MACL launches new air traffic control system

The Maldives Airport Company Ltd (MACL) today launched it Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast – ADS-B – system, at a function at Trader’s hotel in Malé.

The new air traffic control technology will replace radar surveillance – introduced in 2010 –  at a fraction of the cost of providing full radar coverage at Ibrahim Nasir International Airport  (INIA). MACL has invested over MVR6million to integrate the system into the current Malé Area Control Centre.

Four ground stations have been installed – two at INIA, one in Kulhuduffushi, and one in Fuvahulah.

“With duplicated ground stations deployed across Maldives, it can give ATC surveillance capability over 98% of Flight Information Region above FL300 (30,000 feet) and surveillance over the entire domestic sector,” read an MACL press release.


Gasim Ibrahim – From domestic aide to Kingmaker: The Island Online

In an interview with Sri Lanka’s The Island Online publication, Jumhooree Party leader Gasim Ibrahim discusses his background, February 7, the recent presidential election.

Gasim is currently in Sri Lanka as part of the delegation accompanying President Abdulla Yameen on his state visit.

“They [Commonwealth countries and the UNHRC] were under the impression that the Election would not be held because their favourite candidate Mr. Nasheed had said so, but were proved wrong,” said Gasim.

“Article 113 of our Constitution requires the Supreme Court to rule on any violations of election laws brought to its notice. It is unethical and wrong for anyone to question the legitimate role of the judiciary in a democracy.”

Asked if he was disappointed at not becoming president, Gasim responded: “Yes, in a way. I possess  a vision and programme of work for the country which I believe the others do not have.”

“In that respect I am disappointed. Nevertheless, I am happy that Yameen, a person with enough political, ministerial and administrative skills, has been elected Head of State. Of course if I was President, I would have done things differently. However, now that my party is a member of the government I will extend my fullest support since the interest of the country will always come first for me.”

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Transport authority to introduce online taxi management

The Transport Authority of Maldives has told local media of plans to modernise the management of taxis in the country.

Chairman of the authority, Abdulla Rasheed Naafiz, told Haveeru that bidding for the suitable software would be started this week.

The systems proposed are intended to improve regulation and to build trust in the taxi system. Tracking technology will be used to monitor routes and journeys taken.


President promises four bilateral agreements during Sri Lanka visit

President Abdulla Yameen and the First Lady Madam Fathimath Ibrahim have today departed on an official state visit to Sri Lanka, where Yameen anticipates four bilateral agreements will be signed.

The President’s Office reported Yameen as saying that the visit was intended to improve the already-strong ties between the two nations, and that the three-day visit would include one-to-one talks with President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Yameen will be accompanied by a large delegation, including coalition partners Gasim Ibrahim and Ahmed Shiyam – of the Jumhooree Party and Maldives Development Alliance, respectively.

Also present on the trip will be Minister of Foreign Affairs Dunya Maumoon, Minister of Tourism Ahmed Adeeb, and Commissioner of Police Hussain Waheed.


British High Commissioner calls on President Yameen

The British High Commissioner John Rankin has paid a courtesy call on President Abdulla Yameen on Monday morning, where discussions were held on how to strengthen relations between the two countries.

President Yameen emphasised his administration’s focus on economic development and briefed the High Commissioner on prospective investment projects in the Maldives.

He also stated there is a crucial need to “impress upon the EU the pertinence of extending GSP Plus facilities to the Maldives for a further period, to ensure the country’s fishery exports could remain competitive in European markets”, according to statement on the President’s Office website.

It further revealed that the High Commissioner had inquired about possible areas in which Britain could assist the Maldives’ development efforts in the future, while highlighting the recent collaborative efforts between the countries.

Discussions were also held at the meeting about the current political atmosphere in the Maldives and the importance of maintaining a peaceful community.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dunya Maumoon, Minister at the President’s Office Mohamed Hussain Shareef and Ministry of Foreign Affairs Director Farzana Zahir were also present at the meeting.


Police retrieve stolen US$10,000

Police have stated that they have retrieved USD 10,000 stolen from a guest room in Kanuhura Island Resort.

They stated that, while US$8,500 of the stolen money was found in a transport buggy on Monday evening, the remaining US$1500 was found hidden under a rock in front of guest rooms early today.

While police are continuing investigation of the matter, which was reported to them Tuesday afternoon, no related arrests have been made at the time of press.


Council candidate withdraws despite election being delayed to accommodate his candidacy

Gaaf Alif Atoll Villingili Constituency’s Atoll Council candidate Masood Ahmed withdrew his name yesterday, despite the Elections Commission (EC) having delayed the election in the constituency to accommodate his contestation following a Supreme Court appeal verdict.

Masood, who applied to contest as an independent candidate, has informed local media that he is a member of ruling Progressive Party of Maldives, and that he will assist in the campaign of the party’s candidates after withdrawing his own name.

“In reality, the Elections Commission has no right to reject my candidacy. I filed the case in Supreme Court to prove this point. As I later thought about it, I realized that contesting now will not be the best thing even for the party. I was of this mindset even when the EC decided to delay elections in my constituency,” he is quoted as saying to local media.

While local media reports that the EC rejected Ahmed’s candidacy as his Criminal Records form read that he had been involved in “committing sexual offences against a minor or infringing on a person’s modesty”, the Supreme Court ruled the EC’s decision void.

In the ruling, the apex court claimed that while a person who is charged with pedophilia or rape cannot contest in the elections as per the law, Ahmed did not have such a criminal charge against him.

It stated that the charges against Ahmed had been for engaging in illicit sex with a woman, and that these offences were of a different category. The court also noted that proof of having committed illicit sex is not equivalent to proof of rape.


Free cervical cancer screening service at DhamanaVeshi

Health Protection Agency has begun cervical cancer screening at “Dhamana Veshi” (formerly Male’ Health Center), Vnews has reported.

According to the Ministry of Health the service will be provided one day every week, and 25 appointment for screening will be issued.

According to the Ministry, the first phase of this project – funded by UNFPA – will be implemented with assistance from Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).

The service will be provided as a public health service without any charge. The Health Ministry recommends women of 30 – 50 years to take this test at least once every five years. The service was part of the Health Ministry’s ‘first hundred days plan‘.


Indian Ocean Region Still a Blur on MEA Map: The Sunday Standard

“A new leadership at the helm, the Ministry of External Affairs had restructured internal divisions to create a new one, focusing exclusively on the Indian Ocean region,” writes Devirupa Mitra.

“But even after the division has officially come into existence, its contours are yet to be fully mapped. It seems the ministry cannot quite decide whether to take on everything from piracy to bilateral ties in one fell swoop or it would be too much to chew.

The new Indian Ocean region division was planned as an offshoot of the earlier BSM department, which looked after Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Myanmar—all very crucial for India’s foreign policy

After the last joint secretary (BSM) Harshvardhan Shringla handed over his baton in the first week of January, the department was split down the middle with Sri Lanka and Maldives made part of a larger focus on Indian Ocean region.”

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