Letter on Addu City

It makes me sick to the stomach that, aside from the prevailing Male’-Supremacist attitude of most residents in the capital, people take the “case” of Addu’s possibility of gaining a ‘city’ status to score political points [http://www.meedhoolive.com/?p=8763] in an otherwise non-issue.

Sure, our Constitution and laws are problematic, not least thanks to the “opposition” Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party and its shady allies which formulated them. Now, no thanks to Maumoon’s feudal system, we have inherited a “labyrinth of bureaucracy” which is hindering efficient governance and making sure Maumoon’s ominous 30-year agenda — of keeping ordinary Maldivians poor and ignorant so that his cronies can siphon away our riches — is alive and continuing, much to the horror of ordinary Maldivians.

While most Maldivians are OK with turning a blind eye on more grievous problems like child abuse, why can’t for once in this instance, people like Jumhooree (Republican) Party’s Ibrahim Muttalib, who is also a Member of Parliament, keep his mouth shut when we know that making Addu a city is for the benefit of one of our Maldivian communities who have suffered several decades of economic neglect. Addu’s potential itself should suffice it to gain ‘city’ status because that is exactly what it is going to become in the next three years.

When politicians like Muttalib try to make an issue where there is none – just because the Maumoon regime inspired laws allow so many bureaucratic hurdles – I get really pissed off. I have yet to hear Muttalib ever condemn publicly child abuse and domestic violence — when he was so vocal against “alcohol”.

So who cares whether Addu gaining a city status is done through the Maumoon-laid “correct” bureaucratic networks when all Addu people need is to do what needs to be rightfully done (it’s as simple as that) so that they could get on with their lives.

If I was President Nasheed, I would give no concern to these little irritations like Muttalib and just get on with it. If Muttalib is against Maldives’ reform, then go away from public life. What are you doing here in the first place?

Hilath Rasheed, Male’ City


Letter to Amnesty International

The Director
Amnesty International

Dear Sir/Madam:

On 24 June 2010 I was arrested by Raa Atoll Ungoofaaru Police Station where I was charged with “attempted suicide by overdozing on less than a gram of hash oil, atheism and homosexuality.”

However, quite strangely, only a vague reference to “drug abuse” appeared on the Court Order for my arrest.

While the officers of the Maldives Police Service at Male’ Custodial were very kind to me – understandably, due to my parents refusing to allow my transfer to house arrest due to the gravity of the charges – I feel vulnerable against corrupt elements, the remnants of former President Gayoom’s dictatorship, rampant in the Maldives Judiciary and other law enforcement agencies.

I also feel defenceless against extremists of all sorts and the extreme ideas prevailing in Maldives society, especially in relation to previous contributions to Minivan News.

Hence, I would greatly appreciate if you can help me find temporary asylum in a friendly democratic country until I feel it is safe for me to return to Maldives and continue my investigative work as a freelance journalist and independent blogger promoting human rights.

Thanking you in advance for your kind cooperation.

Yours sincerely,

Ismail Khilath Rasheed

CC: Human Rights Commission of Maldives
Reporters Without Borders

All letters are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy of Minivan News. If you would like to submit a letter, please send it to minivan.news@gmail.com


Letter on creating hope for Masodi Town

I would like to share some of my thoughts after reading Minivan News’ unusual report on Masodi Town.

If police are forced to resort to such desperate action, it can only mean one thing: Maldives’ society has reached a Point of No Return. At this ominous time, President Nasheed has to seriously get down to business – without himself getting drowned in the political game.

Almost all Maldives’ politicians are to blame for awakening not one but two Sleeping (and quite evil) Giants: Gangsterism and Religious Extremism. In order to score political points, they dared open Pandora’s box and unleashed the Twin Evils into the Maldivian Society.

Now the only way to tame these two (evil) Beasts are to immediately make it clear to the Maldivian public exactly what the government is doing — on the ground — to start seriously tackling the Original Twin Evils — Poverty and Ignorance — that created a “nursery” or breeding ground for Gangsterism and Religious Extremism.

It is high time that President Nasheed now publicly announce what Education and Employment opportunities his MDP-Exclusive-Club-Government has in the pipeline to tackle the ROOT CAUSE of all social circumstances that made Masodi Town – and all other youth groups in Male’ and other rural islands – into the Anti-Social Elements they are today.

It is too easy to sweep everything under the carpet to show a “mirage of a Paradise”, either to the international community or to us Maldivians.

Before anyone calls Maldivian youth “gangsters”, before anyone calls for violence against Maldives children, first take a look at your own Extreme-Capitalist selves and if, through that mirror that you hold, you fail to see any Social Contribution of yours to this country and its people, then simply remember these words, Gangsterism is a Creation of Society.


Hilath Rasheed

All letters are the sole view of the author and do not reflect the editorial policy of Minivan News. If you would like to write an opinion piece, please send proposals to minivan.news@gmail.com
