Visiting Islamic speaker Dr Zakir Naik clarified during a question and answer session this morning that profits generated from the sale of alcohol are haram (prohibited), and urged the Maldives to encourage investment in halal (permitted) tourism.
“In Islamic finance, you cannot involve in any business as the owner of that business if it is even one percent a haram activity,” Dr Naik said.
“As a main partner you cannot be involved. If you are investing as a pool and you are a small partner, then a little bit is permitted, but as a 100% owner I cannot say ‘fine, I will have a hotel that will allow alcohol, and that money I will give to charity.’ You cannot say that. Because you are involved in haram activity.”
It was permitted, Dr Naik explained, to invest in part in a mutual fund where a haram activity might be a small percentage of the investment, as “then I can give the small amount to charity, because I have no major say in the business. But if I am a bigger shareholder, I cannot allow even 0.1% of haram activity to take place.”
Under Islam the use, handling and sale of alcohol are considered haram to Muslims, a tenet that led to vigorous opposition against the government’s attempt in February to legalise the sale of alcohol to non-Muslims on inhabited islands. Critics of the regulations claimed they were unconstitutional, as Article 10(b) of the Maldives’ Constitution states that ‘no law contrary to any tenet of Islam shall be enacted in the Maldives..
However the country depends heavily on tourism for its economy, particularly resorts which profit from the sale of alcohol, many of which are owned by local businessmen.
Dr Naik, who is speaking tonight and tomorrow at Maafaanu Stadium, after being invited by the Ministry for Islamic Affairs, questioned why the Maldives had no resorts that were “100 percent halal.”
“Your country is so beautiful. I have visited many countries in the world and I have to profess, the islands in Maldives are par excellence. I’ve been to many parts of the world, been to many top resorts in the world, but the one where I am staying in the Maldives is par excellence. Allah has blessed you with such beauty, scenery and natural resources,” he said.
“I put forward the proposal that why don’t we have an Islamic resort? I’m aware the Maldives prohibits alcohol for citizens, but those people who come from outside the Maldives can have access to these things which are haram for Muslims.”
Such resorts, he suggested, should be “exclusively halal, free of pork and alcohol, and with proper segregation and dress code – it will be a benefit.”
Similar segregated, alcohol and pork free hotels in other parts of the world had proven very successful, he explained, “with revenue far more than other hotels. The same thing can be done here.”
“The income for people investing in such Islamic resorts will be much higher,” he suggested. “I have spoken to government officials about it, and they say Inshallah, they look forward to it. Believe me it will attract more tourists very soon, in the next couple of years, with better revenue and a better profit.”
State Minister for Islamic Affairs Sheikh Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed has similarly argued for promotion of Islamic “cultural tourism” within the Maldives, noting that “a lot of hotels, such as the Intercontinental in Medina, are without alcohol. What about developing alcohol-free resorts; Islamic tourism, just like Islamic banking?”
Dr Zakir Naik is speaking at an event at Maafannu stadium tonight and tomorrow, at 8:45pm.

Here is a better idea, elect him as president.
A liked Zakir Naik's dress code. (obvious reflections of Indian respect for their colonial British Masters). Wish i could convince him to replace the Hajju Cap with a cowboy hat. Is this "Nike" an arabic word or just simply the International Sports brand.
My personal openion - put Bilal Phillip and Zakir Naik on one side ... we will get Fareedh to beat them off both with speech beauty, vocal tone and dress code.
most of these relgions are tools of ancient times to control its people.
@mode...1st u dnt knw wat u r saying...there are 4 islamic resorts(hotels) in dubai..and btw there are islamic tourism in so many countries,not only in dubai such as saudi,kuwait etc..u have such limited knowledge,inshallah if we do things according to islam things are going to go well.
If u cannot follow the ISLAM, stop frustrating ISLAM, Dr, Naik is one of the best.
first, to be fair on Mr. Naik, he didn't choose his accommodation. Since he didn't complain, staying at such a place is not a sin...
let me say it again, why in the world do we want to convert our resorts into islamic ones?
Quran and Islam was there when we built these resorts. And all this time, nobody cared enough to say or do anything. So shut up. Alcohol business being haram wasn't a message from God through prophet Naik.
if you don't want to be part of this sin, stay away from tourism industry. Just leave sinners be and let them rot in Hell while you enjoy your virgins.
Why does the genome of a chimpanzee look so similar to that of MAN?
Simple answer!
It's a reminder of what man SHOULD look like if he rejects ALLAH!
Meaning if you reject ALLAH you look really STUPID !
NO! Here is a better idea. Reason with him or try for once to disprove him.
I didn't bring or welcome him. The people who brought him had a good time. and God bless them. Just don't force it onto others.
And I don't see why I or any should argue with Naik or anyone else for that matter. I have no problems with Naik coming here. Problem for me is Maldivians making a big deal, and forcing their friends to listen to him.
Islam is a peaceful religion, and please keep it that way instead of beating up a lost kid. (I am talking about the guy who refused religion).
If people dont believe in God, this kind crap argument will goes on.
There were a time, we live without these resorts. Even if we try to do something other than tourism, we can suffice with the help of God.
Alcahole is haraam. If we earn money or use it, we are using haraam money. You can enjoy in this world, but in hereafter, you will see the punishment of God
Well! Even the infamous gay advocate blogger tells us that "Islam is a peaceful religion' when he wants to be left undisturbed attending to his ulterior motives!
I think you also want to "allow" other religions to be practiced freely in Maldives, when you acknowledge this fact of Islam, not because of your love of Islam!?
The guy who refused religion was definitely a proxy. He answered several phone calls before he went in front of the queue.
Moreover he refused to be convinced that 2=2=4, and was talking against LOGIC. What more?
Well! Even the infamous gay advocate blogger tells us that “Islam is a peaceful religion’ when he wants to be left undisturbed attending to his ulterior motives!
I think you also want to “allow” other religions to be practiced freely in Maldives, when you acknowledge this fact of Islam, not because of your love of Islam!?
The guy who refused religion was undeniably a proxy to some powerful figures in the current administration itself. He answered several phone calls before he went in front of the queue.
Moreover he refused to be convinced that 2+2=4, and was talking against LOGIC. What more?
really shamed!!!! May Allah enlighten them from darkness they really know not otherwise would not have done so.
it is a shame some people beat up a poor guy coz he denied Islam. we have no right to pass judgment on a person like that. we let the courts to do whatever they must do and surely Allah will judge him. simple as that. Dr. Naik was right about the media defaming Islam. after all, he did recognize terrorism (murder and etc) were all bad even in Islam. and what is haraam and not didnt come from Dr. Naik. so whats all the fuss here?
There is a different between openly practicing and living peacefully.
There are tonnes of foreigners living around us, they don't believe in Islam and yet living peacefully among us.
I don't see why Maldivians can't do the same? It doesn't affect the lives of any average Maldivian. If they did, I'm sure all foreigners will either be Muslim or chased away.
On topic of peace. Islam says it is a peaceful religion. Or is it peaceful just to itself and to muslims only? That guy, he doesn't deserve to get beaten. Shouldn't you try to reason with him, offer him guidance? But no, lets kill him and get it done and dealt with. Skip the part mentioned in the Quran about offering him advice.
Remember, he didn't start a fight, rest of the people there did. Moral here is, don't start fights and arguments unnecessarily. Whether you believe in religion or not, use common sense. I'm sure Islam/Quran itself states all this. I don't care if you can't comprehend what I have to say, atleast read the Quran and practice all that is mentioned there.
If you can't live by the Quran, then you are no better than a non Muslim you hate so much. Not to mention a poor human being with double standards for everything.
Dr.Zakir Naik is a person with full of knowledge bestow on him from Allah. He strive and struggling to reform the world of peoples within the boundary of Islam. His main duty is invite ISLAM. Peoples who love this world and other religions can't tolerate his words and the words of Allah and Mohamed(Pbuh). Keep it up Dr.Zakir Naik Always Haqqu prevailed not a rubbish democracy...
Dear maldivians,Go with the idea of Dr.Zakir Naik Insha Allah ,Allah Will Bless You More And More WIth Good Wealth And Health.Dont Allow your Country Become Like Hell On THe Earth.