The resort will be constructed under the Lithuanian brand Olialia, managed by the small European country’s largest newspaper, Vakaro Žinios. The company also operates a pizzeria, payment card, limo and bus service, and sells ice-cream, soft drinks, chips, and computers decorated with Swarovski crystals, and runs parties at popular Lithuanian nightclubs.
Local tourism industry website Maldives Traveller revealed that the project was expected to open in 2015 and would be funded by investors from Lithuania, Russia, UK, Germany, United Arab Emirates and an undisclosed Maldivian travel company.
In an interview with Maldives Traveller, Olialia’s Giedre Pukiene told the website that the company was already in negotiations “with the owners of several atolls, who are ready to cooperate in the creation of the island of blondes.”
The working title of the resort is to be ‘Olialia Paradise’, Pukiene told Maldives Traveller, but noted that this was subject to change.
The project will also include the creation of an airline and yacht service for visitors to the island, both staffed exclusively by blondes.
“The pilots and stewardesses on the planes will also be blonde only,” Pukiene confirmed.
On paper, the project is likely to encounter logistical difficulties. Resorts in the Maldives are obligated to employ at least 50 percent Maldivian staff who naturally have dark hair. Olialia has not revealed whether local staff will be required to use bleach.
State Minister of Tourism Mamduh Waheed said he was unaware of the proposed project, but noted that the Ministry of Tourism had no involvement in negotiations between operators and leaseholders.
“The Ministry officially has no role to play in negotiations, and I think it would be out of line for us to do so, but we certainly facilitate and assist those operators seeking to acquire property,” Mamduh explained.
If it goes ahead, the project would take the country’s tourism industry in a different direction to that proposed in May by visiting Islamic speaker Dr Zakir Naik, who noted that investing in a resort profiting from the sale of alcohol was already technically haram (prohibited), and recommended the country encourage investment in halal (permitted) tourism.
Such resorts, he suggested, should be “exclusively halal, free of pork and alcohol, and with proper segregation and dress code – it will be a benefit.”
President of the Adhaalath Party and State Minister for Home Affairs, Sheikh Hussain Rasheed, said that even if a company attempted to open a resort as the one proposed by Olialia, ”nothing against the Tourism Act can be conducted in the Maldives.”
”Tourism is not bad itself, but it can also be conducted in a bad way,” he said. “Ever since the beginning of tourism in the country has become broader day to day, and the government has established the Tourism Act to maintain and organise the industry,” said Sheikh Rasheed, explaining that the employment of female staff was also regulated by the Tourism Act.
”There should also be a percentage of Maldivians in all the resorts, according to the Act,” Sheikh Rasheed explained. ”I don’t really think the Tourism Act allows such an island to be developed in this country.”
In March the government signed an agreement with Dutch Docklands to develop a gigantic floating golf course, holding a signing ceremony in the President’s office.
”Golf has a good market in the world, and most of our resorts do not have a golf centre due to lack of space,” observed Press Secretary for the President Mohamed Zuhair at the time.

This is racist and should not be allowed in Maldives.
Maldivian been people of color should not support these neo-nazis and white supremacy people and Hitler lovers.
Also according to law Maldivian should be allowed to work in these islands. Should not the staff at least be 50% maldivian?
Government should say no to this project as we Maldivians will be in the loosing end. What next all Indian staffed islands or all Bangladeshi staff islands?
In the words of the most popular non-blondes in the world : "What's Going On?" (I guess that'd include Marvin Gaye too)
Good luck with finding the blonde Madldivian wimen to keep the 65% Maldivian staff levels in your new resort to uphold the employment regulations.
Why do we need all these crazy ideas coming from former 'strict' newly accepted Euro nations, now allowed to go decadently western in their overhauled countries.
There ios nothing wrong with setting our own regulations for resort behaviours and organisational strategies that do not insult our national identity.
Wake up tourism minister and smell the corruption in nthe se matters or be replaced!!!
This is a truly splendid idea, gloriously politically incorrect. Book me in right now, especially for the "entertainments". Just one little question: how do we know they're really blonde? Surely, bottle blondes are banned or any old battlecruiser will get in. There are of course methods of verifying these matters but delicacy and good taste prevent my revealing these. However, in the spirit of this splendid enterprise might I possibly put myself forward to execute this onerous and exacting task?
The Sarum Curmudgeon
This is real discrimination !!! THIS HAS TO STOP.
(When is it opening?? How soon 😉 )
1. Most pro sports teams only hire men -- sexist? 2. the ethnocentric Bob Marley hired only black males in his band -- racist? 3. Hooters hires women with varying hair colors but consistent bust sizes -- boobist? 4. Chinese restaurants seem to have beaucoup Chinese working in them -- 5. the Polynesian Cultural Center on Oahu has like, no blondes working there....Five examples of for-profit SHOW business....
Guess where the NBA is headed in the off season?Waaaaassssssup!
I am so there Dudes. Where do we sign-up to go? Blondes away. Woo Hoo!
This is truely the greatest idea I have ever heard of!!! I hope it comes to be and is wildly successful!
Finally something worth reading in the news. Don't pay any attention to the negative comments here mostly posted by muslims.
i think that is one of the brilliant ideas.. guys dont u think.. its maldives .. my beloved country.. we need to market maldives and bring a good name to it.even now the name is being bad because of some people.. i think its pretty awesome to have unique ideas that will atrract to maldives..
damn.. its awesome.. i would love to see some hot chiks.. 😀
XXX-Man : If you dont already know, or if you are just being ignorant, 100% of the Maldivians are Muslims.
oh and yeah, if you arent one, you arent a Maldivian. 😛
you guys are outragous, theres nothing racist or sexist or whatever -ists... about this, its just a business concept and an excellent one for that matter...
grow up guys....
and by the way ablo, theres no need for indian staffed islands or bangladheshi staffed island. have u seen male' recently... your( and by that i dont specifically mean you, i mean most maldivians. you guys get offended so easily), laziness has already created a community filled with indians and bangladheshi workers.... and just because they are indians doesnt mean they cant do excellent work. call other people racist while you yourself is one. 🙂
good day
coooooool!! that's the IDEA!! I'm with you and am about to reserve one month there..
It will not make money. The market is too specialized. The tourism industry relies heavily on families and this is not family friendly. Plus a vacation to the Maldives is already priced in the luxury travel category. All debating aside about whether it's right or won't last because it's not going to be profitable. The attempt will bring attention and press to the Maldives which may benefit other resorts. Maybe it's a publicity stunt. It would be a very clever one.
When it comes to the Girl's point of View~ I believe, a place for One, whome they feel secure. Is a Place, One Wishes to be! "I have never cared For Blond Joke's" We havn't the Power to Contrl. what we beleive is us! Or what we have become! I Vote for 4 different Island's, ! Blonds alway's come First! But when it comes to a Redhead!! "Duck",(I Love the Spirite of a Redhead),, When it come's the Brunett,i feel a Sort of Peace!When I Touch the Felt of Gray,, I realize, No Matter what color( And you Girls can Change in an Instant) The Grace you all Hold! I Salute You!
WOW !!!
This resort would be a magnet for Russian male tourists. I hope and pray it never exists, for the sake of the Maldives. this some kind of a joke????
Wasn't there a 1960s "James Bond" movie like this?
Also on an island?
This is not racist because all you have to do is DYe your hair BLONDE.
It's like saying: "all staff have to wear 3-button shirts" ------- so go out and buy a 3-button shirt !!
So - I am going to run the hairdresser's shop in the nearest island. For only one service - hair bleaching provided for stupid buggers.
During a recent password audit, it was found that a blonde was using the following password:
When asked why she had such a long password, she said she was told that it had to be at least 8 characters
long and include at least one capital...
If this comes to a reality, it be such a sham & disgrace on Maldivians, are all the Maldivian spineless, to dance blond tunes? Hope not, it’s about time people got on the streets and voice against this.