English translation (abridged) of a sermon given on the evening of 29 Jan by Sheikh Ilyas Hussain, renowned Islamic scholar and vice-president of the Adaalaath party’s scholar’s council.
Youth, please pay attention! There will be rivers of wine and honey in Heaven. Heaven-dwellers are divided into 100 ranks. Aspire for the highest rank which is Firdous because God’s throne itself sits over it.
Wine is prohibited in this life. But because it is legal [in Heaven], the wine of Heaven does not leave you with nausea, trips to the toilet, intoxication or even headaches.
There will be comfortable couches, which can be adjusted, couches made of gold and precious stones. And young lads of infinite beauty will come to you with cups of wine taken from streams. They are eternally youthful and like golden pearls.
You can get any fruit you want and however much you want to consume. Birds, fried and put on trays — they come and present themselves for you to eat.
God gave this commandment to you from Seven Heavens above: to aspire for Heaven.
Whatever you want, you will be given. You will all be guests of God.
If you are not satisfied, there’s only room for relaxing there. There will be Houris (‘black-eyed beautiful Virgins’) protected like golden pearls. Please calm down a bit, beloved sisters! What is a Houri made of? Three things: the bottom part is made of musk, the middle part is made of ambergris, and the upper part is made of Camphor. Their hair and eyebrows are black in color, they are as beautiful as rubies and coral.
Wine taken, fruits eaten and your heart is content, then you are given a Houri — calming on the eyes, content for the heart, and relaxing to the body.
In Heaven, no idle sounds will be heard, no noises will be heard that will lead you to become a criminal, only Peace will be heard.
Please calm down from now, beloved Sisters. Don’t ask me questions. You may ask: For you Houris; what for us? Now listen to what God has to say: You will be recreated anew. How will you be resurrected in Heaven? As virgins. Not satisfied still? God says further: You will be recreated as wives made to love their husbands, of same age, having no chance of aging ever.
What is Kaub? It is something that is erected. Forgive me but this is going to be a technical discussion. Kaaba (House of God in Mecca) is also called that because it is erected from the ground. The shin is also called Kaub because it grows straight out of the legs. Just like that, women in their full prime will have their may-mathi (breasts) pointing out.
They will have the same age. What age? Heaven-dwellers will enter there in the prime of their beauty: 33 years of age. 33 years is the age at which youth reaches prime. You will be eternally 33 years of age in Heaven; whether a 100 years pass or so you will still be 33 eternally. Height? 60 ‘muh’ (‘muh’ in Dhivehi is equal to 18 inches), in Adam’s image, everyone will be, there will be no one old.
So what’s the story about the wives we have on Earth? They will be many times more beautiful than a Houri. So no questions there. If you pray the five obligatory daily prayers, and fast when you are obliged to fast, and are faithful and obedient to your husband, there will be eight gates open at Paradise, so please enter from the gate of your choosing. More beautiful than Houris.
Then there will arise the question of jealousy. But in the Afterlife there are no such issues for God has said that he will get rid of the jealous streak in your heart. Then they will reside on the couches, one being considerate towards the other, and they will live on peacefully as if siblings. There will be no jealousy. No petty conflicts. There will be no issues rising among second, third or fourth wife, as you experience in this world. You only get to enter Heaven only after being cleansed of such inconveniences. In Heaven there will be only satisfaction and happiness and there will be nothing that troubles the heart. God is Great. That is Heaven.
Now let’s take a look at shopping in Heaven. But wait a minute, now youth will be wondering about this: what about going to the toilet after eating and drinking? Beloved brothers, there will be no toilet in Heaven. Why is that? A water will be given and after you drink it, a kind of bloat will leave through the mouth. It will smell like musk, no bad smell at all. It won’t be a Paradise of Blessings if we have to go to the toilet over and over again.
When you go shopping in Heaven, there will be no need for money or any need to actually buy anything. There will be no money in Heaven. They will go shopping every Friday. Why? To buy anything? No, to roam around for the heart’s content. A breeze from the north of Heaven will affect their faces and their clothes, and extra beauty will be added to them. When they return with such added beauty, their house-folk will say to them: “Every day your beauty increases.”
There will be no hospital. There will be no falling ill — ever. There will be no death — only living for Eternity. No ageing but eternal sustenance of youth.
Are you happy, Heaven-dwellers? What more do we need? Should I give you something more noble? What is better than this? God has said that today I am bestowing my approval and from today onwards will never resent my followers. Do you have a difficulty in seeing the Full Moon? Any difficulty in seeing the sun on a cloudless sky? Just like that you will see God through the naked eye. That will be the greatest gift you get in Heaven than this — seeing God’s self in his full glory.
Let’s see about the last one who gets to enter Paradise. He will walk, he will crawl, he will be surrounded by fire (as he comes out of Hell). The person who is in the least ranks of Heaven-dwellers will have in service 80,000 servants, 82 women, 100 people’s strength and after intercourse, (she) will always be re-virginised.
This is a gift I bring to those who desire heaven. We have a short time. We have only this Earthly temporary life to correct and through this key we get to enter Heaven and once we enter, there is no boredom and no difficulties. So use your youth to work towards this.
If you want to live your life’s days according to God’s way, you must lower your gaze, control what you hear with the ear, keep in check the actions committed by your hands and feet; do not say a sorry word at your brothers-in-faith and not raise a weapon against him; your tongue has to be kept in check. The tongue is soft and small but most people get to enter Hell due to misuse of the tongue. A person’s undoing is misuse of his tongue and private parts. A person who has protected these two parts are ensured a place in Heaven. Two angels will write every word you utter; you will be given a balance sheet of the actions you committed. If you want Heaven’s wine, give up Earth’s wine. You will get clothes made from silk.
Those who cut off blood relations, why be petty and jealous and give up Eternal Happiness? Compete and try to excel towards that. Why do we lose ourselves in temporary Earthly pleasures? This is a prison; this is the Unbeliever’s Paradise. We need to wake ourselves up for Dawn prayer. We have to make our children pray before they go to school in the morning.
Original speech located here

for more evolution forgeries visit
ya.ibn ali is copy pasting from the internet but first of all he is not even claiming to be the author.and he is not even referring to anyone or trying to debate.
Any ways he surely knows how to ruin your peoples day.
ibn ali you doing a great job. May Allah bless you.
Dear all Atheist, i have read the comments of Ibn Ali and in fact he had given proves against Atheism, evolution so on. And he isn't even on debate anybody. My question is where is the so called wanna be atheists. Why can't u guys prove that ur theory is true. But sadly now i see u guys accuse Ibn Ali of copying and pasting articles from Internet or whatever the source he got. But still he proves wat he is talking abt. But sadly u guys cudnt digest it and in fact u guys cudnt show any proof against his. And now u all are just saying bla bla bla n all these crap. And also the admin of Minivan News isnt uploading our comments since we have thousands and more proof to dismiss the Darwin theory, atheism, evolution etc.
Posts that are excessively long and impinge the flow of the debate may not be approved, as per point one of our Commenting Guidelines
I find it pointless to present any evidence on evolution into a debate with blind people.
The theory of evolution doesn't even REQUIRE fossils to explain it. The fossils that are available are just reconfirmation of what scientists already know.
Charles Darwin didn't dig into the earth to come up with the theory. He observed beaks of finches on a secluded island.
There is genetic evidences, profiles, transitory species, living fossils, etc. that more than elegantly narrate this story.
But it's utterly pointless to point this out to people who are blinded by religious dogma to the point they stop seeking knowledge (which, if i remember, is a requirement of the religion these people claim to follow)
whatever happened to all of the atheists and wannabe atheists? all of a sudden they are accusing someone of plagiarism.at the start we saw a lot of bright and philosiphical minds speak here. why all of a sudden silent? like others have said it's not a matter of copy and paste. after all he has made his point and you people couldn't show proof for what you stand for.
The whole lecture is illogical and narrow minded...Class A clarification doesn't mean ilyas can present his own way. These thing happens when you are obsessed. Sometimes i wonder he knows whether he is true or not.
hey Stewie, i guess ur forefather r monkeys...rite..LOL, gud luck then...mahsa Allah our forefathers r humans....!
dear vakaray....y dont u wannabe broad minded go n give the lecture...sadly u dont hav the brain capabilty to do it..LOL, u jus nothin but a looser who knows nothing abt Quran or abt Islam....!! hav u ever read the Quran?? probably "NOOOOOO".
Hey Ibn Ali, u did a great job explaining the fake Evolution theory....these so called brainy Atheist cud not prove thr beloved Darwin's theory...!!! so called LOOOSERS of the HEREAFTER....LOL
@KALO, goes on to show how narrow your views are on evolution! thats all i can say.. oh wait..LOL!LOL
wishful thinking does not get anywhere.
Dear Brainy STEWIE, why don't you the brainy broad minded fellow, prove us the Evolution theory or the Darwin theory instead. But in fact you don't have much proof with you instead and now you are trying to accuse others that they copying articles from internet and here and there. But the reality is those guys have proved to the viewers more and more facts to disapprove the evolution theory, although they had cut and pasted articles from internet etc. So why don't the brainy broad minded so called atheists prove us the evolution theory? Why are you guys so afraid? Don't you have that much ego to do it? Or are you guys in lack of evidences to prove the theory? And what i have to tell you is that we have MASHA ALLAH, thousands and thousands of evidences from the HOLY QURAN and from the modern science to disapprove the evolution theory or the Darwin theory. And the viewers of these article can see so many evidences against the evolution theory which means that the so called atheist argument have no basis. Anyway STEWIE you may think that i'm very narrow minded and i have no worry even though. Masha Allah i'm on the right path and i believe in Allah SWT.
AND we wonder why a UFO doesn't land and say "hello".
As for those who do not believe, it makes no difference to
them whether you warn them or do not warn them, they
will not believe. Allah has sealed up their hearts and hearing and over their eyes is a blindfold. They will have a terrible punishment. (Surat al-Baqara, 6-7)
They have hearts with which they do not understand.They have eyes with which they do not see. They have ears
with which they do not hear. Such people are like cattle.
No, they are even further astray! They are the unaware.
(Surat al-A`raf, 179)
Even if We opened up to them a door into heaven, and they
spent the day ascending through it, they would only say:
"Our eyesight is befuddled! Or rather we have been put
under a spell!" (Surat al-Hijr, 14-15)
Big bang theory in Quran
Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined
together (as one unit of creation), before We clove them asunder? We made
from water every living thing. Will they not then believe? (The Qur’an, 21:30)
And it is We Who have constructed the heaven with might, and verily, it is We Who are steadily expanding it. (Qur'an, 51:47)
Great job Ibn Ali...these cowards like STEWIE are now commentless..heheh LOL
that's right Mania. not only commentless, im speechless actually!
People’s Beliefs about the Existence of God (Part 1)
Atheism can be described as the belief that no creator exists, and that the universe was not brought about by divine knowledge, will and ability. Although many famous people have claimed to be atheists or agnostics (An agnostic is “a person who is not sure whether or not God exists”, described in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, Oxford University Press, Walton Street, Oxford, 1995,
p. 582) throughout history, they have often been found to be a minority within their communities.
On October 16, 2003, Opinion Dynamics Corporation released a national poll showing that “92 percent of Americans say they believe in God.” (Dana Blanton, More Believe In God Than Heaven, FOX News, October 16, 2003).
Indeed, a large portion of mankind affirms some kind of belief in the existence of God, as this is something that is known to mankind by way of the natural disposition that God has given mankind to know instinctively about His existence,
and that He was the cause of their coming to being (mankind was given this instinctive awareness of their Creator. However, the details of how to worship and obey Him do not come by way of this fitrah, but instead, by way of revelation).
Even those few, who deny the existence of God, do so only by covering up this natural disposition which they were given, allowing pride and doubt to dominate their instinctive awareness of their Creator. This was the case of the Pharaoh who oppressed Moses (peace be upon him) and the Children of Israel. Pharaoh not only denied the existence of Allaah, (Although most Westerners refer to the Creator by using the word God, English speakers have actually only used this word as a substitute for the true name of the Creator that He revealed in His books. The name of the Creator in the Bible has been transliterated into the English language as El, Elah, Elohim [expressed in the plural form to convey His grandeur; this word is taken from the singular form Eloh], Eloah, Eli and Eloi. The Aramaic name for the Creator is Alah. In summary, the roots and meanings of all these transliterations are essentially the same. El, Eli, Eloi, Eloh, Eloah, Elah, Alah, Allah, or Allaah; all of these words are human efforts at transliterating the true name of the Creator from Semitic languages to the English language) but he also claimed to be the Lord of the worlds......to be continued
People’s Beliefs about the Existence of God (Part 2)
In the final revelation given to mankind, Allaah said:
Then he (Pharaoh) gathered (his people) and called out, saying, “I am your Lord, Most High.” [Surah An-Naziat 79:24]
This statement by Pharaoh was not made out of true conviction, but rather, out of arrogance:
And they rejected those Signs in iniquity and arrogance, though their souls were convinced thereof: So see what was the end of those who acted corruptly.
[Surah Al-Naml 27:14]
Pharaoh’s arrogance was swiftly terminated when Allaah parted the sea for Moses (peace be upon him) and his followers, and Pharaoh was made to see that he was
going to die, and meet the One whom he denied:
We took the Children of Israel across the sea; Pharaoh and his hosts followed them in oppression and enmity, till when drowning overtook him, he said: “I believe that none has the right to be worshipped but He in Whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am one of those who submit (to His Will in Islaam).”
Now (you believe)? And you had disobeyed (Us) before, and were one of the corrupting evildoers.
So this day We shall deliver your (dead) body (out from the sea) that you may be a Sign to those who come after you. And verily, many among mankind are heedless of Our Signs. [Surah Yunus 10:90-92]
Likewise, when faced with life or death situations such as being in a plane that is about to crash, those who claim to be agnostics or atheists often find themselves instinctively supplicating to their Creator to relieve them of their distress. Their resorting to pray to their Creator only occurs when all other worldly means have been exhausted, knowing that no pilot, motor or parachute can help them. This is the time they lift the veil of self-deceit and turn to their Creator alone, although it was their Creator who had always been controlling all the affairs they had previously been relying on.
Say (to them, O Muhammad): “Who is it that delivers you from the dark recesses of land and sea, when you call upon Him in humility and silent terror: ‘If He only delivers us from these (dangers), (we vow) we shall truly show our gratitude?’”
Say: “Allaah rescues you from this and from all (other) distresses, then you worship others besides Him.” [Surah Al-Anaam 6:63-64]
When these people who claimed they were agnostics or atheists single out Allaah, praying to Him in their dire time of need, they suddenly come to the realization that He exists, and that only He can help them. This realization comes about as a result of their awareness that Allaah is the One who possesses all power and ability as regards all things, that He is all encompassing, fully acquainted with them, and controlling their affairs.........to be continued.
Dear all atheist,
If what you say are right,is it fair that people like Adolf Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin had died without being punished for the atrocities they committed? If there is no life after death,they have escaped from the atrocities they committed.
Signs of the Creator’s Existence (Part 1)
To illustrate this necessary conclusion, a simple analogy can be drawn. Prosecutors
are known to bring forward evidences such as DNA samples, footprints and fingerprints, to find people guilty of certain crimes that nobody has actually witnessed. Just as footprints in the ground point to the fact that a person had once walked in that place, examining Allaah’s Signs within His creational arrangement proves conclusively that every single thing that exists within the universe came about by a Most Wise Creator. Indeed, one can come to this realization by turning to the created things and reflecting upon their nature, in order to conclude that they did not come about by themselves. Only One who possesses infinite knowledge and the capability to create would be able to bring the universe and all it contains
into being, and to balance and administrate all of its affairs in such a stable manner. Allaah invites mankind to reflect upon the creation and its sophistication in order to conclude that only a Most Wise and knowledgeable Creator created them, and that as such, nothing deserves to be worshipped or served except Him:
Verily, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, there are indeed Signs for men of understanding. [Surah Al-Imran 3:190]
A contemporary academic, said: “Contemplate the night and day; they are amongst the most amazing Signs of Allaah. See how He made the night for resting and as a covering. It envelops the world causing the cessation of activities. Animals retire to their dwellings and the birds to their nests. The souls relax and take rest from the pains of their labour and fatigue until when the souls are reposed and have slept, they now look forward to their livelihood and its disposal. The Splitter of the morning (i.e. Allaah) brings forward the day, His army giving glad tidings of the (coming of) the morning. It vanquishes that darkness and tears it asunder, unveiling the darkness from the world. Thereafter, the inhabitants are able to see. The animals then circulate about the land and proceed to manage their livelihood and welfare, and the birds depart from their nests. What a returning and arising, which is so indicative of Allaah’s capability (to assemble the creation) for the Major Return. (The Day of Resurrection and Judgement)..........to be continued
First of all, im not taking the place of an athiest here, and i would like to respond as an independent...
when you talk of hitler's or stalin's cruelty, we need to first ask why they committed these award-winning massacres. these people thought God had them on their side, and were fervent believers.. So perhaps the question should be addressed either in general or to those believers!
The historian R. Hickman expresses the influence of Darwinism on Hitler in these words.
"[Hitler] was a firm believer and preacher of evolution. Whatever the deeper, profound, complexities of his psychosis, it is certain that [the concept of struggle was important because]… his book, Mein Kampf, clearly set forth a number of evolutionary ideas, particularly those emphasizing struggle, survival of the fittest and the extermination of the weak to produce a better society."
source: R. Hickman, Biocreation, Science Press, Worthington, OH, 1983, pp. 51-52, cited in Jerry Bergman, "Darwinism and the Nazi Race Holocaust", Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal, 13 (2): 101-111, 1999
Signs of the Creator’s Existence (Part 2)
Now ponder over the delicate and fine air that is held captive between the sky and earth. It is sensed through feeling when it blows; its substance is felt but its form cannot be seen. It runs between the sky and earth; the birds circle and fly in it, swimming with their wings just as the fish of the sea swim in water. Its sides and gusts collide against each other when in commotion, just as the waves of the ocean clash.
Consider how Allaah forms with this wind, clouds that are held between the sky and earth. The wind excites the clouds causing them to rise and become dense. Allaah then combines the clouds together and merges them, and drives them by the wind to the land in need (of rain).
When they rise and ascend above the land, their waterfalls upon it. Allaah dispatches the winds whilst the clouds are in the atmosphere. The winds scatter and separate the clouds so that they do not harm or destroy what they would if the water were to descend upon it all at once. Once the land takes its fill and need, the clouds leave off the land and disperse. Thus, these clouds water the earth and are carried by the winds.” (Shaykh ‘Abdur-Razzaaq al-‘Abbaad, Asbaab Ziyaadatil-Eemaan wa Nuqsaanihi, Ghiraas lin-Nashr wat-Tawzi’, pp.40-41).
The light of day is also an astounding Sign of a great Creator. Dangerous ultraviolet and infrared radiation are highly absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere,
thus protecting mankind from being exposed to, and harmed by them. In contrast, sunlight that is necessary for mankind’s existence is allowed to pass through the earth’s atmosphere. Is this an accident?
If the sun were any closer to the earth, heat and radiation would destroy us, and conversely, if the sun were any farther from the earth, all life would cease. An incredibly complex equilibrium is constantly maintained in all affairs, and amazingly, the laws that govern this equilibrium maintain the same unity throughout the whole universe. Could this possibly have occurred through a process of random self-assembly?
Those who believe in chance concede that it is something which is not by nature ordered. Once this is understood, the following question must be asked: How could something that is by nature disordered consistently create order? This is a scientific impossibility. Hence, it must be concluded that not only has a Creator created our universe, but that He is also continually administrating its awe-inspiring affairs.............to be continued
Karl Marx, the founder of communism who shed blood on masses, openly expressed that he based his views on Darwin’s theory of evolution. Related to Darwin’s book, The Origin of Species, he said, “The book contains the basis in natural history for our views.”
source: Marx, Collected Writings, editor McClellan, Oxford, p. 582
Stalin, during his administration estimated to cost 60 million lives, attached great importance to the evolution propaganda. In his autobiography, he said:“There are three things that we do to disabuse the minds of our seminary students. We had to teach them the age of the earth, the geologic origin, and Darwin's teachings.”
source:Kent Hovind, The False Religion of Evolution
Signs of the Creator’s Existence (Part 3)
To demonstrate the error of those who deny the existence of a Creator, one may consider the ordinary example of how a book comes into being. The existence of a book necessitates the existence of a publisher who possesses three attributes: Firstly, this publisher must possess the knowledge of the required fields of expertise for the production of this book. Secondly, the publisher must possess the will to carry out such a task by consciously embarking upon this project. Thirdly, the publisher must possess the ability to carry out the task of creating the pages, cover and binding of the book while finishing it with distinction.
Once this is understood, the irrationality of claiming that a book created itself, or that it came about by mere chance, becomes apparent. Is it possible to legitimately claim that a book came about without a publisher, or that this universe came about without a Creator - solely on the basis that this publisher or Creator has not been seen?
In actuality, understanding that a Creator exists is much easier to grasp than understanding that a simple object like a book has an originator, as the formation of our universe is far more sophisticated than the formation of any one particular object. Accordingly, the Creator stated regarding those who deny His existence:
“Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, they have no firm belief.” [Surah At-Tur 52:35-36]
These verses prove that just as it would be impossible to claim that a book was created by nothing, it would also be impossible to claim that mankind was created by nothing. Likewise, just as it would be impossible to claim that a book created itself, it would also be impossible to claim that we created ourselves. Only one other possibility exists; that mankind and everything in this universe was brought about by an All-Knowing Creator.
It can be concluded that all things are known to come into existence by designers that possess the three attributes of knowledge, will and ability to create. No other conclusion can be drawn, except that our universe was fashioned by a Creator who possesses the knowledge, will and ability to create such an incredibly awe-inspiring formation.
Indeed, certain pieces of evidence left behind at the scene of a crime are considered incriminating proofs that lead courts to settle cases in an absolute manner. In the same way, Allaah’s Signs within His creation and the logical evidences contained within His revelation contain even more definite proofs that we were created by an All-Knowing, All-Powerful God.
“And upon the earth are Signs visible to all who have faith with certainty, just as there are Signs within your own selves. Will you not then see?”
[Surah Adh-Dhariyat 51:20,21].......to be continued
whats the relation between heaven and evolution? why the change in topic?
so aftermath of this life is..wine, sex, prostitutes, slaves, men superior to women...all those denied on earth allowed in heaven......well who knows wats gonna happen when we die ...so i say y not enjoy all those stuff on earth n then die incase i dont make it to heaven... i want have any regretts
@Ibn Ali
Buddy you are wrong on your facts. Paul Davis is not a British astrophysicist, he is Australian!!!! How can we have any faith on what you have written, when you are not sure of simple facts...!Go get your facts right, buddy!!!
abdul maajid abdul wahhaab akee sikudee gai kuda unikmeh hunna meeheh. veemaa, aharumen eynaa liyaa echchakah maa faruvaa eh nubahattan.
@ibn ali n areef
u know you could have just given a link or sumthing...its annoyin to read such long comments
some are fearful of all the islamic lectures in maldives. coz, they are trying hard to make this place a secular nation. most of you do not know islam and perhaps they think death shall not come to them
those who mocked at the sermon and claim to know islam know the least. their hearts are black and narrow. its just an excuse from reforming their existing behaviour. some dont even pray. some have NEVER prayed. they are not fearful of Allah AT ALL. they are pathetic creatures and a burden to this world. and salim, being son of the wise president, its a big disappointment. well, not surprised. brought up in a totally secular environment with secular culture, thats expected to be in you. but you shall die one day too. so please think.
son of the vice president, hope, you would learn quran and hadith and then argue. so that you can have a clear picture. we worked day and night to elect current administration and dont disappoint us. success will come in getting close to islam, not running away from it. at least listen and contemplate.
sheikh ilyas never fail to justify one single point. what ever he says is with evidence from Quran and Sunnah. guys, his speaches are great. may Allah show you guys the right path.
OMG!!! The only reason for my existence in this world and after life is to be a sex slave for men. No thanks!! I would rather burn in hell! I love how all these sick wakos twist our religion based on their own fantasies. They don't seem to be able to think about anything but sex. Women can't walk out the doors without a full burqa because some man might have sexual thoughts. I find it hilarious that some guys actually believes what these idiots preach. Hmm given what they offer its easy I suppose to support them.
God help us!!
this is what it is.......... those who read dont understand.......... those who understand cannot read
i heard the same thing said by an other sheik on youtube.
"couches made of gold and precious stones"
i find that so childish !!!
i imagine me arriving in heaven and realizing that my neighbour has 72 houris...
that is obsene !!!