16-year-old girl now missing for 49 days

Police have yet to reveal any information on the missing 16-year-old girl, Fathimath Malha, who was reported missing on August 25.

Local media has reported the case as being a ‘runaway’, though police media have declined from explaining on what basis the case is being investigated.

“I can only confirm that the matter is being presently investigated. We will not be revealing any further details to media,” an official told Minivan News.

A description of the missing girl on the police website states that she is dark eyed, curly haired, slim, and tall.

Police have sought public assistance on the case, appealing to citizens to contact them on 3322111 or their Family and Child Protection Department on 9790163 if anyone possesses any information regarding the case.


Majlis asked to approve new ambassador to India and PIC members

President Abdulla Yameen has chosen to appoint former Commissioner General of Customs Ahmed Mohamed as the Maldivian ambassador to India.

Ahmed Mohamed’s name is scheduled to be sent to the parliament which will conduct background checks on the candidate before making a decision. The Majlis returned from recess today.

It is believed that Ahmed Mohamed was dismissed from his position at customs after a disagreement with the government over the recruitment policies.

Local media has reported that his removal from the post followed his refusal to bow to government pressure to bypass regulations in the appointment of customs officials.

The current ambassador to India is Mohamed Naseer who was formerly the foreign secretary at Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

President Yameen’s nominees for the two vacant seats on the Police Integrity Commission (PIC) were also been sent to parliamentary committees for evaluation at today’s sitting of the Majlis.

The nominees for the PIC – Saeed Moosa, of special registry number 5381, and Fathimath Minhath Izzath, of Galolhu Gofi – are to be evaluated by the independent institutions oversight committee.


Addu Council to prioritise dealing with waste management issue in 2015

Addu City Council has announced that they will be prioritising a waste management programme when drafting the budget for 2015.

The council stated that there is an even higher need for this at present due to the development of guest house tourism in the city.

Addu City Mayor Abdulla Sodiq also reflected on the importance of increasing public awareness on waste management, local media reports.

The council stated that the waste management system they intend to introduce will facilitate the conversion of recycling and the production of fertilisers through the burning of waste.

The council had previously discussed conducting a waste management program in Addu with the assistance of the Ministry of Environment.


Media council re-opens membership application

The Maldives Media Council (MMC) has reopened the application process for new members for the third time.

In a statement released today, the home ministry said that the application would be open for applicants who want to become a member of the committee until October 22.

The MMC consists of eight members from the media and seven members from the general public who are not affiliated with the media.

Complications with the first attempted application process caused the elections to be postponed, while the second attempt was delayed after issues were raised regarding inactive media outlets still being eligible to vote.


MIRA collects MVR835.7 million in September

The Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) collected MVR835.7 million (US$54 million) in taxes during September, 4.3 percent higher than the forecast income for the month.

MIRA explained in a press statement yesterday that the tax revenue was 24.4 percent higher than the same period in 2013.

While proceeds from tourism land rent accounted for MVR315.7 million (US$20 million), MIRA revealed that MVR302.7 million (US$19.6 million) was collected as GST (Goods and Services Tax).

As of the end of September, MIRA has collected a total of MVR9.01 billion (US$584 million), which represents a 26.3 percent increase from last year. A total of MVR8.9 billion (US$577 million) was collected by the end of 2013.

Despite record levels of government income, however, the Ministry of Finance and Treasury reduced recurrent expenditure by 20 percent this month in an effort to curb a growing budget deficit.


Civil Court orders DRP to pay over MVR1.1 million to MTCC

The Civil Court has on Sunday ordered the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP) to pay MVR1,111,438.96 (USD72,406.45) to Maldives Transport and Contract Company Plc (MTCC).

The party was taken to court by the MTCC after its failure to pay this amount for services rendered to the party during the 2008 presidential elections, in which the party’s then-leader Maumoon Abdul Gayoom lost to the Maldivian Democratic Party’s Mohamed Nasheed.

The Civil Court verdict in the case orders the party to split the payment and complete payments within a period of six months.

Earlier in April, the Civil Court ordered the party to pay back a debt of over MVR700,000 (USD45,602.61) to HUB Company. The DRP was later fined by the court for ts  failure to complete payment as per court orders.

Island Aviation Services are also currently suing the party seeking repayment of debts. After backing unsuccessful candidates during the 2013 presidential election, the DRP failed to win any seats in the 2014 Majlis elections.


Government announces expenditure cuts to curb ballooning budget deficit

The Finance Ministry has cut back on planned development projects and reduced recurrent expenditure by 20 percent in an effort to curb a ballooning budget deficit.

A circular issued by the ministry on September 28, and publicised today, has assured that wages and allowances will not be affected.

The initially projected MVR1.3 billion deficit in this year’s record budget is now expected to rise to over MVR4 billion due to shortfalls in revenue and increases in unplanned expenditure – in particular the raising of pensions from MVR2300 to MVR5000.

Tourism Minister Ahmed Adeeb had pledged to raise revenue for elderly pensions through T-bill sales, but Finance Minister Abdulla Jihad admitted in August that the government had been forced to rely on the state budget for the handouts.

In the same month, Jihad also warned that the deficit may affect the government’s ability to pay civil servants.

“We try to make regular salary payments even if we have to take loans in order to do so,” he said.

The government currently employs just under 25,000 civil servants, representing over 7 percent of the population. This high figure has long been identified as one of the causes of country’s fiscal imbalances.

According to Maldives Monetary Authority figures, while the government had spent MVR10.1 billion by June 2014, it only raised MVR6.3 billion in revenue during the same period. Meanwhile, government spending in June rose 58 percent compared to the same period in 2013.

Opposition leader and former President Mohamed Nasheed in a rally last night contended the deficit was plugged with the public’s savings at banks, and expressed concern over the impact on the financial sector should the government find itself unable to pay back treasury bills.

Meanwhile, the government is also facing the prospect of a potentially crippling payout to infrastructure giant GMR after a Singapore court of arbitration ruled in favour of the Indian company in a dispute over the premature termination of its airport concession deal.

The MMA’s 2013 Macroeconomic Development report said that shortfalls in revenue and overruns in expenditure could jeopardise the country’s debt sustainability – currently 81 percent of GDP.

President Abdulla Yameen’s economic development plans have focused almost solely on attracting foreign investment for large infrastructure projects and special economic zones (SEZs).

The recently passed SEZ Act is a “landmark law” that will “transform” the economy through diversification and mitigate the reliance on the tourism industry, Yameen has said.

The government maintained that SEZs with relaxed regulations and tax concessions were necessary to attract foreign investors and launch ‘mega projects’ for economic diversification, which would create jobs and elevate the economy to a “new production frontier.”

Meanwhile, Nasheed has noted that attempts to attract investment in the government’s 11 months in power have failed. Nasheed last night claimed foreign multi-national companies were reluctant to invest in the Maldives.

“We are saying the [Progressive Party of Maldives’] government has failed because they are not practicing what they preach at all,” he said during a speech in Fuvahmulah.

Nasheed also criticised the PPM’s failure to provide a pledged MVR10,000 a month to fishermen during lean periods and the failure to provide MVR8000 to farmers.

Both the outgoing and incoming governors of the MMA have this year called on the state to reduce expenditure alongside increases in revenue.

Successive governments have imposed similar spending cuts, while an IMF delegation visiting the country in February expressed surprise at the economy’s continuing resilience.

“For a long time we’ve been saying that reserves at the MMA are very low and that the fiscal deficit is quite difficult and we expect the economy to run into some problems,” said resident representative Dr Koshy Mathai.

“But somehow the economy has shown resilience, a lot of resilience, and we’ve been surprised – happily surprised but surprised nonetheless.”


Global Projects Development company hands over five apartments in Gulhi Falhu

The Global Projects Development (GPD) company handed over five two-room apartments in Gulhi Falhu to their respective owners yesterday (October 11), reports local media.

A GPD official told the press that the remaining flats in the ‘Orchid Residence’ would be handed over at a ceremony on Saturday.

Public services such as a health centre and twice daily ferry services to Malé would be available once the island is inhabited, the official explained, adding that the government gave authorisation on September 18 to continue with the Gulhi Falhu development plan.

GDP is constructing 2,500 flats in the reclaimed island west of the capital near the industrial island of Thilafushi.

The US$600 million Gulhi Falhu development project – which involved reclamation of 40 hectares of land – was launched during the administration of former President Mohamed Nasheed.


Dr Bilal Phillips to visit the Maldives for the second time

Canadian preacher Dr Bilal Phillips is set to visit the Maldives for the second time at the end of this month in order to deliver a religious sermon upon invitation by local religious organisation Jamiyyathul Salaf.

Dr Phillips will give a sermon named ‘The call’ on the 30th of this month, and will be accompanied by British Islamic scholar Abdu Raheem Green.

Speaking to Haveeru, president of Jamiyatthul Salaf, Abdulla bin Mohamed Ibrahim said that they had received a lot of support for the initiative and informed that the programme will be conducted in various locations in the Maldives including Fuvahmulah and Addu City.

Dr Phillips was recently investigated and deported from the Philippines for inciting terrorist ideologies. He was questioned by the Phillipines police regarding links terrorist organisations including the Islamic State (IS).

The controversial preacher who frequently appears on Islamic television channel Peace TV has been banned from entering Germany, the United Kingdom, Australia, and the United States of America for security reasons.
