Opposition parties to sign agreement on defense of Constitution tonight

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and Jumhooree Party (JP) will sign the agreement to work towards defending the Constitution at a special joint rally at the carnival area of Malé tonight (January 5).

Speaking at a press conference today, JP Deputy Leader Ameen Ibrahim said that the two parties have worked ceaselessly towards the agreement, adding that some ruling Progressive Party of Maldives MPs have also agreed to work with the opposition parties in defending the Constitution.

“There are some individuals amongst them who want to see change, individuals who want to save Maldivians from the dire circumstances they are in,” said Ameen.

Last week, the JP severed its ties with the PPM coalition – defunct since May last year, with party leader Gasim Ibrahim inviting all opposition parties for talks.

The JP has also invited the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party and the religious Adhaalath Party, though neither party has yet agreed to join the talks, with Adhaalath saying that it saw no use in the discussions at the current time.


4 thoughts on “Opposition parties to sign agreement on defense of Constitution tonight”

  1. Shaid GMR contributor with Nasheed, Ali Waheed with no money and yet was able to buy 2 lans in Hulhumale' and one lag plot in Male' with GMR money.

    How can these people defend constitution.

  2. Lans and lags are actually very cheap, Hero, and even the poorest can afford them nowadays.

    You're just upset because you couldn't import heroin when GMR was there.

  3. when GMR was there, we can hardly get any dollars from Banks and we have to beg your God Nasheed and GMR to give dollars to import food, medical other necessities .

    People like "Maldivian" got enough dollar robbed and GMR then was robbing the country .

    Now Nasheed and his cronies are upset, because theere was no GMR to take money from and those Thugs are not able to have lavish life that they used to enjoy for 3 years during dictators regime.

    We will not allow Nasheed or Gasim to bring GMR back to this country ever.

  4. You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
    Abraham Lincoln


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