PPM fought whole world to win the election: ‘Sun Travel’ Shiyam

Resort owner and government-aligned politician Ahmed ‘Sun Travel’ Shiyam has said that the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) won the presidential election by fighting the entire international community.

“We had to fight with the whole world to win the presidential election. The EU, made up of 30 countries, the Commonwealth, our neighbouring countries, and several organisations were against us,” Shiyam was quoted as saying by Sun Online – party of the MP’s Sun Media Group.

Shiyam’s Maldivian Development Alliance formed an alliance with the PPM going into the repeatedly-delayed presidential polls, supporting the eventual winner Yameen Abdul Gayoom.

“Even the UN was working 24 hours to make sure that we lose the election,” Shiyam was quoted as telling a rally in Male’ yesterday evening.

The annulment of the first round of the presidential election – held on September 7 – was followed by further delays to the rescheduled poll, bringing strong criticism from international actors, whose observer missions had found no problems with the initial vote.

After conducting its own review of the a secret police intelligence report purported to demonstrate voting irregularities, the UN argued that there was no disenfranchisement and that the voter register had met with international standards.

Newly elected President Yameen, meanwhile, struck a more conciliatory tone yesterday, assuring the Indian Prime Minister of his administration’s desire for enhanced bilateral ties.

Writing to Manmohan Singh, the President’s Office website reported Yameen as emphasising that “diverse Indo-Maldives people-to-people contact offers avenues for further cooperation”.

Yameen also urged Singh to pay an official visit to the Maldives as soon as it was mutually convenient to do so.

The Maldives’ traditionally close ties with India came under increasing strain under the previous government – of which the PPM was a prominent partner. The cancellation of a deal to develop Ibrahim Nasir International Airport  in December 2012 was a particularly  contentious issue.

During a visit to India in June, former President and PPM leader Maumoon Abdul Gayoom told the Indian PM of his disappointment that the Maldives’ relationship with India had been impacted upon by the then-government’s decision to evict GMR from the country with seven days notice.

“This was a mistake. Had he consulted all political parties, the public would not have formed the impression that corruption had taken place,” Gayoom was reported as saying in the Hindu.

The cancellation of the project is currently being investigated in a Singapore court of arbitration, with the Indian infrastructure company seeking US$1.4 billion in compensation – more than the Maldives’ annual budget.

The government’s sudden eviction of the Indian investor was quickly followed by a list of 11 grievances handed to all senior Maldivian reporters by the Indian High Commission in January this year.

The list included concerns such as discrimination against Indian expatriates and the confiscation of passports by Maldivian employers.


11 thoughts on “PPM fought whole world to win the election: ‘Sun Travel’ Shiyam”

  1. But the Baagees had the supreme court on their side (including the underpants guy), they would have had as many elections as it took until they won.

  2. Shiyaam you didn’t fight with the world to win the election. To win the election ,you don’t have to fight with anyone you just have to win the hearts of people,. You were lucky enough to contest in a country where you don’t need to win the hearts of people, but rather win the hearts of dead Arabs. The world wants election to promote democracy in the world, they made you to have one and you were lucky enough that you had got the margin you need to get in to the seat with the help of those who worship dead Arabs

  3. No no Umar.
    You should up the rhetoric by one notch.
    With God ONLY on your side, how could you loose even if all intergalactic forces are againt you.

    BTW what's this business of entire Gayoom clan as Ministers. We have Faaroshi , banas and what not... The country DOES NOT belong to a single family

  4. PPM did not win a free and fair election. They did all the dirty tricks and manipulated the judges and other institutions until they got the results. First round results was annulled. Second round was stopped with the help of police. Then the last run off was stopped because Yameen was convinced he will lose unless he had the backing of Gasim and other political parties.

  5. Well! I really wouldn't overdo the "We did it" (how about adding after 6 rounds or so of dodgery, which is perhaps why the whole world took notice of us? hmmm? ) As for that dig at the UN (working round the clock just on our elections, bless;) .. in fact, there was that other well known club that opened at midnight to work on same theme if we recall rightly )... tut tut. Sweetly infantile comments deserve ..um, more smilingly infantile comments ? - or perhaps NO comment.. Any grown up speakers out there.. anyone, anyone? Please don't leave it to likes of these to speak on our behalf for too long, despite their we done it euphoria - that certainly was NOT our elected choice (surely?)

  6. Dear Shiyam,
    Maldivians from island are innocent people and they can be misguided by the bad politicians.
    Anni is a winner as he got alone 48%.
    4-5 parties joined together and fought against one and only LION ANNI.
    Then also he got majority.

  7. Ah yes, they fought the whole world, lol... Better declare another holiday and praise god for standing behind their political team. One more for the history books bahhahaha....

  8. What a stupid remark, European Union, commonwealth and Election commission was only applying comments to have a fair election. They wouldn’t care less who was winning but that the majority of the people were able to have the president. Its obvious lot of extremely narrow-minded person’s with lot of delusions of granger.

  9. "“Even the UN was working 24 hours to make sure that we lose the election,”"!

    What pride, and what a politician!

    I believe this must be a very remarkable milestone in the life story of Mr. Shiyam!

    If President Yaameen and his government is surrounded by and comprised of this class of people; I not quiet sure what will become!

  10. @Willy Rasta

    Not a stupid comment. As you can clearly see; any effort for a free and fair election is 'working against PPM'.

    So, its an indirect confession; that this election was NOT free or fair.


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