Iranian President congratulates Dr Waheed on “winning presidential elections”

Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sent congratulations to Maldives President Mohamed Waheed on Monday for winning presidential elections, reports Iran’s president’s office website.

Waheed, former VP, was sworn in on February 7, after President Mohamed Nasheed resigned in what he later alleged was a bloodless coup d’état.

President Ahmadinejad wished Waheed success, and expressed hope that Iran-Maldives would witness expansion of justice “based on ideality, end of unilateralism in the world and promotion of friendly relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Maldives.”

President Ahmadinejad wished progress to the people of Maldives.


4 thoughts on “Iranian President congratulates Dr Waheed on “winning presidential elections””

  1. President Ahmadenijad used to be an admirable man. He is too liberal nowdays for my liking.

  2. Good news that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has congratulated our president Mr Waheed. Hopefully, he will not congratulate Luciferians Globalists, warmongers and their associates around the world. Did Iran raid the Iraqi nuke reactors in June 1981? Did Iran raid the Syrian nuke facility in Sept 2007? The very leaders who perpetrated these unethical acts are now gearing up with their rhetoric saying that Iran is a threat to the Middle East and to the wider world.

    Given the historical facts who really is the threat to the Middle East and the wider world ? No less than a simpleton would believe this absurd stuff.

  3. Holy cow. What did Dr. Shaheed report to the west that he found in Iran??

    Whatever he reported, it must have been so damning to Iran, that Iranian President wants to back Dr Waheed....

    Dr Shaheed must have located the Uranium purification site and reported them to US...

  4. "In his cable, President Ahmadinejad expressed heartfelt congratulations to the Maldivian President on his distinguished winning, wishing him success in his responsibilities."

    I think he is congratulating Waheed on a successful coup if you ask me. haha lol


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