Supreme Court to hold first hearing on cabinet controversy

The first hearing of the case filed in the Supreme Court against the government regarding the cabinet endorsement controversy is scheduled to be held tomorrow at 10:30 pm.

The case was filed in the court by Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) MP Ali Waheed and by Dhivehi Qaumee Party (DQP), according to the Supreme Court.

The parties filed a case seeking a court order to declare that ministers who did not receive parliamentary consent should be removed from  their posts.

Former Attorney General and DRP Council Member Azima Shukoor will argue the opposition’s case in court. The present Attorney General’s office will act as the defendant in the case.

Following weeks of political stalemate, parliament voted last week to approve five out of 12 cabinet ministers reappointed by President Mohamed Nasheed in July.

After MPs of the ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) boycotted the sitting before voting began, the remaining MPs voted against the nominees Finance Minister Ali Hashim, Education Minister Dr Musthafa Luthfy, Foreign Minister Dr Ahmed Shaheed, Fisheries Minister Dr Ibrahim Didi, Home Minister Mohamed Shihab, Defence Minister Ameen Faisal and Attorney General Dr Ahmed Ali Sawad.

The government however insists that as none of the ministerial appointees received 39 votes against – the majority required to pass a no-confidence motion – all cabinet members shall remain in their posts.

Recently MDP Parliamentary Group leader and MP Moosa Manik has said that the Supreme Court have no authority to remove ministers from their position and said ”I can assure that the court will not even issue such an order.”


3 thoughts on “Supreme Court to hold first hearing on cabinet controversy”

  1. Hi,

    I would like to know why the DRP thinks that some of Anni's ministers are unfit & needs to be removed from their jobs.


  2. @ali rasheed

    I hear they entered the ministries from 'valu dhoraashi' without Majlis consent which is a precondition, stipulated in the Constitution?

  3. I think a compromise is possible. It has to be something like, the Office of President being able to stipulate the Majlis members salary and the Majlis members being able to approve or disapprove the cabinet. We shall also give the power to dismiss majlis members to Supreme court so that all three powers will be able to influence each other somewhat so they can all play about in a fair game. Currently the Majlis seems to have all the power whilst the president seems to have more of public backing.


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