PPM to protest for ‘protection’ of judiciary

Weeks after the  ruling Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) said it would protest over the political compromising of judicial independence by members of the former government, former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom’s Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) has said it protest “to protect” the judiciary.

PPM Council member Ahmed Saleem today told Minivan News that the PPM’s decision came following attempts made by the current government “to influence the judiciary.”

”The government recently has clearly said that they will not allow any trial to be conducted if it is not going the way they want,” Saleem alleged. ”There are many persons who have been sued in the current government and they do not want their cases to be trialed, that is the reason why they are trying to influence the judiciary.”

Saleem said PPM had decided “to be on standby” to come out and protest, although the party had not decided any on specific time or date.

”A case concerning a Criminal Court Judge is currently in the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) and the government is attempting to influence it as well,” he claimed. ”We will not let it happen.”

Recently the JSC completed its investigation into the alleged misconduct of Chief Criminal Court Judge Abdulla Mohamed.

The case against Abdulla Mohamed was presented to the JSC in January 2010 by former President’s member of the JSC, Aishath Velezinee, after Abdulla Mohamed appeared on private TV station DhiTV and expressed “biased political views”.

In 2005, then Attorney General Dr Hassan Saeed forwarded to the President’s Office concerns about the conduct of Abdulla Mohamed after he requested that an underage victim of sexual abuse reenact her abuse for the court.

In 2009 following the election of the current government, those documents were sent to the JSC.

Last week MDP Chairperson and MP ‘Reeko’ Moosa Manik and other senior officials including former President of the party Ibrahim Ismail ‘Ibra’ held a press conference where Moosa said that no rulings made by Abdulla Mohamed should be implemented.

Speaking during the press conference, Ibra said that there were many cases pending in the JSC against Abdulla Mohamed, and that this was the first such case to be concluded.


5 thoughts on “PPM to protest for ‘protection’ of judiciary”

  1. LOL... correction please... Protection of their own interest in the judiciary..!

  2. Naturally PPM will try their best to judge Abdulla, he is a puppet of tyrant Gay Yoom and the Barrel Azima Shukoor.

  3. Did anyone notice the tear drop on PPM's logo?
    Look again. The coconut palm is bent in the shape of a tear drop. It represents the sadness that still lingers in their hearts for having lost the last presidential elections.

  4. The many reasons why PPM defends Udiciary
    -Nazims case will be prolonged untill he can cook up evidence
    -Champaa will be given a hundred years to cook up evidence
    -Any relative of Maumoon will be enjoying impunity from justice, such as Ageen and Ghassan
    -Court prostitute Aazimaa can interpret law as she desire, against the public and society
    -Noone will be above law except Golhaa and His cronies

  5. PPM is not defending the judiciary rather scared of loosing their influence in the system.


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