Criminal Court releases suspect in Minivan News attack

The Criminal Court last night released a suspect arrested by police in connection with the attack on Minivan News on Thursday afternoon (September 25).

Police arrested the 32-year-old man Thursday night on charges of stealing a CCTV camera outside the Minivan News building and took the suspect before a judge last night seeking extension of detention.

machete knife was buried in the door of the Minivan News building after a man in a white shirt – clearly identifiable on the CCTV footage – removed the security camera.

Police have confirmed to local media that the suspect was released with conditions.

According to the Criminal Court, the three conditions were cooperating with the police investigation, not leaving Malé without informing police, and not causing any disturbance.

Local media has identified the suspect as Ahmed Muaz, known as ‘Gatu Mua,’ an alleged gang leader with a criminal record for theft and other offences.

Shortly before newspaper Haveeru published the news of Muaz’s arrest on Thursday night, a journalist at the local daily received a death threat via text message from a private number.

“If you write the name [of the arrested suspect] we will wipe you out. Remember that,” read the message, which was also posted on Twitter by the journalist.

Other media outlets reportedly received threatening phone calls warning them not to name the individual.

According to Haveeru, Muaz refused to get into the police van when police attempted to take him into custody.

“He went to the police office on his own cycle,” the newspaper reported.

Home Minister Umar Naseer meanwhile tweeted: “The suspect who attacked Minivan News office has been arrested. The govt will uphold the law.”

Following a meeting between journalists and Naseer late on Thursday night, the minister released a press statement the next day assuring that the attack on Minivan News as well as threats to journalists would be investigated with seriousness and urgency.

As the incident was related to “gang activity,” Naseer said the government was taking prompt action.

“[We] offer assurance that the government’s efforts to find an adequate and permanent solution to the environment of crime created in the Maldives will be carried forward without interruption,” the statement read.

In the hours after the attack, a Minivan News journalist also received a death threat, which read: “You will be killed or disappeared next, be careful.”

The Minivan News office building was also evacuated on Thursday night following threats of an arson attack. A similar threat was sent to opposition-aligned private broadcaster Raajje TV.

Investigation report

The attack on the Minivan office came after an investigation report – commissioned by the Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN) and conducted by Glasgow-based Athena Intelligence and Security – into the disappearance of Minivan News journalist Ahmed Rilwan was made public.

Citing the abduction of several young men in June by a vigilante group in a push to identify online activists advocating secularism or professing atheism, the investigation report found gang activity in Rilwan’s abduction to be a “strong possibility.”

The abductions in June followed local media reports of a meeting between Islamic Minister Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed and youth groups who expressed concern over insults to Islam online and the promotion of homosexuality.

Witnesses to the abductions told Minivan News that the individuals photographed in the meeting formed part of the vigilante group that carried out the abductions in June.

The investigation report commissioned by MDN claimed that Muaz met both Islamic Minister Shaheem and Home Minister Umar Naseer.

In an apparent reference to the meeting with Muaz, Home Minister Naseer tweeted yesterday (September 26) that his “daily schedule involves meeting people who request for appointments”.

“Muaz’s concerns included the growth of secularism, which he believed would eventually destabilise the Maldives as rifts between Islamists and secularists erupt into open violence,” the investigation report stated.

Police told Minivan News last week that individuals named in the investigation report “raised their concerns and some have filed cases with the police alleging that their personal safety and security is at risk and they are receiving threats.”

Meanwhile, Tourism Ministry’s Coordinator Ahmed Shamoon tweeted yesterday of a war against MDN and Minivan News. The ruling Progressive Party of Maldives member later deleted the tweet and claimed the screenshot circulating on social media was “fake”.

“The war we are waging against MDN and Minivan News is a war against laadheeniyath [secularism or irreligiousness],” read the tweet.


Foreign ministry, US embassy, international organisations condemn attack on Minivan News

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the US embassy in Colombo, and international press freedom organisations have issued statements condemning the attack on the Minivan News office.

A machete knife was buried in the door of the Minivan News building on Thursday afternoon (September 25) after a known gangster removed the CCTV security camera outside the premises.

Expressing “deep concern” with the increasing intimidation and threats faced by journalists, Foreign Minister Dunya Maumoon “noted that the government remains strongly committed to create an environment that gives protection to media personnel to exercise their duties freely and responsibly.”

“Media freedom and freedom expression are fundamental human rights guaranteed under the Constitution of the Maldives and the human rights instruments that the Maldives is party to,” read the foreign ministry statement.

“At the ongoing Human Rights Council Session in Geneva the Maldives co-sponsored the resolution calling for the safety of journalist.”

The US embassy also expressed concern “about the recent attacks on media and political offices in Malé as well as continuing threats to media personnel.”

“Peaceful freedom of expression is a fundamental democratic right, and we strongly condemn these acts. The embassy notes the prompt Maldivian Police Service action to launch an investigation, urges the authorities to bring to justice the perpetrators, and calls for an end to all intimidation and violence,” the US embassy stated.

Press freedom

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) meanwhile noted that the attack came after an investigative report – commissioned by the Maldivian Democracy Network – on the disappearance of Minivan News journalist Ahmed Rilwan was made public.

“The fact that [Thursday’s] attack on Minivan came three days after the report’s publication is not seen as a coincidence,” RSF stated.

Citing the abduction of several young men in June by a vigilante group in a push to identify online activists advocating secularism or professing atheism, the investigation report found gang activity in Rilwan’s abduction to be a strong possibility.

“Reporters Without Borders condemns this latest attack and calls on the authorities to provide Minivan’s journalists with protection, especially as this is not the first time the website and its staff have been targeted,” the statement read.

Rilwan remains missing after 50 days and is believed to have been abducted.

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) also called on the government to conduct a thorough investigation and expressed concern with declining safety for journalists in the Maldives.

“This attack is clearly intended to intimidate an independent news organisation for its editorial line,” said IFJ Asia Pacific Deputy Director Jane Worthington.

“It’s a lame and condemnable attempt that the Maldives government should investigate thoroughly to ensure the perpetrators are punished as soon as possible.”

The IFJs local affiliate, Maldives Journalist Association (MJA), also put out a press release condemning the attack.

“Minivan News is an established and active news organisation, and this attack is a clear attempt to threaten and intimidate journalists in the Maldives. MJA calls upon the authorities to investigate this incident with utmost urgency,” MJA said.

The MJA noted that institutions and mechanisms were in place to investigate complaints regarding the media, noting that “differences [of opinion] with regard to content published by news organisations do not warrant vandalism and intimidation.”

“While establishing an environment where journalists could work freely is a responsibility for all, we call on the relevant authorities of the state to do everything necessary to ensure [press freedom],” the MJA said.

After rising to 51st in 2009, the Maldives dropped to 108th place to pre-2008 levels in the RSF Press Freedom Index for 2014, marking a decline in press freedom for the third consecutive year.

In February 2013, opposition-aligned private broadcaster Raajje TV reporter Ibrahim ‘Asward’ Waheed was nearly beaten to death, while the station’s offices and equipment were destroyed in an arson attack in October.

In June 2012, two men slashed the throat of freelance journalist and blogger Ismail Hilath Rasheed with a box cutter.


Chinese tourist injured in accident dies in Sri Lanka

A Chinese tourist injured in an accident in Malé on September 20 has passed away while undergoing treatment in Sri Lanka, reports Sun Online.

Jiyathai Joo, 50, was hit by a speeding motorbike while photographing the People’s Majlis building on Medhuziyaarai Magu. The 19-year-old motorcyclist was meanwhile taken into police custody.

After being treated at ADK hospital, the Chinese tourist was flown to Colombo, Sri Lanka the following day for treatment of head injuries. In addition to a skull fracture, the victim was reportedly bleeding internally, which could not be treated in the Maldives.

Chinese tourists have become common increasingly common in the capital in recent years, with day trips offering a change of pace from the relaxed island resorts elsewhere in the atoll.

The rapidly expanding Chinese market now accounts for around 30 percent of the one million plus visitors to the country each year.

The most frequent source of accidents involving Chinese tourists involve snorkelling incidents, with the government having previously acknowledged the need to improve safety regulations in this respect.


Man sustains head injury in assault

A 25-year-old man was assaulted in Malé around 2:45pm yesterday near the Islamic College in the Henveiru ward of the capital.

According to police, the victim was rushed to the Indira Gandhi Memorial Hospital for treatment of head injuries and has since been released.

No arrests have yet been made in connection with the assault, police said.

In August, a spate of violent assaults in the capital – which police said was a series of gang reprisals – saw two young men stabbed to death.


President asks Teachers Association for proposal to address grievances

The Teachers Association of Maldives (TAM) met President Abdulla Yameen on Wednesday (September 24) to discuss pay rises and education sector reform after a calling off a planned nationwide strike.

TAM informed local media following the one-hour meeting at the President’s Office that the president listened to teachers’ concerns and asked for a proposal on addressing grievances about pay and other issues.

The proposal on increasing salary for teachers and improving efficiency in the education sector would be submitted next month following consultation with the education ministry, TAM said.

The response from President Yameen was “positive” and TAM received assurances that a pay rise would be considered.

“The government’s decision to sit for talks and compile a timeline [on meeting the demands] is a sign President Yameen himself attended to the teacher’s demands,” TAM President Athif Abdul Hakeem told Minivan News on Sunday (September 21) after teachers went on to work dressed in black.

The Ministry of Education had earlier appeared unwilling to give in to teachers’ demands for higher pay and reform, while the Labor Relations Authority reportedly labelled the proposed strike as ‘not peaceful’.

A statement from the Civil Service Commission meanwhile noted that government was treating the potential strike as illegal.

Grievances raised by TAM include revised pay, protection of teachers and students, and official recognition of the association.


MDP office set on fire amid escalating tension

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) office on Sosun Magu in Malé was set on fire around 12:45am last night amid escalating tension in the capital.

The arson attack follows vandalism of the main opposition party’s office for two consecutive nights and numerous death threats sent from unlisted numbers to MDP MPs, senior members and dozens of journalists.

Eyewitnesses told local media that petrol was poured into the ground floor of the office through the smashed up windows before a lit molotov cocktail was hurled inside. A second lit molotov cocktail fell outside the door.

A team from the fire and rescue service of the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) arrived shortly after the incident and extinguished the flames. The damage caused by the fire was reported to be minor.

According to the party, the attack came about 15 minutes after staff left the office in Henveiru Sharaasha.

Meanwhile, around 2:15am, the door of former MDP MP Hamid Abdul Ghafoor’s residence was set ablaze. Half an hour later, Hamid received a text warning that he would be stabbed and killed.

The fire was swiftly put out before it could spread. An eyewitness saw a lit molotov cocktail or ‘petrol bomb’ hit the door.

The previous night (September 24), crude oil was thrown on the house of former President Mohamed Nasheed while the opposition leader was at an MDP national council meeting at the nearby Malé City Hall.

The windshield of MDP Chairperson Ali Waheed’s car was smashed with a large rock later the same evening.

Hamid told Minivan News yesterday that attacks against the party’s office and members have been frequent during the past eight years.

“Since 2005, MDP office has been vandalised countless times and each time we get a forensics team doing some investigation but there seems to be no end to these investigations,” the party’s international spokesperson said.

Hamid suggested that the recent spate of attacks might be motivated by Nasheed accusing Adhaalath Party leaders of radicalising and indoctrinating youth to carry out vigilante actions in the name of Islam.

“Don’t do this to our youth. Don’t make them do vile deeds after picking them out individually and leading them astray,” Nasheed appealed at an MDP rally held on Monday night (September 22).

Death threats

In a tweet posted yesterday, Nasheed expressed concern with the evident lack of concern from PPM in response to the repeated vandalism of the MDP office as well as the death threats sent to MPs and senior members.

MDP MP Imthiyaz Fahmy told Minivan News last week that death threats have become too commonplace to publicise each incident.

Following last week’s rally, MDP MP Eva Abdulla received a text message threatening a suicide attack at the next MDP gathering. The message also threatened to “kill off” MDP members and vowed to “fight to the last drop of blood.”

Eva revealed on social media last night that she had received a text threatening to kill the children of MDP members.

“Don’t bring out your children on the streets these days. Stabbing season is about to begin. [We] will kill you,” the message read.

Eva noted that the same message was sent to many MDP members while the “govt looks on”.

Several journalist were also sent a text message warning them not to cover “the incidents happening in Malé now”, which yesterday included an attack on the Minivan News office and SMS threats to a staff member.

“This is a war between the laadheenee [secular or irreligious] MDP mob and religious people. We advise the media not to come in the middle of this. We won’t hesitate to kill you,” read the threat.

The text message was sent to journalists from opposition-aligned private broadcaster Raajje TV, and state broadcaster Television Maldives as well as other news outlets.

Following the vandalism of the party’s office for a second consecutive night, the MDP put out a press statement yesterday criticising the police’s failure to properly investigate the attacks and apprehend the perpetrators.

The statement noted that Wednesday’s nights attacks came after protection was sought from the police.

“This party believes that the attacks against the MDP leadership, administrative staff, and property are an uncivilised atrocity committed to eradicate opposition political ideology,” the party stated.

The party further contended that statements from government ministers and institutions were encouraging the “atrocities” and increase of serious crimes, condemning the government’s inaction and silence in the wake of the attacks.

“The party assures all Maldivian citizens that despite the attacks on the residences and property of the MDP’s senior leaders, the party’s leadership will not back down a single inch and swiftly carry on with our efforts to establish justice and equality in the Maldives, ensure human rights, and strengthen democracy,” the statement read.


Minivan News office attacked with machete, CCTV camera destroyed

A machete knife was lodged into the door of the Minivan News building this afternoon shortly after a renowned gangster removed a CCTV camera from outside the building.

An eyewitness saw two men with long hair flee on a motorbike after leaving the knife on the door at around 2:25pm, immediately after the man took down the security camera.

The eyewitness heard the men pound the door with the knife. The rusty machete knife was left in the door of a ground floor apartment of the building.

One Minivan News member has received a threat by SMS in the hours since the attack.

“You will be killed or disappeared next, be careful,” read the message.

Minivan News has lodged the incident and shared footage with police as well as making an official request for protection for its staff and premises.

The man seen attacking the office – wearing a white T-shirt – is clearly identifiable on the CCTV footage as he walks past the door, reaches up and grabs the camera off its perch.

The incident comes shortly after the publication of an investigative report – commissioned by the Maldivian Democracy Network (MDN) – into the disappearance of Minivan News journalist Ahmed Rilwan.

The investigation – conducted by Glasgow-based Athena Intelligence and Security – implicated radicalised gangs in Rilwan’s suspected abduction.

Citing the abduction of several young men in June by a vigilante group in a push to identify online activists advocating secularism or professing atheism, the investigation report found gang activity in Rilwan’s abduction to be a “strong possibility.”

The abductions in June followed local media reports of a meeting between Islamic Minister Shaheem and youth groups who expressed concern over insults to Islam online and the promotion of homosexuality.

The man seen attacking Minivan News today appeared to have been part of the group that met both the Islamic minister and Home Minister Umar Naseer prior to the abductions.

“Minivan News is extremely concerned at this blatant attempt to intimidate our staff and damage our premises,” said a spokesman for Minivan News.

“Fortunately, the individual guilty of this attack has clearly been caught on CCTV and so we expect police will have little difficulty in bringing him to justice.”


President Yameen pledges 24-hours electricity to all inhabited islands during 2015

Reliable electricity for 24 hours will be provided to all inhabited islands during 2015, President Abdulla Yameen pledged at a ceremony held last night to inaugurate the distribution of 77 generators by government utility company Fenaka to the atolls.

In addition to the 77 generators, President Yameen said the Fenaka Corporation has procured 60 generators.

“God willing, all these engines will be commissioned next year and all the equipment needed for the engines and the distribution network has now been brought,” Yameen said.

When distribution of the power generators is complete around mid-2015, President Yameen said electricity for 24 hours would be assured for the entire country “for the first time in Maldivian history”.

Aside from the 170 islands covered by Fenaka, Yameen noted that the State Electricity Company (STELCO) was already providing electricity to other inhabited islands with larger populations.

Assuring electricity service across the country was “not a small accomplishment,” he added, expressing gratitude to the Fenaka management team and CEO Mohamed Nimal.

Fenaka was established in June 2012 by former President Dr Mohamed Waheed after dissolving seven provincial utility companies formed by his predecessor.

The 77 new generators were procured for US$5.9 million from China’s FuJian Yanan Power, including 40 generators of 160 -200 kilowatts, 24 generators of 250-300 kilowatts and 13 of 500 -1000 kilowatts.

Cables required for the project were purchased from Sri Lanka’s Kelani Cables Company for US$33.9 million

A contract for the distributional boxes for the project was awarded to local Power Engineering company for approximately US$ 16.9 million in July.

In July, opposition Maldivian Democratic Party MPs objected to frequent power cuts in their constituencies, including Addu City, Noonu Velidhoo and Laamu Gan.

Yameen meanwhile said efforts were underway to provide electricity services at an affordable price, which includes making arrangements for purchasing oil and generating electricity from renewable sources.

Following a visit by Indian Foreign Minister Salman Kurshid in February, the Indian government pledged to supply petroleum products “on favourable terms.”

Yameen also said state-owned enterprises (SOEs) should be “integrated with the government’s mainframe policy,” which would ensure that government-owned companies cooperate, work towards common goals and implement the Progressive Party of Maldives’ (PPM) manifesto.

The new administration sought to identify “inherent problems” with the government companies and improve interfacing and networking.

While the boardroom would have autonomy to manage the company, Yameen revealed that a group of ministers have been tasked with coordinating among the companies.


Local sustainable fisheries auditor appointed in Maldives

Sustainable fisheries consultants MacAlister Elliott & Partners have trained and appointed a Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) auditor in the Maldives.

Seema Ali will specialise in MSC assessment programmes, awarding sustainable fisheries certification to local companies in a move aimed to support employment in the Maldives.

“It is great to have someone based in the Maldives who can take on new MSC assessment programmes and also manage existing ones, for example through surveillance audits,” said Kat Collinson of MacAlister Elliott.

The Maldives’ skipjack tuna fishery is the first Indian Ocean tuna fishery to receive the MSC certification in 2012 for its low-impact technique where each wild fish is caught individually to reduce by-catch.

“Seema has embraced the role with great enthusiasm and she will also be well placed to take on new and existing MSC assessments in other parts of the Indian Ocean such as Thailand, Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Indonesia,” Collinson added.

Collinson undertook MSC Chain of Custody (CoC) surveillance audits of the Maldives skipjack tuna pole and line fishery while in the Maldives. CoC standards for seafood traceability ensures the MSC ecolabel is only displayed on seafood from sustainable sources, explained MacAlister Elliott.

Traditionally the Maldives’ primary industry, the fishing industry has declined in recent years, falling behind tourism and construction as the country’s third-largest industry.

The volume of fish catch in the country has been steadily declining for the past seven years. While approximately 185,000 tonnes of fish were caught in 2006, the number had dropped to about 70,000 tonnes in 2011.

During the past five years, the value of the nation’s fisheries industry declined from MVR489 million (US$31.7 million) to MVR321 million (US$20.8 million) with a corresponding fall of 3.3 percent of the economy to 1.1 percent in 2012.

Statistics released by the Maldives Monetary Authority this month showed that fish purchases declined by 44 percent to 2,124.7 metric tonnes between July 2013 and July 2014.

The Ministry of Islamic Affairs has recently started awarding halal certification to local fisheries companies in order to open up Islamic markets for export.

The move followed notification from the European Union that extension of the duty-free status of imported fish from the Maldives would be rejected due to he country’s failure to comply with international conventions concerning freedom of religion.

UK Supermarket chain Sainsbury announced earlier this year that it had introduced the country’s first certified sustainable tuna sandwich using the MSC eco-label.
