DRP-PA coalition still strong, says Yameen

Leader of the People’s Alliance (PA), Abdulla Yameen, has said that recent statements by Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) members that the PA walked out on the Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party (DRP)-PA coalition agreement is not true, reports Miadhu.

Yameen said the rumours were started to make MDP supporters happy, and to cause friction between himself and Qasim Ibrahim, founder and leader of Jumhoory Party, who recently joined the coalition.

The PA said the party could only back out of the coalition if the council decided to, and said the council had not considered the option.

Qasim later said he will accept any party’s work as long it is being done to improve people’s lives.


One thought on “DRP-PA coalition still strong, says Yameen”

  1. "DRP-PA coalition is still strong, says Yameen."

    What a joke?
    Thasmeen is also a human being. How can he pretend nothing happened and consider Yameen his ally?

    Filing a case against Thasmeen because he owes Yameen a few thousand dollars, was such a low level act from Yameen.


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