JSC condemns police interference

The Judicial Service Commission [JSC] yesterday issued a statement condemning the interference of police in its efforts to reappoint 160 judges before the August 7 deadline.

‘’This action of Maldives Police Services obstructed the duty given to the commission under article 285 of the Constitution, and the act violated article number 13 of the police law,’’ said the JSC’s statement. “Therefore, we strongly condemn the act of police.’’

A statement from the Maldives Police Service (MPS) said the office was closed by police at the request of President Mohamed Nasheed, to prevent “unlawful and unconstitutional work from taking place.”

In an interview with Minivan News, JSC member Aishath Velezinee said the commission was failing in its role as an oversight body and had not examined any of the 71 complaints submitted this year, and was instead protecting the interests of  several individual judges, thus “robbing the nation of an honest judiciary.”

It was in the interest of certain elements in parliament, who were members of the former government, to retain the judiciary appointed by the former administration, she explained.

“What they are doing right now is going to kill the Constitution,” she told Minivan News last week, urging parliament’s Independent Commission Committee (ICC) to issue an injunction against the reappointments while an investigation was conducted.

In its statement yesterday, the Commission claimed that “under article number 285 [b] [d] of the Constitution it is the duty of the commission to reappoint judges within the time of two years. That deadline is August 7.’’

The JSC said it had “included the opinion” of members of the commission who disputed the criteria for reappointing judges – according to Velezinee, many of whom have only primary school levels of education –  “and now we are following a criterion that was approved by nine present members of the commission.”

‘’Under the amended criteria, 160 judges were approved by the members of the commission [who were] present,’’ the statement added.

The JSC has 10 members.

Speaker Abdulla Shahid told MPs today that the Majlis would hold a special sitting on Saturday to settle matters relating to the transition period, on the day of the stipulated deadline.


18 thoughts on “JSC condemns police interference”

  1. these robbers in JSC should be arressted and sent to jail...anni is giving up to easily. we cant tolerate this corruption and bull shit still played by drp thugs and mobs..

  2. @hameed

    "It is high time to impeach President Nasheed."

    That wont be necessary.

    Just play Gabbar and keep his steps busy like Basanthi.

    I mean we will keep him under pressure so that he does not get time to listen to his remote masters' command from Salisbury -UK!

    They claim that's where the "Maldives Reform Movement" began! LOL!

    Let him fly around busily and find food for us while we play in our nests.

    Let's keep him busy constructing our roads, sewerage systems, hospitals, airports, schools, so on and so forth.

    If he stops we will start pecking him and crying like babies!

    So he will have to gulp down lots of fluids and keep us breast fed always and if we find that no milk is forthcoming, we will give a sharp bite on the nipple till he cries "OUCH!"

  3. @heck
    So he will have to gulp down lots of fluids and keep us breast fed always and if we find that no milk is forthcoming, we will give a sharp bite on the nipple till he cries “OUCH!”

    - do you make sense even to urself?? please spare us from your literary expertise!

    If you have enough grey matter on top you will definitely understand that Nasheed is definely tryig his best. its important that we as his citizens supports him -after all he is doing this for the first time and does not have 30 years of experience!!!

  4. LOL @ nix. 'we as HIS citizens'???? So we all belong to him now eh? Well dear I don't have a problem you belonging to your demigod president but pleas spare us. And him doing for the first time isn't my problem. The very minute he takes oath of office he must be 100% ready.

  5. @nix

    "after all he is doing this for the first time and does not have 30 years of experience"

    When I did it for the first time, I did not have even one weeks experience, BUT she was begging for MORE!

  6. @ fehurihi

    "And him doing for the first time isn’t my problem. The very minute he takes oath of office he must be 100% ready."

    Well said.
    We cannot expect the president to learn by means of trial and error before he can deliver what he promised.

  7. Food for thought:

    How much of a part did the current Justices of the Supreme Court play in derailing the process of judicial reform? Depending on one's viewpoint, how far are the 2 major political parties to blame for this effect. Some of us may not know that the nomination of said Justices to their posts was a coordinated MDRP effort.

    How couunterproductive are the deadlines stipulated in the transitional period defined by our Constitution in our efforts to consolidate democracy? Once again, opinions may differ but one should consider the fact that it was the MDRP once again, who came together to set those deadlines. The MDP's main intention was a swift power grab while the DRP saw the long-term benefits of letting a date loom large over any true efforts to legislate and enact policies which might have seen a smoother transition towards democratic reforms within our society. What we see now is that the JSC has coopted all talk of constitutional deadlines in order to serve its own ends. Regardless of the fact that the Supreme Court may have set a precedent by stating that elections held past such deadlines were still valid under the same constitution.

    What may be the possible effects of the current disregard for the spirit of the constitution?

    - Wide disrespect for a document which a growing number of Maldivian people see as having failed them (a familiar theme in our political history).

    - Growing sentiments against peacekeepers that the failure of judicial reform vests the moral authority in the police and "defence forces" to take justice into their own hands. Police actions and comments by their ACP Rishwan lend weight to this argument.

    - A democratic experiment which has once more been derailed until and unless those in power, within and without government, can come together to broker a deal which might esure a more continuous process rather than a constitutional overhaul and elections which might sstrain our exchequer even more. Who will we blame the next round of inflation on this time?

    - A people rendered weak by instability. Because the people cannot properly exercise the powers they should have in a truly democratic environment. This also due to the poor levels of education and awareness among the same "empowered" people. Case in point: how much say do the people of Thiladhunmathi/Upper North Province have in the government's decision to grant, without a proper tendering process, utilities and other infrastructure projects to Silvermere International Group? (http://www.silvermereinternational.com/) - A company headed by a Sri Lankan national, one Tariq Rauf, which has recently gone multinational. Of course the Maldivian media will, more or less rightly, report that Silvermere is a US company, as it is registered in the states. But one must question how Silvermere has been able to obtain megaprojects in Sri Lanka (Embassy Hospital) despite its questionable status with regards to capital. Of course sovereign guarantees will allow them to dip into international development funds. I must still say that this company might be completely clean, but why forgo the tendering process? Why grant them more than 50% in a state company? (If this is true).

    The above concerns are completely my own and I am but a humble Maldivian citizen with below-average intelligence. I only wish to obtain answers to honest questions I have regarding the future of my country.

  8. @heck

    Thats why we have elected nasheed, isnt it too ealy to judge lol, if he does not fulfil his promises definitly he will have to pay the price..... time will tell dho.

  9. Judges with criminal records.
    Judges with no education.
    Judges with vested interests.
    Judges with political affiliations.
    Judges permanent till age 70.

    Today, the JSC has made the Maldives a living HELL. Not only us, bu our children and grand children will suffer this legalized corruption because of this JSC and its current corrupt president.

  10. The citizens of Maldives condemns the JSC for interference in the course of justice.

    And lol @ heck for bragging on the internets.

  11. Royal Class Syndrome. thats not fair to say all maldivian judges have criminal records and are not educated.

  12. fehurihi its also unfair to Royal Class Syndrome to be accused by you of something he didn't do.

  13. I have an idea!

    Send all the disqualified judges to yellowfin tuna fishing!

    They could atleast cook and JUDGE on how much salt and chilli should be used in food!

    That way our government could deal with the redundancy issue!


  14. @ Azam,
    when DRP was ruling the nation, you all were criticizing,and now when the brave MDP is ruling still DRP remain that powerful,dont you think this is disgusting Man? dont you want to believe that MDP is not willing to run the country?

  15. @Ahmed Aliased

    "The corrupt judges appointed by the JSC will make great fish-bait."

    Yes! But the best and even the worst part is those BAIT function with only one type of HOOK!

    It's called Vel-hook!

    It's a "fisaari" rare type of hook!

    I am still DUMBFOUNDED by the sharpness of this hook!

    My God!


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