Letter on the judiciary

Dear Editor,
The will to freedom and safety of the Maldivian people has been crushed and oppressed for far too long by corrupt judges. The ruthless vanity of the judiciary will soon come to a horrific end at the hands of the enraged masses if justice and saftey is denied for much longer!
Judges, you have failed to protect the people from the cruelty of blood thirsty gangsters. You have failed to protect the masses from being economically raped. Your own hands are therefore stained with the blood of the innocent due to your filthy greed and lack of compassion for the people’s safety.
You have mocked the cause of the needy and the fearful, and have offended the Creator of Heaven and Earth who is one with the oppressed! The vendetta will be terryfying when the oppressed arise in majestic triumph over the tyrants! The vendetta of the oppressed is the wrath of the Divine!
Every day the atmosphere is intensifying with frustration, hunger for justice, hunger for freedom and desparation for safety. The combustion of this oppressed primeval universal will to freedom is going to be unleashed like a volcanic eruption, and the fierce rage that shall be unleashed will pound the tyrants with a velocity so immense that they will be shattered into an eternity of helpless agony.
Don’t say you have not been warned – judges, this is not me making a threat, this is how nature works.


Letter on deportation

Dear Editor,
The Islamic Foundation has called for the deportation of Maryam Omidi alleging she is a supporter of gay rights.
There are gay couples coming to Maldives for honeymoon’s and romantic holidays. Do we then have a box to tick in the immigration form asking the sexuality of each visitor in the Maldives.
I find Ms. Omidi to be a great editor and one who will instill great journalistic knowledge in writers like Shazra and Naish. I also find Minivannews to be the most balanced news source in Maldives although they lack the quantity of a Haveeru or TVM.
True democracy is having differences of opinion and being able to accept those varying opinions. Are we saying Islam and democracy cannot co-exist in our society? Those that are too backward for democracy should be given civil education options.


Letter on sale of alcohol

Dear Editor,
Before we talk of alcohol license, we have to talk about why city hotels and guest houses are on inhabited islands.
The idea of guest houses and city hotels on inhabited islands was originally to spread the economic benefits of tourism into local islands and to promote the heritage and culture of Maldivian life to tourists, who rarely see the light of day on an inhabited Maldivian island. This is outlined in brief in the previous tourism masterplans.
Yes ofcourse there are numerous benefits from tourists coming onto populated islands, look at the northern strip of Chandhanee Magu, full of tourist shops and series of restaurants that benefit from catering to tourists. This is a fine working model, but unfortunately one that extorts money from tourists and destroys our culture – fake souvenirs manufactured in the East are sold as genuine Maldivian products, restaurants maintain two sets of menus – one for locals and another overpriced menu for guests, tour guides work also as salesmen for tourist shops! This is a massive extortion scheme. To this date, government has not addressed this issue (Maumoons nor Anni’s government) to the extent it should.
The same sort of markets will bear fruit once fully-fledged city hotels with liquor licenses start operating on other islands, tourists arrivals would create such unregulated markets specially if there’s no authority monitoring and keeping things in check. Guests will be unfairly exploited and worse yet, liquor being made available will most certainly be shipped behind doors into the local community.
Liquor and drugs are already readily available in Male’ and elsewhere. The same illegal distribution networks and those in charge will exploit this opportunity and make a quick buck!
I personally feel, the policy to have city hotels and guest houses should be gotten rid of entirely. A city hotel or guest house for local domestic tourism is fine, but not for tourists coming from abroad.
The tourism model that has worked so far, where tourists stay in a separate island is good as it is and we should not try to meddle with it but to develop it further keeping the core concept of one island one resort intact.


Letter on extremists

Dear Editor,
Ahlul-athar.net expresses their utter disgust at any acts of extremism and terrorism committed by the Khawaarij and the likes, those that of Al-Qaedah and their ilk. Such unjustified outbursts of wanton violence are against Islam and Islam does not ever justify kidnappings, suicide bombings and other acts of terrorism. It is rather disheartening that some of the Maldvian youth are getting deluded into believing that these acts are Jihaad and from Islam. We call the youth to return back to the original state of affairs, and to know that knowledge precedes action, and it is not the other way around!
We call those who are known as “Dots” and their ilk to not be beguiled by the beautified speech of simpeltons who have no knowledge of this beautiful Deen, and who are misguided and far astray from the Creed of the righeous salaf. And the recent video footage of the pseudo “Mujaahid” Ali Jaleel, then we say he has lot to learn of this beautiful Deen. It is not for him to call the scholars to go to him, but it is for him and his likes to go to the scholars themselves! It is a shame that this man does not know the great priniciple of Islam, that knowledge precedes statements and actions!
And in this regard we also call the so called Liberalists and Modernists to not judge Islam with the acts of the Khawaarij! Rather it is upon you too to return back to the original of affairs! And we say, do not accuse us of your own iniquities!
We, the Ahlus-Sunnah, the Salafis, the Ahlul-Athar, are free from the extremist and terrorist acts of America, the Jewish State and also those of Al-Qaeda and their ilk! We are clear from them and they are clear from us!
We also refer readers to the following websites, which has the writings of our scholars and our students of knowledge who clearly and totally refutes vigilante behaviour enacted by individuals and also who unequivocally denounce extremism, terrorism and violence:
The Salafee Position on Terrorism, Suicide Bombings and Hijackings
Click here for –> The Correct Islamic Position on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings
Click here for –> The Wahhabi Myth – Dispelling Prevalent Fallacies and the Fictitious Link with Bin Laden
Click here for –> Sacred Freedom: Western Liberalist Ideologies In The Light Of Islam
Useful Website in English –> http://www.islamAgainstExtremism.com
Useful Website in English –> http://www.Answering-Extremism.com


Letter on sale of alcohol

Dear Editor,
Allowing to sell alcohol on inhabited islands or in the fish market is nothing to get excited about or worried about. But it’s the people you got to be worried about. People who have been brought up in their whole life thinking that alcohol and pork are something special and something to be feared. Something thrilling to do just because it’s forbidden or because it helps them to forget the cruelty around them.
While I’m all for the freedom of selling or consuming anything anyone wishes, I do to a certain level agree with people who oppose to this. I think Maldivian society is not informed enough or capable enough to handle this. These are like beasts we are talking about. Deprived of sex, entertainment, fun, a goal in life, basic needs and a good education. So yes, it’s a wrong move in this society.


Letter on sale of alcohol

Dear Editor,
The latest brouhaha on the government considering the sale of alcohol in inhabited islands is reflection of the deplorable state the whole country has descended into. We are seeing the typical self-righteousness that pervades everyone in the country. Why are we hell bent on enforcing our own personal beliefs and values on every one else?
Why cannot we let everyone be granted the privilege of deciding what is good for him or her? After all everyone is responsible for their own sins, and only their sins. Why is everything categorized stricty in terms of either halaal or haraam? It is not unusual to hear that this is halaal or that is haraam from some self-appointed preacher proxying as God’s voice.
Why is everyone so desperate in enforcing each one’s set of halaal and haraam on every one else? Why is each one’s opinions portrayed with absolute certainty as the only Islamic truth? It makes me wonder where in Islam it is allowed for liquor to be sold in resorts and nowhere else?
As long as we are not willing to let each one decide on his choice of beliefs we will descend further. There is so much chatter and noise in our society nothing useful can ever be achieved. Medina University is exporting a curse to the world at large. Every one is a preacher on good conduct and on religion. Everyone knows everything, but can do nothing.
Those who choose to drink alcoholic beverages will drink it either in resorts or abroad. The burden of deciding to drink or not to drink lies with each single person. After all, it is that person that faces a sentence in this world and punishment in the next. No one else has to share in his sins. The responsibility does not fall on Adhaalath party, and certainly not on TEAM.


Letter on Alhan

Dear Editor,
Nihan and Ali Waheed seem to be a bit naive. I suspect that the “rat” is not Alhan. Alhan seems to be a member of DRP who would do anything for his party leaders. He was the guy who proposed the unfair bill on benefits for former Presidents.
In an interview after the vote Alhan declared his undying affection for his party leader and deputy leader. At the last DRP rally we saw the deputy party leader pleading with members not to blame Alhan, claiming that any divisions within the party will be a win for MDP.
We should also remember that at a recent MDP rally President Nasheed offered to delay the corruption cases and investigations if the opposition would help him on the no-confidence motion. We have also heard that the deputy leader DRP and two of his family members were taken to the police for questioning. We have also heard that MDP has threatened to make life difficult for MPs who supported the no-confidence motion and to reward those who vote against it.
It is only logical that MDP would have made similar threats and offers to the deputy leader of DRP.
So putting two and two together I feel the real rat is not Alhan.


Letter on no-confidence motion

Dear Editor
It was big blow to the DRP and PA coalition and a clear win to the ruling MDP and its coalition. Congratulation to Dr Shaheed and thanks to MPs who are in line with MDP.
There are failed politicians in our small society who are still at the ground level of our political ladder. I would say Dr Hassan Saeed is one of them.
The review on the no-confidence vote taken in the parliament against Dr Ahmed Shaheed, showed that the architect of the no-confidence motion was Dr Hassan Saeed from Gaumeee Party. He (DrHassan) designed it and made the DRP/PA coalition including his own MPs as players. However, the design collapsed without any gain.
The clear evidence is Gaumeee Party’s immediate announcement about their own two MPs Riyaaz (Thaa MP) and Adil (feydhoo MP) who didn’t take part Shaheed’s no confidence vote. These two MPs kicked a blow on Dr Hassan’s face.


Letter on no-confidence motion

Dear Editor,
There is much speculation about the outcome of the no-confidence motion against the foreign minister. As much as such a motion is unpalatable to the government, such things cannot be avoided in the democratic process. Even if the foreign minister survives the motion, his reputation is tarnished not least by his own actions. Dr Shaheed in his defense is trying to convince the Majlis memebers that even during the previous regime, the government was reaching out to the Israelis.
Didn’t the people vote in this government because they wanted change, not only a change of a few faces, but also a change in the way government is run? So why is Dr Shaheed trying to justify his actions saying it was done earlier. I think that the foreign ministry is one of the few places where you don’t see much change and this can be evident when you visit our missions abroad. Unlike other countries who change their mission staff with the change in government, we are still going on with the same lot as if there is nobody capable enough to replace them. Even if there is a regime change tomorrow, we will see the same faces since the present lot were sent there by the previous regime in the first place.
I think deep down what matters to certain “big shots” is not adherence to an ideology but the gut necessity to cling on to what one has at any cost and hence one sees this inter-hopping from one party to another regardless of what that party stands for.
Maybe in time this will change and Maldives will have a mature democracy with equally mature political actors.
