Cabinet discuss cutting government working hours

The Maldives’ new cabinet has discussed restoring government office working hours back to what they were under former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom.

During Gayoom’s time, government offices were open between 7:30am to 2:30pm. Nasheeds’ administration amended the hours to 8:00am until 4:00pm.

Tourism Minister Ahmed Adheeb, during a news conference held last night to brief the press on the current economic situation of the country, said that cabinet had discussed the matter and had come to a decision to talk to the Civil Service Commission (CSC) on the matter.

President of CSC, Mohamed Fahmy Hassan has stated in the local media that the commission is in full support of the change of the working hours and that the commission had proposed the change of the working hours even during Nasheed’s administration.

A formal announcement of the change of the government working hours is yet to be made.


5 thoughts on “Cabinet discuss cutting government working hours”

  1. but ofcoz....these people want to go back to the said old lazy laid back life...all at the cost of the common man!!

  2. What an absolute joke! Whats this 7.30 - 2.30, 1 hour lunch break and countless coffee breaks! There's no wonder no work ever gets done and you never get any replies to emails! More holidays than anyone in the public sector and they work 6 days a week, minimum 8 hours a day!

  3. 8 to 4 is 7 working hours without the lunch hour. 7.30 to 2.30 is still 7 working hours. no lunch break. aaand cofy breaks u say. well if there is goin to be cofy breaks happenin if working hours are changed, then its already been happening even with 8 to 4 working hrs. cofy breaks and lack of commitment at work, chatting on being on FB really doesnt hav anytin to do with working hours, but rather the organisation and management policies.

  4. How about keeping that 8 hour, with the late 8 o'clock time only some people go to office after having breakfast. lol yeah its funny, true it has eased up on getting the kids to school thing.


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