Gamaadhoo human bones are 800 years old, claims Umar Naseer

The former deputy leader of the main opposition Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) has claimed that results of examinations made on human bones discovered inside Gamadhoo Prison show they “are over 800 years old.”

”Those bones were first taken to Thailand for investigation and [investigators] said they were over 800 years old,” said Naseer. ”Later the government sent the bones to America, where they also said the same.”

Umar said the investigation into the identity of the bones was now closed, ”but the government will never say that because they want to use it for political purposes.”

”This news is confirmed to be true, we have allies inside police as well as in Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF),” said Naseer, himself a former policeman.

He said the police and government “cannot deny this and if they did, they should show the report on the examinations.”

Police Sub-Inspector Ahmed Shiyam today said that police had been still unable to determine the age of the human bones found inside Gamadhoo Prison.

”We did send it abroad for forensic investigations,” Shiyam said. ”So far we have not been able to determine the age of those bones.”

He said that investigation was still ongoing and that details of the case that police were able to share had already been given to the media.

On September 2009, inmates in ”Asseyri jail” discovered human bones buried two feet underground while they were digging the area to plant trees.

The same year, the President’s Office asked police to investigate the discovery and samples of the 14 bone fragments were sent to Thailand for DNA analysis.

In October last year, President Mohamed Nasheed said Human bones discovered in the site of the former Gaamaadhoo prison matched the age and estimated period of death of Abdulla Anees, Vaavu Keyodhoo Bashigasdhosuge, an inmate officially declared missing in the 1980s.

Nasheed that time said that forensic examination has identified the age of the deceased, while a former prison guard, Mohamed Naeem, of Gaaf Dhaal Hoadhendhoo Muraka, has told the police investigation that Anees died in Gaamaadhoo prison.

President Nasheed spent three years in Gaamaadhoo prison for dissident journalism in opposition to the rule of former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.


12 thoughts on “Gamaadhoo human bones are 800 years old, claims Umar Naseer”

  1. Who is this President Nasheer? Which State does he head??? Surely not a State with any foreign political backing - as he finds it hard to secure the services of a forensic pathologist in this day and age.

  2. Hello tsk tsk tsk...

    finding it extremely difficult President Nasheed is a global President?

    Sorry pal, you have to bear with it. He is not going to go away for a single day until 2018.

  3. So this mad Umaru must be personally involved in the death of Anees and has made the bones look like they are 800 years!

    Finally it is making sense to me why this man Umaru is acting so insane and crawling all over Gayoom to defend him.

    Umaru tell us, did you learn at your training in US to mix chemicals with the bones or burn the bones to make it look like 800 years? What was the method?

    Tell us. Your time is running out. You'll soon be put behind bars along with Yameen and Gayoom and their boy Nazim.

  4. Sting on Sun,
    Umar Naseer doesn't burn bones or mix them with chemicals. He breaks back bones. Have you heard of back bone Mahir? That's Umar's architecture. Broke his back bone. For the life of me I don't know why this guy is running around free like nobody's business.

  5. today you call names at umar. yesterday you called names at ali waheed. the day before yesterday you were calling names at alhaan fahmy.

    today you love alhaan so much you made him the vice president of mdp. you already started showing your love to ali waheed because next friday he will become a member of mdp.

    umar joining mdp will be the happiest day for its members. until then foolish allegations such as "burn the bones to make it look like 800 years" (lol) will not stop.

    ... and it shouldnt. because that's how a lot of people get themselves entertained in this boring country of ours. better than taking up drugs dho?

  6. Umar may or may not be talking bollocks. What I reall do not understand is why the Police claim they still don't know the age of the bones.

    There is technology available today that can even date bones that have been cremated during the Bronze Age!!!! (

    The bones discovered look normal and undamaged and there is no reason carbon dating on them should not provide us a number. Gimme them bones and I'll do it for you for free!

  7. I think both all of the parties involved are lying because by now the age should be identified and revealed to us. However the most unbelievable lie of all is told by Umar Naseer. What does he thinks of himself?? President Nasheed is too kind. That's the only reason why he is still isn't behind bars. Umar can fool those people with their own imaginary factions. Too bad for him that most of us aren't gullible.

  8. @Blabbling Laziness on Sun, 15th May 2011 9:46 PM

    "Too bad for him that most of us aren’t gullible."

    Speak for yourself.

    Today I heard Umar Naseer say that Z-DRP has the "majority support" of the Dhivehi people. In the same breath he said that he would re-enact the Badr Hanguraan and liberate Maldives.....he has no fear that there are less people on his side because he needs just 300 people...

    It still hasn't dawned on me the disconnect between the beginning and the end of the statement. I am sharpening my sword now.

    Zaeem-DRP is so named in order to provide assurance to the people that the Z-DRP stand for the peoples' welfare. I am reassured.

    i believe them and will not accept MDP claims that Z-DRP stands for the Zaeem.

  9. didnt the article say that President Nasheed claimed that the bones were aged to match the missing in-mate, so i dont know who is the lier......So at least two people says an age is determined, may be the interval given to them were between few years and close to 1000 years....

  10. @dhonfuthu: Exactly!
    We always bite our very own neck. Money, drugs, rape, murder, it all.
    Either way, we are too busy in our own worlds. Politicians dancing for money, rapers eyeing innocents. Gangster searching for a step to kick.
    We need a change. A change, we today fantasize about. A change nobody is willing to take into action. Because, somehow - we're hopeless. We don't know whom to trust now. Everybody plays his part, and then becomes a cheater.

  11. Even if Umar Naseer joins the MDP, he has a price on his head.

    The charges are as follows;

    1) Human rights violations against the opponents of the maumoon regime.

    2) Backing the Z-DRP faction, and disrupting the lives of students and civilians.

    There is decisive evidence and decisive witness testimony to prove Umar Naseer is guilty of both crimes, and his punishment will be meted out by an independent group.

    He may be a feared 'NSS interrogator', but even he will bleed.


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