Speaking upon his return from China yesterday, President Dr Mohamed Waheed Hassan told reporters that Chinese aid to the Maldives will not be limited to the US$500million (MVR7.7billion) loan finalised last week.
Waheed revealed that the Chinese government had pledged to make all necessary aid available to the Maldives, including assistance with road and shipping development, reported Haveeru.
The President expressed his hope that his meeting with Chinese businessmen would result in harbor development projects in the Maldives.
Regarding China’s view on Maldivian politics, Waheed noted that the Chinese were amongst the first nations to recognise his unity government.
“The Chinese Prime Minister personally told me that he had full confidence and support for the Maldivian government,” Waheed was reported as saying.
When speaking with Xinhua before his trip, Waheed praised China’s policy of non-interference in foreign affairs.

Yes, let's get all these loans into the country so you can get your share before the next elections, right?
It's not rocket science people.