Telecoms provider Dhiraagu has said it will be introducing usage-limits for its postpaid billed services after customer feedback highlighted concerns over smart phone owners using “excessive data” amounts.
In a statement issued today, the company claimed that it will be issuing usage limits as well as sending SMS alerts detailing when certain amounts of a monthly data allocation had been used by each of its customers.
The limits being set by Dhiraagu will be based on each customer’s previous individual usage as well as their payment history, the company has claimed.
A spokesperson for the company was unavailable to detail which specific services the limitations will apply to at the time of going to press.
“This is an initiative based on feedback from customers and will facilitate customers to better understand and control their usage levels,” Dhiraagu said in a statement. “Customers will also have the option to change their usage limit in discussion with Dhiraagu, should they wish to do so.”
According to the company, the new usage limit scheme is anticipated to be fully implemented as of June 2011, by which point contracted customers will receive an individually set usage-limit. This limit will be accompanied by SMS alerts indicating when customers have used 70 and then 85 percent of their total data allowance.
Dhiraagu said that customers will also be able to check the balance of an individual bill as well as their usage limits by sending an SMS to 727 or calling 123 on their phones.
Rival telecoms group Wataniya was unable to respond to Minivan News at the time of going to press over whether it has considered implementing similar usage measures for its data services.

Dhiraagu should NOT restrict usage-limits for its post-paid customers, but satisfy the insatiable appetite for reasonable charges for today's data-hungry-smart phone “excessive data”. The charges for GPRS by dhiraagu is a complete disgrace.