Patrick Gallagher has assumed the role as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the HSBC bank group’s operations in Sri Lanka and the Maldives.
Gallagher is said to have began his new role with “immediate effect”, the Sunday Times of Sri Lanka newspaper reported today.
Gallagher, who since November 2009 has headed up HSBC’s operations in Bahrain, will be replacing Nick Nocolau as CEO for the company’s operations in Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

Expats to Mordis Islands are paid the sums of
1) Equivalent Job in Europe
2) additional for being abroad
3) additional for being banished to a third world hell-hole without any form of entertainment, no schools worth talking about, risky, maniacal and lawless environment.
4) and its tax free.
That is the only reason expats agree to be here!
Good luck Patrick! Try and keep sane.