Free cervical cancer screening service at DhamanaVeshi

Health Protection Agency has begun cervical cancer screening at “Dhamana Veshi” (formerly Male’ Health Center), Vnews has reported.

According to the Ministry of Health the service will be provided one day every week, and 25 appointment for screening will be issued.

According to the Ministry, the first phase of this project – funded by UNFPA – will be implemented with assistance from Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH).

The service will be provided as a public health service without any charge. The Health Ministry recommends women of 30 – 50 years to take this test at least once every five years. The service was part of the Health Ministry’s ‘first hundred days plan‘.


Indian Ocean Region Still a Blur on MEA Map: The Sunday Standard

“A new leadership at the helm, the Ministry of External Affairs had restructured internal divisions to create a new one, focusing exclusively on the Indian Ocean region,” writes Devirupa Mitra.

“But even after the division has officially come into existence, its contours are yet to be fully mapped. It seems the ministry cannot quite decide whether to take on everything from piracy to bilateral ties in one fell swoop or it would be too much to chew.

The new Indian Ocean region division was planned as an offshoot of the earlier BSM department, which looked after Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Myanmar—all very crucial for India’s foreign policy

After the last joint secretary (BSM) Harshvardhan Shringla handed over his baton in the first week of January, the department was split down the middle with Sri Lanka and Maldives made part of a larger focus on Indian Ocean region.”

Read more


Pakistani high commissioner calls on president

The Pakistani High Commissioner, Mohamed Saeed Khan, this morning paid a call on President Abdulla Yameen.

Congratulating President Yameen on his November election victory, the Pakistani High Commissioner went on to discuss the expansion of bilateral ties – in particular, health, security, education, and sports.

The President’s Office has reported that Yameen conveyed his good wishes to Pakistani President Nawaz Sharif, whom he noted as a long-standing ally of the Maldives. He also expressed confidence that Maldivian-Pakistani relations would flourish during his tenure.

The meeting was also reportedly attended by Minister of Foreign Affairs Dunya Maumoon, Minister at the President’s Office Mohamed Hussain Shareef, and the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hassan Shifau.


Former President Waheed announces “official return to education field”

Former President Dr Mohamed Waheed has informed local media that he has taken up a part-time job as a Visiting Distinguished Fellow Lecturer at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy in Singapore.

Waheed assumed office in the controversial transfer of power of February 7, 2012 and presided the Maldives for a period of 19 months.

He stated that he will be teaching in the University for about one week every month, and that he has decided to stay in the post for a duration of one year at a minimum. Waheed added that this is his “official return to the field of education after [his] stint in politics”. He detailed that he would be mainly residing in the Maldives and Malaysia during his year teaching in Singapore.

In addition to teaching modules in public policy and executive education, Waheed will also be engaging in various research programs in the university.


Q&A: MP Rozaina Adam – Thulusdhoo constituency

In a series of interviews to lead into the the 2014 parliamentary elections – scheduled for March 22nd – Minivan News will be conducting interviews with incumbent MPs.

All 77 sitting members have been contacted, from across the political spectrum, to be asked a standardised set of questions with additional topicals. The interviews will be published as and when they are received.

As part of the series, Minivan News interviewed MP Rozaina Adam,

MP Rozaina represents the Thulusdhoo constituency of Kaafu Atoll and was elected on a Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) ticket, she joined opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) in November 2013.

Ahmed Rilwan: What made you enter the political arena and how?

Rozaina Adam: My family was involved in politics – my father was an MP and my mother served in the Special Majlis. So I have been interested in politics since childhood. But the system back then didn’t make it easy for anyone new to enter politics, but the introduction of party system provided many with this opportunity. So in 2008 I decided to run for People’s Majlis the following year.

AR: Based on your attendance and work in this ending term, how would you judge your performance as an MP?

RA: I am very satisfied with the work I did.

AR: What are the main committees you worked on? What particular bills did you focus on?

RA: I am currently in the Committee on Independent Institutions, National Security Committee, and the 241 [security services oversight] Committee. I am serving as the vice chair in all three committees now and the Chair of Sexual Harassment Bill Review Committee.

Earlier I was in the National Development Committee, and was the Chair of Domestic Violence Bill Review Committee as well as the subcommittee that reviewed the Anti-Torture Bill.

As for bills, I introduced the Domestic Violence Bill and proposed an amendment to the Majlis regulation to create a dedicated committee for women and children’s issues. I was working on the Sexual Harassment Bill when I discovered that the government is also preparing one, so I introduced the bill on behalf of the government.

I have also drafted a bill on medical negligence, it has been sent to the Ministry of Health for comments. It is still pending as I had to send it to each new minister with the government changing thrice recently.

I proposed an amendment to the Maldives Family Regulation to increase the child support payments, another amendment for the Decentralization Act to reserve a seat for women in the local councils and to arrange allowances for women’s committees. And the [second] amendment to the Public Finance Act requiring [the government] to send the budget to People’s Majlis earlier. These are the main bills that I worked on.

AR: What would you say are the biggest achievements within your term – in terms of what you have accomplished for your constituency and the country as a whole?

RA: I was able to include all major needs of my constituency in the budget, but there is not much I could do about the government halting some of these projects.

During my term in Majlis, harbors of K.Huraa and K.Dhiffushi were completed. Thuslusdhoo land reclamation and harbor projects were included in the budget, water and sewage system of Himmafushi and Thulusdhoo were completed. A set of classrooms were constructed in Huraa, work is in progress for classrooms in Thulusdhoo and Dhiffushi.

One major issue that my constituency faced was the controversy that followed the changing of Atoll Council from Thulusdhoo [when the Atoll Council decided to move the office from Maafushi to Thulusdhoo the government fought against it]

I see that as a major achievement. Even as an opposition member I worked against the government – with DRP members – to find a solution to that problem within the Majlis.

My main focus in Majlis was mostly women’s development issues. I focused more on such issues because only five out of 77 MPs are women. There are plenty of people to focus on other issues, but only a few people focus on women’s issues. So I chose to give more attention to that area.

For instance I put a lot of  pressure to fast-track the Sexual Harassment Bill, especially during the Fahmy controversy [when President of the Civil Service Commission Mohamed Fahmy was accused of sexually harassing one of his staff].

I was in DRP back then, however I supported that [of removing Fahmy for sexual harassment] even though it was MDP [Maldivian Democratic Party] that proposed it. It was because of my vote in the committee [ Committee on Independent Institutions ] that it was passed [to remove Fahmy]. And due to this the issue of sexual harassment came to national attention, I see that as a huge achievement.

AR: What would you say is the biggest mistake or worst step you have taken in your political career? Why?

RA: I can’t say it was completely wrong, but in hindsight, I am not entirely happy that I supported President Maumoon [Abdul Gayoom]. When I look back now it seems so, but my decision was based on the information I received at the time.

Later I found from President Maumoon’s words and actions, especially what he said when Theemuge [Presidential Residence] audit report was published and how he justified it. It was all very different from the reality which was revealed when the original bills and documents were sent to the Majlis.

There is nothing else that I see as mistake. I was in DRP because I accepted the party policies. But with the presidential elections we realized that DRP’s goals cannot be achieved as it still remains a party created by Maumoon. I decided to change to MDP because I believe the political sphere will actually have [just] MDP and PPM. And I don’t believe PMM was established to serve the people.  We know exactly why they left us [DRP], it was to sustain President Maumoon’s family rule. So I believe a lot of good can be achieved for the people through MDP. If we look in to the background of MDP we can see there are opportunities for everyone in this party.

AR: Are you taking the optional committee allowance of an additional MVR20,000? Why or why not?

RA: I have no personal feelings towards it, neither for nor against it. But I do take it. For the most part of my term I served as an opposition MP, so it was tough to manage problems faced by my constituents.

MP s don’t have to provide financial assistance to their constituents, but we should understand that it still is the established culture in Maldives, it doesn’t seem to be changing. It is hard to ignore when someone approach for assistance especially for medical purposes. The common mindset is that MPs are supposed to provide this assistance, so we have to.

AR: What is your view about parliamentarians and other public servants declaring their financial assets publicly for the electorate to be able to refer to?

RA: I don’t have any problem with that.

AR: Are you re-contesting in the next elections? Why? What do you hope to accomplish should you be elected for a new term?

RA: For the next Majlis I am running for Addu City’s Meedhoo constituency seat. I chose that constituency because my mother is from Addu City, and as a person who fights for gender equality I don’t believe that people only belong to their father’s island. So I believe I belong Addu City as much as I belong to Malé City.

We can see that instead of developing, Addu City is going backwards. It used to be one of the most developed regions in Maldives even during the early days of President [Ibrahim] Nasir. But day after day more people had to migrate to Malé City for various reasons and the place now seems abandoned. It is because there are no basic services. Even now, while we call it a city,  there are no water and sewage services, roads are not repaired, electricity services is weak. If we take a look at education and health we don’t see services adequate for a city. I am going face the challenging task of develop Addu City as a city, doing whatever could be done within the Majlis.

If I am elected, my vision is to propose a bill to Majlis that would set standards and detail the services that should be available in a city. I wish to state in the bill that basic services – such as water, sewerage, repairing of roads – should be provided within a certain period of being declared as a city. Addu City should have university campuses, have services such as renewal of ID cards, paying migrant worker visa fees if it is city. Actually the services provided in Malé City is also not that good. So all cities will benefit from this bill.

AR: What improvements do you feel the 18th Majlis will need to make to improve as an institution?

RA: I think MPs should work more responsibly in serving the people through the Majlis. Speed up the committee stage of bills.

And we see that it is the government, and not MPs, who propose most bills to the Majlis. There are some difficulties in doing this. We don’t get the necessary legal assistance from our Majlis, in other countries there are legal assistants to help MPs draft bills. We as MPs discuss the issues and how those issues have to be dealt with, but drafting a bill is a technical work. Currently we have to pay private firms to draft bills, and it is costly.

I think this is something the secretariat should work on, there should be a drafting department capable of providing this assistance.

AR: What are your thoughts on party switching? Do you think it undermines the party system?

RA: It does not undermine party system. Party is actually a political ideology, so if a person’s thinking changes and that the current party does not follow the same line of thinking, one has to go where that thinking exists.

I don’t believe in changing party for money. But changing to a party that fit’s one’s political thinking and ideology is a right, and it is a right guaranteed by the constitution for every citizen.

When the general thinking of majority membership of the party varies from mine, if I stay in that party I will always have to work against the common members of the party.

There are not much of difference ideological between MDP and DRP, especially DRP leadership. The split up came during the presidential elections when it came down to MDP versus PPM – DRP had to take a side. We found that common members wanted to side with PPM, but most people in DRP leadership has a thinking similar to MDP.

I assure to all members of MDP that I came to MDP because I wanted to. And despite what some anti-campaigners say, I did not change party for the seat and I will never change to PPM.

AR: What do you see as major challenges for political participation of women in the Maldives?

RA: There should be equal rights, and you could say women can run for parliament and they can also get elected even without reserving seats. But we can see the results, that it is not the reality. If that was the case people would be elected equally [from both genders].

Another issue is financing campaigns, most cannot fund campaigns by themselves. We need to find ways to provide funding for women who compete in elections. The government also need to create awareness and encourage women to get into politics.
But we can’t reserve seats without amending the constitution. Another way to deal with this is for parties to encourage women to compete in their strongholds. If I’m elected I will do whatever is necessary for the empowerment of women.


President Yameen to make official visit to Sri Lanka in late January

President’s Office has announced on Sunday that President Abdulla Yameen will be making an official state visit to Sri Lanka from January 21 to 23 with First Lady Fathimath Ibrahim on invitation of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa.

According to the statement, the president will focus on holding deliberation with his Sri Lankan counterpart on the further strengthening bilateral ties between the two countries.

In addition to talks between the two countries, Yameen will also meet with Maldivians living in Sri Lanka during the trip.

A business forum will also be organised in alignment with Yameen’s visit by the Sri Lankan-Maldivian Business Council to discuss ways to enhance business and investment ties between the two countries.

In addition to cabinet members and state officials Minister of Foreign Affairs Dunya Maumoon, Ministers at the President’s Office Mohamed Hussain Shareef and Abdulla Ameen, Foreign Secretary Ali Naseer Mohamed, and Commissioner of Police Hussain Waheed will travel.

Members of the government coalition and ruling party Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM) will also be in the high level delegation which is to join Yameen on the state visit. This will  include coalition partner Jumhooree Party leader and Chairman of Villa Enterprises Gasim Ibrahim, coalition partner Maldives Development Alliance leader and Chairman of Sun Travels Ahmed Siyam, Vice President of PPM MP Abdul Raheem Abdulla, PPM Parliamentary Group (PG) Deputy Leader MP Moosa Zameer and Chief Whip of PPM PG MP Ali Arif.

According to Indian media, the invitation letter to visit Sri Lanka was delivered to Yameen during a courtesy call by the Sri Lankan High Commissioner Dickson Sarathchandra in December.


Police arrests man accused of sexual harassment of a minor

Police have announced that its branch in the island of Kulhudhuhfushi in Haa Dhaalu atoll has today arrested a 19 year old man accused of “forcefully committing illicit sexual acts” with a 15 year old girl.

Police stated that the man was arrested under a court warrant at 0940hrs this morning. Due to the status of the investigation, police have not yet revealed additional information regarding the case.


Quran teachers still be to found for 12 schools

The Education Ministry has stated that while the administrative year began and schools opened on January 14, Quran teachers still remain unavailable for 12 schools.

Education Ministry Human Resource Director General Mohamed Saeed stated that while the state had sought to employ 69 Quran teachers, 56 persons had applied and all are now employed in different schools.

He stated that the ministry has now announced for 12 more teachers, and that the announcement will expire within the week. He explained that although separate Quran teachers have not yet been found for these 12 schools, Quran is still, however, taught as a subject in these schools too.

“While we are still seeking 12 teachers for these schools, we have made arrangement for Quran lessons to already be taught in these schools too. We are doing this by having either leading teachers or the Islamic Studies teachers provide Quran lessons for the meantime,” he is quoted as saying to local media.

Establishing Quran as an obligatory subject in all grades and teaching them in all schools is among the 100 day plans of the Education Ministry.


High Court orders Hithadhoo Magistrate Court to review sentence

The High Court has ordered the Hithadhoo Magistrate Court to review a sentence of a one year jail sentence it delivered on Ubaidhullah Hassan for his refusal to provide a urine sample.

The order was released after Hassan appealed the case in the High Court.

The High Court stated that the reasoning behind its issuance of the review order was that Hassan was not allowed to have legal representation in court. It stated that,although Hassan had initially declined from getting legal representation, he had later gotten a lawyer, even after which he was not given the opportunity to present legal representation in court hearings.

Hassan has also appealed that his arrest was arbitrary and unlawful, and that therefore providing samples requested for in regard to an unlawful arrest would itself be void, according to local media reports.
