Indian MP Rahul Gandhi arrives in Malé today

Indian MP Rahul Gandhi arrived in Malé International Airport this afternoon. He was met by President Nasheed, Vice President Dr Mohamed Waheed and other members of government.

After his arrival, the President received him in his office were they discussed the developmental cooperation between the two countries, and what areas of trade and cooperation could be improved. Rahul assured India’s investment in the Maldives will continue.

Both President Nasheed and MP Rahul agreed that continued cooperation and friendship between the countries was essential to both nations. The President also mentioned that Rahul’s visit to the Maldives would boost relations between the neighbouring countries.

Rahul’s visit follows the recent agreement between the Maldives and India to sign a memorandum of understanding (MoU) regarding counter-terrorism. The MoU is to be signed in April 2010.


Fire in Vilu Reef Resort’s diving school

A fire was reported at Vilu Reef Resort yesterday at 3:00pm.

The fire started in the resort’s diving school and spread to the restaurant, damaging both areas.

A fire-fighting team from the nearby Angsana Velavaru resort assisted in controlling the fire.

Police added that no one was injured in the incident.


New ambassador of Myanmar meets with President Nasheed

The new Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Union of Myanmar to the Maldives, U Ohn Thwin, met with President Nasheed yesterday.

Thwin, former ambassador to Sri Lanka, was appointed to the Republic of the Maldives in late 2009.

President Nasheed and Ambassador Thwin discussed strengthening trade, as well as other areas of cooperation, between the two countries.

President Nasheed also mentioned his hope that Aung San Suu Kyi—a Burmese political activist who has been imprisoned for over a decade for her attempts to bring down the military regime in her country—would be released soon.


Father and son stabbed in Hulumale’ after prayer

A 15 year old boy and his 35 year old father were attacked and stabbed by gang members at Hulhumale’ on Thursday around 8:15pm.

Police said they were attacked near Hulhumale’ flat number 13, on their way home after Isha prayer.

They were both injured and taken to Male’ immediately for medical treatment.

Police said they do not have information about the severity of the injuries.

Police have arrested one man in connection with the case, who is said to have a lengthy record with the police.


‘Those Who Desire Heaven’

English translation (abridged) of a sermon given on the evening of 29 Jan by Sheikh Ilyas Hussain, renowned Islamic scholar and vice-president of the Adaalaath party’s scholar’s council.

Youth, please pay attention! There will be rivers of wine and honey in Heaven. Heaven-dwellers are divided into 100 ranks. Aspire for the highest rank which is Firdous because God’s throne itself sits over it.

Wine is prohibited in this life. But because it is legal [in Heaven], the wine of Heaven does not leave you with nausea, trips to the toilet, intoxication or even headaches.

There will be comfortable couches, which can be adjusted, couches made of gold and precious stones. And young lads of infinite beauty will come to you with cups of wine taken from streams. They are eternally youthful and like golden pearls.

You can get any fruit you want and however much you want to consume. Birds, fried and put on trays — they come and present themselves for you to eat.

God gave this commandment to you from Seven Heavens above: to aspire for Heaven.

Whatever you want, you will be given. You will all be guests of God.

If you are not satisfied, there’s only room for relaxing there. There will be Houris (‘black-eyed beautiful Virgins’) protected like golden pearls. Please calm down a bit, beloved sisters! What is a Houri made of? Three things: the bottom part is made of musk, the middle part is made of ambergris, and the upper part is made of Camphor. Their hair and eyebrows are black in color, they are as beautiful as rubies and coral.

Wine taken, fruits eaten and your heart is content, then you are given a Houri — calming on the eyes, content for the heart, and relaxing to the body.

In Heaven, no idle sounds will be heard, no noises will be heard that will lead you to become a criminal, only Peace will be heard.

Please calm down from now, beloved Sisters. Don’t ask me questions. You may ask: For you Houris; what for us? Now listen to what God has to say: You will be recreated anew. How will you be resurrected in Heaven? As virgins. Not satisfied still? God says further: You will be recreated as wives made to love their husbands, of same age, having no chance of aging ever.

What is Kaub? It is something that is erected. Forgive me but this is going to be a technical discussion. Kaaba (House of God in Mecca) is also called that because it is erected from the ground. The shin is also called Kaub because it grows straight out of the legs. Just like that, women in their full prime will have their may-mathi (breasts) pointing out.

They will have the same age. What age? Heaven-dwellers will enter there in the prime of their beauty: 33 years of age. 33 years is the age at which youth reaches prime. You will be eternally 33 years of age in Heaven; whether a 100 years pass or so you will still be 33 eternally. Height? 60 ‘muh’ (‘muh’ in Dhivehi is equal to 18 inches), in Adam’s image, everyone will be, there will be no one old.

So what’s the story about the wives we have on Earth? They will be many times more beautiful than a Houri. So no questions there. If you pray the five obligatory daily prayers, and fast when you are obliged to fast, and are faithful and obedient to your husband, there will be eight gates open at Paradise, so please enter from the gate of your choosing. More beautiful than Houris.

Then there will arise the question of jealousy. But in the Afterlife there are no such issues for God has said that he will get rid of the jealous streak in your heart. Then they will reside on the couches, one being considerate towards the other, and they will live on peacefully as if siblings. There will be no jealousy. No petty conflicts. There will be no issues rising among second, third or fourth wife, as you experience in this world. You only get to enter Heaven only after being cleansed of such inconveniences. In Heaven there will be only satisfaction and happiness and there will be nothing that troubles the heart. God is Great. That is Heaven.

Now let’s take a look at shopping in Heaven. But wait a minute, now youth will be wondering about this: what about going to the toilet after eating and drinking? Beloved brothers, there will be no toilet in Heaven. Why is that? A water will be given and after you drink it, a kind of bloat will leave through the mouth. It will smell like musk, no bad smell at all. It won’t be a Paradise of Blessings if we have to go to the toilet over and over again.

When you go shopping in Heaven, there will be no need for money or any need to actually buy anything. There will be no money in Heaven. They will go shopping every Friday. Why? To buy anything? No, to roam around for the heart’s content. A breeze from the north of Heaven will affect their faces and their clothes, and extra beauty will be added to them. When they return with such added beauty, their house-folk will say to them: “Every day your beauty increases.”

There will be no hospital. There will be no falling ill — ever. There will be no death — only living for Eternity. No ageing but eternal sustenance of youth.

Are you happy, Heaven-dwellers? What more do we need? Should I give you something more noble? What is better than this? God has said that today I am bestowing my approval and from today onwards will never resent my followers. Do you have a difficulty in seeing the Full Moon? Any difficulty in seeing the sun on a cloudless sky? Just like that you will see God through the naked eye. That will be the greatest gift you get in Heaven than this — seeing God’s self in his full glory.

Let’s see about the last one who gets to enter Paradise. He will walk, he will crawl, he will be surrounded by fire (as he comes out of Hell). The person who is in the least ranks of Heaven-dwellers will have in service 80,000 servants, 82 women, 100 people’s strength and after intercourse, (she) will always be re-virginised.

This is a gift I bring to those who desire heaven. We have a short time. We have only this Earthly temporary life to correct and through this key we get to enter Heaven and once we enter, there is no boredom and no difficulties. So use your youth to work towards this.

If you want to live your life’s days according to God’s way, you must lower your gaze, control what you hear with the ear, keep in check the actions committed by your hands and feet; do not say a sorry word at your brothers-in-faith and not raise a weapon against him; your tongue has to be kept in check. The tongue is soft and small but most people get to enter Hell due to misuse of the tongue. A person’s undoing is misuse of his tongue and private parts. A person who has protected these two parts are ensured a place in Heaven. Two angels will write every word you utter; you will be given a balance sheet of the actions you committed. If you want Heaven’s wine, give up Earth’s wine. You will get clothes made from silk.

Those who cut off blood relations, why be petty and jealous and give up Eternal Happiness? Compete and try to excel towards that. Why do we lose ourselves in temporary Earthly pleasures? This is a prison; this is the Unbeliever’s Paradise. We need to wake ourselves up for Dawn prayer. We have to make our children pray before they go to school in the morning.

Original speech located here


Six men arrested over stolen weapons

Police have arrested six in connection with the theft of weapons and several other items.

The weapons and stolen items were recovered from G. Masodige in Male’ during a special operation, police said.

The Maldives Police Services is continuing to investigate the case.


Civil aviation department investigates pieces of aircraft wheel on the runway

The civil aviation department is investigating pieces of aircraft wheel found on the runway of Male’ International Airport, reports Haveeru.

The newspaper reported that the pieces belonged to an Emirates flight from Sri Lanka.

The flight landed safely and the Maldives Airports Company informed the flight crew immediately.
