Maldives presides over first AOSIS plenary session as chair

The Maldives has presided over its first session as chair of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) in New York.

“As one of the founding members of AOSIS, it is a great honour to assume this stewardship role on what is the eve of the coalition’s twenty-fifth anniversary, and also during a critical year for international efforts to address sustainable development and climate change,” said Ambassador Ahmed Sareer, the Maldives’ Permanent Representative to the United Nations.

A statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs notes that the Maldives’ time as chair will see continued discussions to define the post-2015 development agenda as well as the crucial COP 21 talks in Paris this December, which will seek to decide upon a new framework for a legally binding agreement on climate change.

“Political momentum for action on these urgent issues is building and the Maldives is committed doing everything we can to seize this opportunity to improve the quality of life for island people and all vulnerable communities around the world,” continued Sareer, the group’s chair.

In a message to the meeting, Minister of Foreign Affairs Dunya Maumoon noted that this will present an opportunity for AOSIS to “maneuver”.

“This is the time for AOSIS countries to make the most crucial decisions for the future of our people. And the Maldives is honoured to have been entrusted with this esteemed groups’ leadership at this crucial time,” said Dunya.

Formed of 39 low-lying coastal and small island countries, the alliance focuses primarily on issues of vulenerability – particularly in reference to the effects of climate change. It functions as a lobby group within the UN system, of which its members make up 20 percent.


Nasheed pays an official visit to newly elected Sri Lankan President and Prime Minister

President Mohamed Nasheed has paid an official visit to the newly elected Sri Lankan President Sirisena Maithiripala.

At the meeting held in the President’s Office in Colombo this morning, Nasheed congratulated Sirisena on his electoral victory and the Sri Lankan people for the peaceful transition of power.

Nasheed was accompanied by opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) chairperson Ali Waheed, former Majlis Speaker Abdulla Shahid, former foreign minister Ahmed Naseem, and former health minister Dr Aminath Jameel.

President Nasheed also met with newly elected Prime Minister Ranil Wikramasinghe this afternoon.

Before departing to Sri Lanka earlier this week, Nasheed noted that the newly elected ruling United National Party (UNP) is a sister party to the MDP through the International Democratic Union, adding that was a privilege that a like-minded party is ruling in “our closest neighbor”.

He also expressed confidence in positive assistance and aid from Sri Lanka to the Maldives in general terms, and particularly with regards to consolidating democracy.


British Airways stops summer flights to the Maldives

British Airways (BA) has decided to suspend summer flights to the Maldives, as well as cancelling flights to Colombo, Sri Lanka, the Telegraph reports.

“British Airways will continue flying between London Gatwick and Malé. However, the service will be operational only during the winter… to cater to the high leisure travel demand.” a BA spokesman is reported to have said.

The airline has assured all customers affected that a full refund will be issued and has apologised for any inconvenience caused as a result of the changes in flight schedules.

BA began three scheduled flights between Ibrahim Nasir International Airport ( (INIA) and Gatwick London Airport in 2009.

Meanwhile, airport officials last week announced that German airline Lufthansa is to start scheduled flights to INIA from next December, while the national carrier Maldivian airlines’ new A321 is due to arrive in the country next week.

Source: Telegraph


Guest house inspector scheme launched

The Ministry of Tourism has today commenced a programme to train guest house inspectors.

The workshop was held at the National Centre for the Information Technology (NCIT), with 20 participants from 17 islands taking part as the first batch of inspectors to be trained under the scheme.

Deputy Minister of Tourism Hussain Lirar told Minivan News that the participants – selected from names forwarded by island councils – will assist the ministry’s inspectors in ensuring that guest houses maintain professional standards after the initial licenses are granted.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the workshop, the tourism ministry’s Director General Aishath Ali stressed the importance of maintaining standards in the country’s guest houses, reported Haveeru.

Ali said it was important to ensure that all visitors and guests left the Maldives with the intention of returning.

After having just 22 registered guest houses in 2009, over 200 guest houses are now registered with the tourism ministry – with a capacity of over 2,000 beds.

According to the Maldives Monetary Authority, quarter three of 2014 saw the average operational bed capacity increase by 4 percent when compared to the same period in 2013.


Seminar on new Penal Code commences at Nasandhura Palace Hotel

A two-day seminar to create awareness in the legal community of the new penal code – to be implemented in April of this year – has commenced at Nasandhura Palace hotel Haveeru reports.

The programme, conducted with the assistance of the Commonwealth, will hear lectures from the Commonwealth secretariat’s legal and constitutional affair division’s legal advisor Mark Guthrie, Australian Chief Magistrate Ray Renaud, and UK judge Shameen Quraishee.

Speaking at the ceremony today, Supreme Court Justice Abdulla Didi expressed his joy over the introduction of the new penal code which he described to be a progressive step for the development of the Maldivian criminal justice system. The code was approved in the Majlis last year, four years after first being introduced.

Further, Justice Abdulla Didi thanked the Commonwealth for its continued efforts to aid the development of the Maldivian judiciary, assuring that the Maldivian legal system will maintain a close relationship with the organisation.

According to Haveeru, Maldivian court officials, magistrates, and judges along with other members of the legal community will attend the seminar.

Source: Haveeru


Police arrest 9 individuals on drug possession charges in 48 hours

Police have detained nine individuals on suspicion of possessing illegal narcotics within the past 48 hours.

Three men were arrested on Monday (January 12) – two in Hulhumalé and one in Dhaalu Meedhoo, a further two men were taken in on Tuesday in Kudahuvadhoo and Villimalé, while four more were apprehended in Malé and Haa Alif Hoarafushi – two from each island.

All but one of the men, a Bangladeshi, were Maldivian and two – one from Hulhumalé and one from Hoarafushi – were minors.

A total of 74 packets thought to contain illegal substances were confiscated during the police’s investigations.

Last year saw the number of drug-related crimes reported to police fall by 20 percent, while home minister Umar Naseer has pledged to prioritise the fight against drug dealers, who he has noted have attempted to infiltrate police ranks.

After visiting the Netherlands in June to finalise arrangements for a dog squad to assist in the police’s anti-drug operations, the dogs are expected to be used in operations in the Maldives after having been trained in Sri Lanka.

Home affairs officials told media yesterday the kennels for the Faara Gema team of 16 dogs – based on the airport island of Hulhulé – were due to be finished next month.


Maldivian airlines to upgrade fleet

Maldives’ national carrier Maldivian has announced it will be expanding its operational fleet, with an Airbus A-321 due to arrive sometime this month, reports local media.

Speaking to Vaguthu, an official from the national carrier said that the new airliner will start its journey towards the Maldives on January 19, from Spain, adding that the plane will be able to make the journey in one day.

The official said that the Airbus will be capable of carrying 200 passengers and that the flight will be operated by Maldivian pilots and engineers.

The airplane will start operating flights into three new Chinese cities starting from next month, with the flight being projected to bring around 1000 tourists every week.

Source: Vaguthu


Commissioner of Police for Western Australia pays visit to the Maldives

Commissioner of Police for Western Australia Karl O’Callaghan is conducting an unofficial visit to the Maldives.

A police press statement released yesterday (January 12) said O’Callaghan was received at the airport by Deputy Police Commissioner Mohamed Sadhiq and former Deputy Police Commissioner (Rtd) Ibrahim Latheef – who also served as a special consultant at Western Australia Police.

Though O’Callaghan is on an unofficial visit, he is scheduled to meet the Commissioner of Police Hussein Waheed and other executive officers explained the statement.

In addition, O’Callaghan is also scheduled to meet top government officials and also participate in a special forum where he will meet with all employees working with the police.

In August last year, a scholarship opportunity from University of Western Sydney (UWS) was unveiled for promising Maldivian police officers to participate in a three-year doctoral research course which would enable candidates to increase the capacity of the Maldivian police.


MIRA publishes new tax ruling

The Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) has published new regulations regarding the appointment of auditors assigned with the task of preparing financial statements submitted by taxpayers.

According to a tax ruling issued by MIRA on yesterday (January 12), when a taxpayer’s tax categorisation changes the same auditor can proceed with preparing financial statements after obtaining a special permission from the commissioner general of taxation.

The new ruling also states that audit firms can only be established after registering as a ‘partnership’ under the Company Act and obligates auditors to generate a report by March 31 of each year, according to a format provided by MIRA on the previous year’s audits.

This legally binding ruling signed by  Commissioner General of Taxation Yazeed Mohamed will supersede all previous tax rulings.
