Adhaalath Party decides against participation in opposition talks

The Adhaalath Party will not join discussions held between the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) and the Jumhooree Party (JP).

In a brief statement released by Adhaalath yesterday (January 31), it was announced that the party’s council had decided it would not “for the time being” participate in talks held by the two opposition parties, giving assurances that it would “closely monitor” events.

“If the occasion calls for discussions in relation to national interests that concern the citizens, Adhaalath Party will maintain and follow the noble principle of negotiation and discussions with the government and other parties”, the statement read.

After the MDP and JP officially agreed to work together in defence of the Constitution last week, JP Spokesman Ali Solih said he believed Adhaalath would enter the talks.

However, Adhaalath Spokesman Sheikh Ali Zahir told Minivan News today that the decision had been taken because “no such talks were found to be of use for the time being”.

He denied any pressure from the government regarding the party’s participation in the talks, stating that “Adhaalath is an independent political party” and that “the party is in no formal agreement with the government”.

The party, which has just one MP in the 85-seat Majlis has been considered an unofficial partner in the ruling Progressive Coalition, which now directly controls 49 seats in the house after further party switching last week.

Meanwhile, MDP Chairperson Ali Waheed tweeted in response to Adhaalath’s decision stating that he respects the decision taken by the party, expressing his gratitude over the decision to closely monitor the state of the country.

Although Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party leader Mohamed ‘Colonel’ Nasheed was not responding to calls at the time of publication, he told Minivan News last week that the party had received the invitation for all-party talks and that its council had not yet decided on the matter.

Vice President of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) Abdulla Abdul Raheem was not responding to calls at the time of press. The party has yet to officially comment after MDP leader Mohamed Nasheed had called for its involvement in the talks.

After “successful” talks between MDP and JP on the eve of January 27, the JP hosted a rally at their headquarters in Maafannu Kunooz yesterday, in which senior MDP members and supporters participated.

As he had during an MDP demonstration in support of JP leader Gasim last month, MDP Chairperson Waheed appeared alongside JP leader MP Gasim Ibrahim, while the parliamentary groups of both parties also attended.

The JP – which has 13 MPs in the Majlis – last week voted through its national council to give Gasim the authority to make all decisions regarding actions needed to defend the Constitution.

Nasheed has recently reiterated calls made in early December to install Gasim as president, telling Raajje TV last week that his main aim was to have the Maamigili MP oversee an early election from the President’s Office.

A PPM has proposed to amend the Constitution, however, which would reduce the eligibility for presidential candidates to those aged between 35 and 65.

The JP was officially aligned with the ruling PPM until Gasim’s decision to stand for the Majlis speaker position, after having given crucial backing to Abdulla Yameen in the 2013 presidential race.

Related to this story

MDP and JP reach agreement on defence of Constitution

Nasheed urges President Yameen to convene all-party talks

MDP holds street rally in front of Gasim’s residence


8 thoughts on “Adhaalath Party decides against participation in opposition talks”

  1. Good decision as trying to bring down the government will not do anything better to the people.

  2. Thank you Adhaalath party for the brave decision.
    It was only few days back that Mr. Nasheed speaking to claimed that Adhaalath has left the government coalition and are now with him. Shows how much this man is accustomed to telling lies.

  3. MDP is better off without these fellows. Majority of the party religious leaders who claim to protect religion are crooks anyway. They can never be sincere to anyone as they are not sincere to what they preach.

  4. There is no real MDP and its Gang controlled by Nasheed and the party is being hijacked by the dictator.

    Unlike Nasheed, Yameen is not 24hrs under the influence of narcotic drugs . It is very unlikely that Yameen will resign as done by the dictator Nasheed.

    Nasheed is the man who need to be arrested for the breach of constitution and here are few of those.
    1. Locking up supreme court.
    2. Arresting of chic judge
    3. Arbitrary arrest of political leaders including Gasim and President Yameen.

  5. @Hero

    1) Locking up a porn studio that perverts the course of justice is not a crime.
    2) Arresting a child abuser is not a crime.
    3) The arrest warrant for Gasim was written up by maumoon-controlled DRP thugs in parliament, as they accused Gasim of accepting bribes. Yes, you.
    4) Yaagundaa is a fraud, and has lied to the Maldivian people in order to get elected. He deserves to be arrested.

    PS: Nasheed wasn't on drugs. If he was, he could'nt have escaped from your gangs alive. You are a disgusting liar and I'm glad you have sold your soul to the devil.

  6. Looks like our message to the Adhaalath party was delivered.



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