It makes me sick to the stomach that, aside from the prevailing Male’-Supremacist attitude of most residents in the capital, people take the “case” of Addu’s possibility of gaining a ‘city’ status to score political points [] in an otherwise non-issue.
Sure, our Constitution and laws are problematic, not least thanks to the “opposition” Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party and its shady allies which formulated them. Now, no thanks to Maumoon’s feudal system, we have inherited a “labyrinth of bureaucracy” which is hindering efficient governance and making sure Maumoon’s ominous 30-year agenda — of keeping ordinary Maldivians poor and ignorant so that his cronies can siphon away our riches — is alive and continuing, much to the horror of ordinary Maldivians.
While most Maldivians are OK with turning a blind eye on more grievous problems like child abuse, why can’t for once in this instance, people like Jumhooree (Republican) Party’s Ibrahim Muttalib, who is also a Member of Parliament, keep his mouth shut when we know that making Addu a city is for the benefit of one of our Maldivian communities who have suffered several decades of economic neglect. Addu’s potential itself should suffice it to gain ‘city’ status because that is exactly what it is going to become in the next three years.
When politicians like Muttalib try to make an issue where there is none – just because the Maumoon regime inspired laws allow so many bureaucratic hurdles – I get really pissed off. I have yet to hear Muttalib ever condemn publicly child abuse and domestic violence — when he was so vocal against “alcohol”.
So who cares whether Addu gaining a city status is done through the Maumoon-laid “correct” bureaucratic networks when all Addu people need is to do what needs to be rightfully done (it’s as simple as that) so that they could get on with their lives.
If I was President Nasheed, I would give no concern to these little irritations like Muttalib and just get on with it. If Muttalib is against Maldives’ reform, then go away from public life. What are you doing here in the first place?
Hilath Rasheed, Male’ City

" If Muttalib is against Maldives’ reform, then go away from public life. What are you doing here in the first place?"
Hellooo! He is an elected peoples representative from Huvadhoo atoll.
"I have yet to hear Muttalib ever condemn publicly child abuse and domestic violence — when he was so vocal against alcohol"
I guess Muthalib condeming child abuse and domestic violence will make it magically disappear from maldives. child abusers and other bad people are just wait for them to be condemned in public. They are just continuing their vile acts because they are not being condemned, and the moment muthalib and others condemn them, they will realize that they are the bad guys and will stop doing their bad things and we will live happily ever after.
One funny thing which made me laugh for a week was what i heard from Mr.Muttalib during a TV interview . He was asked regarding his and other MPS salary increments and their pension scheme ,something which majority people of this country opposed. He said : "In case, if anyone us fails to secure our parliament seat in the next parliamentary election, do we have to stay at home without any income from the state and beg"? He seemed be conviced that the This country is obliged to look after him and the rest of his family forver. He should know that he is doing a public job currently, for certain period and that it doesn't to inherit him ,his son of any member of his family. If his job is lost, then he should try one from a private company or get lost into his dream world. Why We care?
One funny thing which made me laugh for a week was what I heard from Mr.Muttalib during a TV interview . He was asked regarding his and other MPS salary increments and their pension scheme ,something which majority people of this country opposed. He said : “In case, if anyone of us fails to secure our parliament seat in the next parliamentary election, do we have to stay at home without any income from the state and or beg”? He seemed be conviced that this country is obliged to look after him and the rest of his family forver. He should know that he is doing a public job currently, for certain period, and that it doesn’t inherit to him ,his son or any other member of his family. If his job is lost, then he should try one from a private company or get lost into his dream world. Why We care?
Muththalib is a well-equipped, Hypocrite well-paid by the country's famous big-shots who enjoyed 30 years of illegal money-making...hahahahah
So, my friend! don't worry about his attitudes...he would starve if he loses his MP job coz now he has no more Friends to support him finacially
Muthallib, this guy is really sick.Get a life man.
Finally we have come to a conclusion after a huge challenge faced from all people without common senses.It is very clear for me and all those who has their common senses, that Addu should be voting for a city council.
We had an election earlier to make up our minds to decide whether we will be voting for a city council, and from a good poll Adduans has decided it will be voting for a city council.This was very clear to all Maldivians.The decision of the citizens of Addu.Where all laws,rules and regulation should be applied accordingly.
The one who went court with this matter at the last stage does not know how to write or read and there is no school he has attended.He does not know that what he was doing.means that some stupids are hiding at the back stage by hoping that they can win.But everything went against their will.
If majority is on one side, Addu to be a city, those hypocrites should be cooperating instead of creating problems and putting themselves into hatred of the majority.
How they can open their mouth now,who will accept them from the society if they are so negative and without any vision for the mission.They do not see the big picture and the real image.
If anyone wants be a politician them first of all they should have a good vision of future or otherwise they will be failed at the very beginning.They will feel it now.The result of their work.
Addu is place with +30'000 people.They are so keen to develop their home land.If anyone has doubt about it go and see the history of Addu.
How many years they have suffered,how many offers they received to develop it and its all been rejected by former Governments.But let us all Maldivian be with Adduans and cooperate with all bodies to develop Addu for a city which can be better then any city in Maldives.There are lots to be done to reach the final stage.There will be lots of challenges ahead of us, but we will not turn back again and we will go forward to reach our goals.
We will have hatred within the society it is very clear to all Maldivians.But lets keep the jealousy on one side and keep moving forward to achieve the vision and decision of Adduans.It will be benefited by all citizen in Maldives.
At least we have a city name, means that we should be provided with our basic needs in next few months or within a year.We have schools,hospitals,roads,international airport and port but those areas needs lots of improvement.We do not have running water and sewages,these areas also should implemented.We are not only
just working for name.We are hoping for addu to be develop as a good city in next few years.
If what you say is true, then there's another reason to strip Muttalib of his title and set him behind Theemuge.
He deserves to starve to death.
hilath the infamous gay