Broadcasting Commission reprimands DhiFM’s use of “indecent language”

The Maldives Broadcasting Commission (MBC) has reprimanded private broadcaster DhiFM for repeated use of “indecent language” during programmes aired by the radio station and simultaneously broadcast live by sister network DhiTV in its “visual radio” segment.

In a press statement released last week, the commission said that it has advised DhiFM to strengthen its editorial policy and comply with the broadcasting agreement.

MBC noted that all broadcasters had a responsibility to ensure that its content was in accordance with provisions of the broadcast license agreement and did not contain language that could be considered offensive.

However, the commission did not specify the kind of language featured in the radio station’s live programming.

“Broadcast content should not include any words, gestures or actions that does not fit social norms of conduct,” the MBC statement noted.

It added that the commission has recently met broadcasters to discuss legal measures that could be taken for violations of the broadcasting agreement.

Deputy CEO of DhiFM Mohamed Jinah told Minivan News that the MBC’s statement was made regarding remarks by a caller during a live program called “Morning Edition.”

“He made comments about the President, and that same day we officially informed the commission and the police about this incident,” Jinah explained. “We do not tolerate that kind of behaviour and we will never encourage it.”

Jinah noted that last week a popular local TV station broadcast video footage of MPs using objectionable language.

“But the commission does not seem to have seen or heard that,” he said. “It’s very unfair that the commission has not said anything about it. Before broadcasting any material, the broadcaster has to check the content, it is a responsibility of the TV station.”

Jihan revealed that the police were currently investigating the case.


4 thoughts on “Broadcasting Commission reprimands DhiFM’s use of “indecent language””

  1. Unfortunately DhiFM morning programs are vey biased; when we listen we notice mostly the same people at same time are calling and criticizing the government. Because we understand those people are paid to a job by the owner of the station.
    This is the situation of free media in Maldives.

  2. ooooo ahahaha we are going backwards ahaha, anni Democraty is over, ahaha maldives makes one step forwards and two back ahaha.
    and what about carbon free ahahaha I have to clean my appartment every day from carbon. Oooo sorry ye less vehical less money.

  3. No democracy should allow foul language on media. The media is spoiling the young. Please help parents to bring up their children free from hatred and foul mouthing about other people.Its not only the DhFM other stations also should comply to the rules.

  4. Dhifm and dhitv is owned by a business tycoon who wanted to use his thinking for the editorial policy. The editorial there is not independent . He pays to staff who is willing to do anti government reported. This is cheap n v backward broadcasting. The commission needs to address this


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