs since its formation two years ago.
